Return of the War God

Chapter 2323: :curse!

The mountains are broken and the dust is flying.

The entire Baisui Mountain has long been completely unrecognizable, and it was destroyed in the battle between Ye Wuque and Iori, a mess!

Only the desolate valley set up by the elegant ministers is still as good as ever, like a pure land.

"The people of the Iori and Iori tribe... are dead?"

In the quiet valley, Xu Kuangshi's stunned voice sounded, his mouth was open, and there was a hint of incredible daze in his tone!

With a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, Xu Kuangshi slowly walked towards Ye Wuque. Xu Kuangshi woke up like a dream, then stretched out his old hands and patted his old face vigorously, and then hurriedly followed.

In the distance, Ye Wuque was quietly independent, looking into the sky, deep in his eyes.

At this moment, he thought a lot!

Some of the doubts and puzzles in my previous heart were when I saw Yashen Yao, knew the betrayal of the Iori Clan, and learned part of the truth of the year. At this moment, I finally realized it slowly.

He faintly understood.

One of Fu's reasons for letting him come here!

With his right hand, the golden token that Fubo left him appeared in his hand. On the back is the map of Yuanyang Ancient Realm, and on the front is the back of Ye Father!

On the token, that back figure seemed to stand under the eternal starry sky, tall, magnificent, and stalwart, but with its back to the sentient beings, it was invisible!

The only thing that can be seen is a thick blond hair hanging down, and the hair fluttering in the void, as if dragging endless stars!


Holding the token tightly, Ye Wuque couldn't calm down at this moment!

From that Yagami rhetoric, he learned something that happened in the Eight Gods 18 years ago. His father took Fu Bo, Shinichi Iori, and himself, who had died at the time, to the Iori God. He wanted to use the Eight Gods. The Protoss’ inheritance, the Three Life Stone, came to resurrect himself, but in the end it failed!

Thoughts surged in his mind, and Ye Wuque remembered the scene he saw when he opened Fu Bo's letter and traveled through time and space.

At that time, he saw his father, standing among the broken stars, using the mysterious formation of the corpses of nine immortal kings to continue his young life!

Although it was only a back figure, Ye Wuque was deeply imprinted in the depths of his heart, overlapping with the back figure on the golden token!

Ye Wuque also remembered a word his father shouted at the time!

"In my whole life, I will conquer nine heavens and ten places, fight against all enemies on the other side, behead the enemy's head by tens of thousands, and bathe in the blood of the enemy! I am mad!

That voice was extremely vast and domineering, but it was filled with infinite sorrow, and if the sky was overwhelming, it resounded through the stars!

It was from that moment that Ye Wuque knew that his father did not abandon him, but to save his young self, he would not hesitate to bury a star, punish immortal creatures, and even slaughtered the nine immortal kings. !

Now that I have come to the Eight Gods, I have learned a little bit of the horses and horses of the year, and Ye Wuque felt once again the deep guilt and deep love from his father!

In order to resurrect his original self, Father Ye tried various methods!

To bury a starry sky, slay immortal creatures, and renew their lives with the nine immortal kings is one of them!

Traveling all the way, coming to the Eight Gods to save yourself with the Three Life Stones is one of them!

This was only what Ye Wuque already knew, he could completely imagine that his father had done much more than he knew!

As soon as he thought of this, there were faint tears in Ye Wuque's eyes and disappeared!

At this moment, his heart is filled with infinite thoughts!

Miss Father, Miss Mother, Miss Fu Bo!

I really want to be able to go to them and reunite with them!


Along the way, Ye Wuque had already experienced too many winds and waves, and his heart had long since been forged and tougher than Consummation. He remained unmoved, but after all, he was still a living person!

Until now, he has not even reached the age of twenty!

Separated from relatives and lover, Ye Wuque's heart is not painless, not sad, but it has always been deeply hidden in his heart and never easily revealed.

But at this moment, these thoughts of him couldn't help coming out of his heart, giving him an unquenchable bitterness!


Suddenly, a white and slender palm came from the side, and a wine jar was handed over. The wine in it was shaking, hitting the jar, making a sound!

Ye Wuque's expression was slightly startled, and after turning his head, he saw a pair of clear eyes!

Gently accepting the jar of wine handed by the elegant minister, Ye Wuque's mouth showed a smile.



The elegant minister also took out a jar of wine, the two jars of wine collided together, without saying anything, the two drank directly!

The spicy and hot wine poured into his throat, crashed into his abdomen, and suddenly exploded like hot magma, making Ye Wuque feel that his stomach was burning!

At the same time, there was warmth in his heart!

The two stood side by side, sipping alcohol continuously!

This is brother!

You can understand everything without saying anything, and you don't need to say anything, just be with you quietly.

After the last sip of wine was drunk, Ye Wuque put down the wine jar, and the bitterness and longing in his heart slowly faded at this moment, and his peace was restored.

Although relatives and lovers are not on the side for the time being, there are still brothers and friendship, that's enough!

Step on...

With anxious footsteps from far to near, Xu Kuangshi approached Ye Wuque. After standing still, a pair of vicissitudes of life looked deeply at the remains of Yashen Yao, and then stared at Ye Wuque, his old face surging. With a complicated look!

"Elder Xu..."

Seeing this, Ye Wuque spoke.

"Under the Tomb Keeper!"

"See you with Xu Mad Lion in the Xu Family of the Withered Rong Realm...Young Master!!"


Immediately under Ye Wuque's extremely surprised eyes, Xu Kuangshi in front of him spoke with solemn respect, and the whole person bowed down without hesitation!

This sudden scene naturally caused Ye Wuque's eyes to flash, the style minister also narrowed his eyes, and Xu Kuangshi's son Xu Tianhu opened his mouth again!

"Elder Xu, what do you mean? Get up and talk first!"

Ye Wuque didn't see any movement either, a vast invisible force immediately enveloped Xu Kuangshi, gently lifted him up, and could no longer kneel down.

Xu Kuangshi's respectful face is more sincere than before!

Ye Wuque had guessed that apart from everything Xu Kuangshi told them before, there must be some secrets in his body that he hadn't told, but he didn't expect that the rest seemed to be inseparable from him.

Xu Kuangshi took a deep breath, and after a pause, he solemnly said: "Young Master, I didn't know your identity before, the old man, so I have reservations about what I said. Please also Young Master atonement!"

"The old man told you that in this realm, the Eight Gods dominate, but they have never really ruled the entire world. The first reason is that the existence of the tomb guard invisibly restricts the Eight Gods!"

"And the second reason is... curse!"

"All the Eight Gods have received a terrible curse!"

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