Return of the War God

Chapter 2326: : Cut! Is he the young master?

"Elder Hong, please order!"

The Eight Gods Qingtian looked solemn, not daring to overstep the rules, and listened respectfully.

"Since this son has come to this world, they will definitely find him... tomb guard..."

In an instant, the hall became deadly silent!

The eyes of Elder Qiu and the evil elders both narrowed slightly, and the expressions of the Eight Gods Qingtian suddenly changed!

Tomb Keeper!

For the Eight Gods, the meaning of these three words is no longer necessary to say.

"The little **** never appeared before, and I didn't really face it, but now that the little **** has arrived, it's time to settle everything!"

Elder Qiu snorted coldly, with a harsh tone.


The evil elder expressed his attitude in three simple words.

Elder Hong sat quietly without speaking, as if thinking about something.

As the patriarch, the Eight Gods Qingtian has the right to speak in front of the three great elders, so he did not hesitate to say: "Elder Hong, everything is ready but the east wind owes it. All the grand events in the clan will make way for Ye Wuque. It's a month later that the clan club competition can also be cancelled. After all, this is related to the curse of my Eight Gods, please order from Elder Hong!"

Above the throne, after Elder Hong was silent for a while, the soft voice finally sounded again!

"Order to go down, prepare to use everything in the clan..."

"Elder Too! Please wait!"

However, at this moment, from outside the gate of the Ancestral Temple, a young voice full of grandeur suddenly sounded!


In the next moment, I saw several young figures entering from outside the gate like a file!

There are males and females, and each of them exudes fierce and violent fluctuations, and they are all dragons and phoenixes!


"The Eight Gods Mingyue!"

"Eight Shenyang!"


"I'll wait... to meet the three elders!"

Qi Qi's respectful shouts sounded, and the four came to the side of the Eight Gods Qingtian, and bowed to the three elders!

Seeing the appearance of these four people, Iori Qingtian also blinked!

Within the Eight Gods, there is a rule!

In addition to the patriarch who can enter the ancestral palace at will, there is also the true talent of the younger generation in the Eight Gods!

This is a personal order from Elder Hong!

For example, the four people in front of you!

These are the four great arrogances of the eight gods in this generation that are extremely strong, ranking close to the top 10.

"The four of you are coming to the ancestral shrine, do you have anything important?"

Iori Qingtian asked.

At this moment, one of the four Tianjiao took a step forward. This person was tall, with broad shoulders, and a shining hair fell down, exuding a fierce and fierce aura!

Eight gods!

One of the four great arrogances!

"Return to the patriarch, we heard that in order to capture Ye Wuwei, even the clan meeting in a month's time has to be cancelled?"

"Yes! I think you all know the reason."

Iori Qingtian nodded.

Upon seeing this, Iori was dazzling calmly and calmly said, "I waited for the four of them to dare to ask the three elders and the patriarch for instructions. There is no need to cancel the clan association at all. There is no shortage of leaves, and there is no need to even use the clan. Go to the other party, please give him... to us!"

Thump thump...

The four of them all knelt down, their faces full of grandiose domineering!

The Eight Shenyang spoke again: "The Supreme Elder, the patriarch, our generation has grown up with legends and stories about the dead dog since childhood, and has long been branded with an indelible mark and... !"

"Now that dead dog finally appears, I can't suppress the fighting spirit in my heart. I have to personally suppress it and step on it under my feet to break through the shackles in my heart, break the shackles, and go further!"


"Otherwise, even if the dead dog is captured back into the clan and the curse is broken, the shackles in my heart still cannot be broken, which is equivalent to an unbreakable shackle forever!"

"So, I will be brave, please the Supreme Elder and the patriarch complete, let us take action, personally suppress and capture the dead dog!"

"This is not only our wish, but also the wish of all the young generations of the Eight Gods!"

Eight Shenyang's tone is firm, loud and decisive!

"According to intelligence, Yashen Yao has died in this child's hands."

Iori Qingtian frowned slightly and said.

"Hey! Iori! That trash, the clan ranks no more than 20, what's the deal? He was self-righteous, greedy, and obsessed with all the magical powers and skills in the Summoning Canon, but he didn't have any proficiency. Now he died in that dead dog. In the hands, it's just taking the blame, not a pity for death!"

"How can you compare with us?"

Bashenyang seems to have already thought of his rhetoric, and now he is talking endlessly, every word is like a knife!

"Please Taishang Elder, please patriarch... to complete!"

In the quiet Ancestral Temple, the voice of Eight Gods Yang echoed!

After a long time, Elder Hong's soft voice finally sounded.


Just half an hour later, a decree emerged from the Eight Gods, shaking the Yuanyang Ancient Realm, and even more like a storm, spreading across the Seven Great Territories, sweeping the world!

"The Eight Gods are wanted for rebel criminals... Ye Wuque! Anyone who finds traces and provides information, once verified is correct, will receive an unimaginable rich reward!"

As soon as the decree came out, countless forces in the entire seven major areas boiled!

And this moment!

The three of Ye Wuque and the Xu family have already left the dry and prosperous realm, and have come to the...Autumn Water Realm which is separated from the dry and prosperous realm!

In the vast fields, there are mountains in the distance, one after another, majestic and towering, with stunning eyebrows.

A floating warship cut through the sky, the speed is fast to the extreme!

"Young Master, we will arrive at the agreed place within a quarter of an hour. The Chu Family in the Autumn Water Realm, like my Xu Family, is also one of the Tomb Keeper's spokespersons. The old man has sent all the news to Chu, the old fellow of the Chu Family. Oops, now they are waiting for us by the unwilling covered river in front of us!"

Inside the cabin, Xu Kuangshi spoke respectfully, Ye Wuque closed his eyes slightly, and nodded. After the healing process, the injuries in his body were already healed.

Half a quarter of an hour later.

In front of a mighty river, a floating warship descended from the sky and landed on the river.

Long-distance, in a huge hexagonal pavilion, there are many figures rushing in immediately!

"Old Chu! You old boy are not dead yet..."

Xu Kuangshi was the first to jump off the floating battleship and laughed!

"Huh! You old man Xu can still breathe, how could the old man die in front of you?"

An equally old and full of air sounded, and it must be that Chu Family Patriarch Chu angrily!

Chu An walked slowly, with a smile on his old face. Obviously, he and Xu Kuangshi were already old friends, and they were just greeting each other.

Behind Chu An, in addition to the Chu family guards, there were also several young jealous figures!

"Old boy, I heard that this time your Xu family has suffered a lot!"

The two old men finally met, no longer joking, but sighed.

"Oh, it's hard to say in a word, but fortunately, I let the old man complete the task that you guys can't accomplish! Hahahaha..."

Xu Kuangshi looked up to the sky and laughed.

"You pass the letter from Yu Jian that you have found... Young Master? Is it true or not? This matter can be played with and can not be joke! Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Chu An's expression was solemn, and he spoke suspiciously.

At this moment, Ye Wuque, Feng Caichen, and Fairy Miao Miao were gently leaping from the floating battleship and walking slowly over.

"Nonsense! I don't know? Quickly! Come and meet the young master!"

Xu Kuangshi immediately spoke out of anger, and immediately pulled Chu An towards Ye Wuque who was walking behind him!

"This is our young master, who is the person who kept us waiting for a long time!"

Chu Ai's expression suddenly shook, his gaze turned to Ye Wuque, his gaze was intent!

But before Chu An could speak, two young figures jumped out from behind him, and a voice with deep doubts and playfulness rang out!

"Cut! He's the young master? Normal, doesn't look great! Could it be a mistake?"

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