Return of the War God

Chapter 2325: :Ancestral Shrine

The beauty of aura is everywhere in this realm!

One mountain after another towers between the sky and the earth, and the light flashes on it, growing a number of ancient green trees, or entwined with countless ancient vines, full of strong breath of life!

Between the mountain peaks, clouds are steaming and xiawei, and every other place there is a spiritual lake full of aura, the lake in the lake trickles, there are various ancient birds flying gracefully in the sky, and there are countless ancient palaces in the distance, and the white mist rises. , The fragrance of medicine wafts.

In one of them, the surging spiritual energy soared to the sky, and Baohui was soaring, it was clearly a huge medicine garden where precious medicines were planted!

This is simply a pure land on earth!

If mortals live here, they will prolong their lives and eliminate all illnesses. If the cultivators stay here, the speed of cultivation will increase unimaginably!

But in this ancient pure land, training creatures and ordinary mortals have no chance to enter it in this lifetime!

Because the name of this pure land is...Eight Gods Spirit Realm!

It is the ancestral land of the Eight Gods who dominate this realm and dominate for a long time!

In this world, for all living creatures, the Eight Gods Spirit Realm is like a paradise on earth that exists in ancient myths and legends, eternal heaven!


However, at this moment, the rapid burst of bells resounded loudly throughout the Eight Gods Spirit Realm, like a thunderbolt in a sunny day, breaking all the quiet beauty!

The ancient birds that originally danced gracefully under the sky were frightened one by one, all crooked, their wings fanned desperately, and their colorful feathers fell off!

The transpiring spiritual energy and white mist are completely disordered, and countless powerful aura fluctuations are surging from all parts of the spiritual realm, and the vitality is brilliant!

"The clan clock rang! What happened?"

"Nine times! The clan clock rang nine times! Hiss! This is a situation that only occurs when the clan faces unimaginable changes!"

"Quick! Go to the ancestral land!"

"Could it be possible that some ants who do not know whether they live or die want to invade my Eight Gods?"



A group of glorious figures emerged from all over the spiritual realm. The peaks, the lake, the ancient trees, and the caves were all human figures coming out, turning into a stream of light, and flying through the world, heading towards a destination together!

Obviously, all these figures are from the Eight Gods tribe, who had previously practiced in retreats throughout the spiritual realm.

The mighty and ancient bell ringing lasted nine times!

This also made the entire Eight Gods Spiritual Realm, the entire Eight Gods tribe instantly boil!

The ancestral land of the Eight Gods, the ancestral shrine.

This is an ancient palace located in the deepest part of the Eight Gods Spiritual Realm. It is not that big. The whole body is pale gray. It looks even more dilapidated and desolate, as if this ancient palace will collapse at any time!

But in the entire Eight Gods tribe, this ancestral shrine is the most noble, holiest, and most respected place in the hearts of all the Eight Gods!

On weekdays, the ordinary Eight Gods do not even have the qualifications to approach the ancestral shrine!

Because here is a symbol of the rights and status of the Iori family!

Those who can live in the ancestral palace are the true ancestor-level old monsters of the Eight Gods. Sitting in this place, they can't subtly cultivate, and they are oppressive!

At this moment, the ancestral temple is completely different from the past, it has already been covered with many figures!

All these figures exudes vast and majestic fluctuations, and they are obviously a real powerhouse. If you pick one out of the Yuanyang Ancient Realm, you can easily overcome any of the six realms!

These people are the true mainstays of the Eight Gods!

But at this time, the expressions of the eight gods are exactly the same!

Greed, excitement, surprise, excitement, crazy, incredible!

The desire and enthusiasm in that pair of eyes are undisguised!

But other than that, a sense of fright flashed from time to time, very subtle.

In the huge palace, the mainstay of these dozens of Eight Gods did not speak, and kept absolutely quiet!


Until a certain moment, the whole hall suddenly radiated three waves that could be called earth-shaking, like three ancient stars descending from the sky, exuding ancient and majestic coercion!

I saw three thrones at the end of the main hall suddenly sparkling three figures bathed in endless brilliance, like gods and demons, frightening the universe!

