Return of the War God

Chapter 2324: :go away


These two words immediately made Ye Wuque remember the backlash when the Eight Gods Yao surpassed the limit to perform the Immortal King Gong, the vitality was consumed, and the life span was shortened!

"The kind of curse that Iori Yao was bitten back?"


"No! It's not just that simple, it's only part of the curse, and there are more terrifying things, but what exactly it is, I can't know the old man. When the young master goes to the grave guard, everything will be revealed. !"

Xu Kuangshi looked at Ye Wuque, with a hint of expectation and passion in his eyes!

"Gravekeeper? Elder Xu, why do you call me Young Master?"

Ye Wuque faintly guessed something in his heart, but he couldn't be sure yet.

"Young Master, from the moment the old man and the entire Xu family became the servants of the tomb guard, the tomb guard told us an ultimate mission!"

"That is the meaning of the existence of the tombkeeper is to wait for someone to appear!"

"That person is our Young Master! That is you!"

"When you return, the entire tombkeeper will follow the vows of the past years, respect the young master, assist the young master with all his strength, and fight for the young master!"

Xu Kuangshi's remarks were categorical and loud!

"Are you afraid of admitting the wrong person?"

Ye Wuque's eyes are bright!

"You can't be wrong! The tombkeeper said that in this world, only their young master has this ability and has the courage to fight against the Eight Gods!"

"Because the entire Eight Gods has always been just a servant of your line of young master!"

"And now the servant rebels and commits the following crimes, regardless of respect and inferiority, the young master is bound to appear, reverse all this, put down the rebellion, and end this grievance!"

"and so!"

"Old man, I won't admit wrong, you are the one I have been waiting for for 18 years... Young Master!"

Xu Kuangshi's tone is low, but firm and calm!


Ye Wuque gently closed his eyes and muttered to himself.

"Father, Uncle Fu, will the existence of the tomb-keeper be your left behind..."

At this moment, Ye Wuque's conjecture finally got a trace of confirmation, but more questions also emerged.

When my father failed to resurrect himself in the Eight Gods, he must have left, but before he left, he left behind the God Summoning Tome and told the Eight Gods that he would return in the future!

Then they would not have anticipated the rebellion of the Eight Gods!

The existence of the tomb guard is likely to be the back hand left by father and Fu Bo!

So what role does the other warlord of his father, the ancestor of the Eight Gods, play in it?

And why did father and Fu Bo let themselves come to the Eight Gods?

With one thought, a hundred thoughts grow!

Xu Kuangshi told the truth, but Ye Wuque thought of more.

"Young Master, it's a great fate to want to come! The old man didn't expect to meet Young Master like this. Young Master, you not only have great kindness to my Xu family, but your arrival will definitely make the grave guards boil!"

"Yoshinya is from the Eight Gods. Not surprisingly, he should belong to the younger generation of the Eight Gods. He died in the hands of the young master. It won't take long for the Eight Gods to know!"

"At that time, Young Master, your whereabouts may be exposed. When the Eight Gods learn of your arrival, they will definitely come to look for them like crazy, and then there will be an unimaginable storm in this world!"

"Because your existence, Young Master, is related to the curse of the Eight Gods, the Eight Gods will definitely deal with you by all means!"

"The so-called double fist is hard to beat with four hands. The Eight Gods have dominated this world for a long time, and the power and foundation they possess are unimaginable. You need help, young master!"

"Therefore, the most important thing is, Young Master, you must go to the grave guard first, that is the best policy!"

Xu Kuangshi was old and refined, and immediately revealed his thoughts.

Ye Wuque nodded slowly, and Xu Kuangshi was right.

He wasn't so enthusiastic, thinking that he could single-handedly deal with the Eight Gods, that was simply a stupid way to kill!

To complete the vow and clean the door for the father by himself, we need to take a long-term view!

Besides, Ye Wuque still has a lot of questions about the existence of the tomb-keeper, and he just took this opportunity to ask if the tomb-keeper is really the back hand left by his father and Fubo, then maybe he can get it there too. Their clues.

"Elder Xu is extremely saying that the eight evil gangs have been destroyed, and there should be no power to stop us from leaving the Blight and Prosperous Realm. Elder, you must have a way to leave?"

"Don't worry, Young Master! Without the Eight Evil Gangs, and there are Young Masters, you and two adults, there is no one in Kurong who can stop us from leaving! Dare to ask Young Master, when will we leave?"

"This is the end of the matter, naturally the sooner the better."


Immediately, the red-faced Xu Kuangshi turned his head and shouted at Xu Tianhu, who was still stunned, "What are you doing standing stupidly? Tell me to go down, within half an hour, leave the Blighted Realm! Arrange the scout out first!"


Xu Tianhu just woke up like a dream, and quickly began to act.

As for Ye Wuque and the elegant minister, Xu Kuangshi naturally invited him to rest in the cave temporarily, and it happened that Ye Wuque also needed healing.

Inside the cave!

Fairy Miaomiao is still eating and drinking crazily, no different from before, the only difference is that the delicious food on the table has been changed again!

"Little Ye Zi, the color is on?"

Seeing Ye Wuque, who was stained with blood, walked in, Fairy Miao Miao said this after a glance.

"piece of cake."

Ye Wuque sat down directly, took out the healing pill, and after swallowing, he started to heal the wound.

Elegant ministers will drink for themselves.

But Xu Kuangshi, Xu Tianhu, and the entire Xu family began to get busy, with amazing efficiency, and they could officially set off in half an hour.

A quarter of an hour later, a surprise happened.

The Xu family, acting as a scout guard, found a man and a woman in a bush about ten miles away from Baisui Mountain. They were the second sons of Xu Kuangshi and the parents of Xu Bawang and Xu Linger, the current owners of the Xu family, Xu Tianlong and his wife. .

The two were originally brought by Diao Jiu as the final trump card.

But now Diao Jiu and his 800 blood robes are all on the road, and the crisis has long been resolved.

The arrival of the surprise caused quite a stir in the Xu family!

But even so, half an hour later, the Xu family still set off on time!

A huge floating warship was born, slowly drove away from Baisui Mountain, left this already messy place, and rushed into the void.

Here, peace is restored again!

But this calm won't last long, because almost the entire Dead Rong Realm knew that Diao Jiu led eight hundred blood robes to encircle and suppress the remaining forces in the Xu family. It won't be long before people from other forces will come here to investigate.

The destruction of Diao Jiu and 800 Blood Robes will soon be spread!

Once it spreads out, the entire Dry Rong Realm will riot again!

Losing Diao Jiu and 800 blood robes, the eight evil gangs have existed in name only, and are destined to be eaten and wiped out by other forces, and even the scum will not be left!

In a short time, there will be no more evil gangs in the territory of Kurong.

Just when the three of Ye Wuque and the entire Xu family left Baisui Mountain!

At the same moment!

In the depths of the Yuanyang Ancient Realm, a place that resembled a fairyland on earth, suddenly rang a swift and earth-shaking bell, breaking the peace and quiet here!

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