"Meet the three elders!"

In an instant, the hall sounded uniformly, full of infinite awe!

Dozens of the mainstays of the Eight Gods all bent down and bowed deeply to the three figures sitting on the throne!

The three figures are vague and indistinct, but vaguely they can still distinguish between two old men and one old woman!

Even if the three of them just sit still, there is no fluctuation, but the three pairs of vicissitudes of life and deep eyes open and close, as if there are ancient stars falling, reflecting the sky, making people afraid to look directly.

These three people are the three great elders of the Eight Gods!

"I think you already know that Iori... is dead..."

A hoarse and old voice sounded, without the slightest emotion, as if two cold blades were colliding, making people feel chilly!

This is the old woman from the three great elders of the Eight Gods.

In the hall, dozens of Eight Gods were silent, waiting for instruction.

"That person... finally appeared..."

"Waiting for 18 years...I finally waited for him from the Eight Gods..."

One of the elders spoke with a cold and stern tone, like a thunderstorm, and the wind howled.

Only the old man sitting in the middle did not speak, but the pressure overflowing from him was the most terrifying!

"Elder Qiu, Elder evil! Now that the little thing has appeared, we don't need to wait any longer, we will capture it back to the clan directly, drain his blood, and break the curse that is covering us!!"

"As long as the curse is broken, the God Summoning Tome will be unfettered and truly become the supreme heritage of our clan. The Eight Gods will step out of the heavens and the glorious road to the heavens and worlds will begin!"

A middle-aged man standing at the forefront of dozens of Eight Gods tribesmen stepped forward slightly, speaking like this, with a sharp tone and compelling eyes!

An ancient costume, a kind of high-ranking power spreads all over his body, as if he could absolutely countless lives and deaths when he spoke!

This person is named Yashen Qingtian!

n"First o...send kb

It is the patriarch of the generation of the Eight Gods!

When the word "curse" sounded from the mouth of the Eight Gods Qingtian, all the eyes of the Eight Gods were suddenly condensed, and there was a strong fright and...resentment within it!

Even the three elders of the Eight Gods who were sitting on the throne opened their eyes slightly!

A chill and madness permeated the entire hall!

"No one can hinder the rise of my clan! That man has been gone for eighteen years, never returned, and will never return! He left the language, his son will come to this world one day, huh Now, this day has finally arrived!"

"Ye Wuque..."

"It's really a name that makes this elder feel disgusted!"

Elder Qiu, the only old woman among the three great elders, spoke coldly, and her voice made people shudder, like a poisonous snake whispering!

"Nowadays all major events in the clan can make way for it! It is the top priority to catch that puppy back!"

The evil elder's tone was low and vicious, and the entire ancestral temple was trembling.

After two successive elders expressed their views, the atmosphere in the entire hall was instantly utterly extreme!

There was a greedy smile at the corner of Iori Qingtian's mouth, but he didn't immediately announce it, because there was still one person who didn't make a statement!

The last remaining elder of the Three Great Eight Gods!

Sitting in the middle of the three thrones of the Ancestral Palace!

It is also the supreme existence that the Eight Gods subdued this world and truly stood at the top, the highest spiritual pillar and symbol of the Eight Gods!

Elder Hong!

At this moment, whether it was Elder Qiu or Elder Evil, they stopped talking, but waited for Elder Hong, who was sitting between them, to express their opinions.

"Ye Wuque..."

A soft voice sounded, obviously with a kind of vicissitudes, but the strange thing is that this voice can't even tell the age!

Elder Hong finally spoke!

An ancient and vast aura that overflowed from a long time ago filled the entire ancestral palace!

Even Elder Qiu and Elder Evil had a very solemn expression at this time. Although they are both Supreme Elders, they are only in the clan status. They fully understand that if it is strength, Elder Hong surpasses them by more than one!

After all, even the man surnamed Ye once praised Elder Hong once, saying that Elder Hong is the Bashen Clan in history, and his aptitude is second only to the existence of the ancestor Zhenyi.

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