Return of the War God

Chapter 2356: : Event!

The whole body of the ice coffin is ice blue. There are five in total. They are placed in the center of the secret room. Each coffin exudes extreme coldness. The air close to the ice coffin is condensed with hoarfrost. The whole secret room seems In the middle of winter.

Ye Wuque stepped in, staring at these ice coffins, his eyes flickering constantly.

Standing in front of the tomb, he respectfully said: "Young Master, the things preserved in the ice coffin are the key medium for us to mix into the Yuanyang Ancient Realm of the Eight Gods!"

As soon as he said this, Ye Wuque's interest was naturally aroused, and he didn't speak, but slowly walked towards an ice coffin.

The closer you get, the more the coldness of the sense of freezing will force you. The coldness is so high that even the Overlord can’t bear it. Once you get closer, your body, blood, and soul will be directly frozen by the roof!

But Ye Wuque naturally didn't care. He came to an ice coffin and found that it was covered, blocking his vision.

Cang Dang!

With a random flick of his right hand, the coffin lid was immediately pushed open, revealing everything in the ice coffin!

In an instant, Ye Wuque's eyes condensed!

I saw a person lying in the ice coffin!

This is a young man who looks about twenty-eight or ninety-nine years old. He has a handsome face and clear water chestnuts. At first glance, he is a slender person. Even if he is lying down at the moment, he can still see his powerful body. A genius!

However, in Ye Wuque's perception, this young man had been dead for a long time, and now it was just a corpse lying in the ice coffin.

At this moment, Feng Caichen also walked to another ice coffin and opened it as well.

Sure enough, in the other ice coffin, there was also the corpse of a young man lying, the same majestic figure, tall, almost indistinguishable from the previous corpse.

The two corpses in the two coffins were lying quietly like this, lifelike. If you don't look carefully, I'm afraid I just think that the two people are asleep and not dead.

Ye Wuque's gaze turned back and forth over the two corpses in the two ice coffins, blinking constantly, and finally looked at Tomb One standing still.

The tomb suddenly spoke respectfully: "Young Master, the two names before their lives were Iori Xu and Iori Haotian!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Wuque's eyes flashed: "Child of the Eight Gods?"

"Master Hui, these two people are the children of the younger generation of the Eight Gods. They entered the void battlefield three years ago. After being secretly observed by several grave guards and I for three full months, they were ambushed and finally won. Silent killing."

"Ordinary creatures are not qualified at all and have no chance to enter the Eight Gods Spirit Realm. Only the children of the Eight Gods can pass unimpeded. Therefore, a few years ago, I had already had this idea and imagined a lot of mixing into the Eight Gods The final conclusion, the best way is... Li Daitao is stiff!"

As soon as the tomb opened its mouth like this, there was a glimmer of light in the eyes under the mask!

"You mean impostor? Let us mix into the Eight Gods as Iori Xu and Iori Haotian?"

Ye Wuque's eyes lit up slightly, and he immediately understood!

In his plan, the Eight Gods must go!


Because only in the Eight Gods, can he have the opportunity to get back the **** summoning scripture left by his father, and then liquidate everything!

After all, after killing the Yashen Yao for the first time, Ye Wuque realized that it was impossible to retrieve the Summoning Tome by searching for souls or forcing a confession. This road had already been blocked by the Eight Gods!

Rather than shrinking in the ancient world of Yuanyang, waiting for the endless masters of the Eight Gods to come and kill, it is better to take the initiative and unexpectedly blend into the Eight Gods. If you do the opposite, you may be able to achieve unexpected results. !

"That's right, this is the safest and safest way. Of course, the masters in the Eight Gods are like clouds. They will be detected almost instantly just by pretending to be ordinary. They are simply looking for death. So the best way is not only to pretend, He has become the person to be disguised!"

"Therefore, I will leave the bodies of these two people later, in fact, for the purpose of preserving the essence and blood of these two people and using an ancient secret method..."

Obviously, this plan is already in the hands of the tomb guard. When Ye Wuque proposed to mix into the Eight Gods, the tomb said that it would take some time because he was going to collect these three-year-old corpses from one place. Special place delivery here!

"The way is a good way, but the two people who have died for three years suddenly return to the Eight Gods at this moment. It is very abrupt. Will they be suspected?"

The graceful minister standing quietly spoke suddenly, hitting the nail on the head.

"Young Master Feng, he doesn't actually."

It seemed that such a question had long been expected, but Tomb One answered with a faint smile, with a touch of certainty in controlling everything in his tone.


Ye Wuque raised his brows.

"Young Master, Young Master Feng, I just mentioned that I am waiting to kill these two people in a place called Void Battlefield! This Void Battlefield is an extremely important special area for the Eight Gods. ."

Ye Wuque and the elegant minister immediately listened quietly.

"It is undeniable that the Eight Gods have a long history in the ancient world of Yuanyang, and generations of powerful people have emerged in endlessly, but why each generation of young children is rarely born, experienced and tempered, and even countless creatures in the ancient world of Yuanyang only hear their names in their lives. But they can still become strong?"

"It's not that the young generation of the Eight Gods has no area to sharpen, but the place where they sharpen themselves is not within the seven realms at all, but in a special dilapidated ancient realm, which is full of crises, and there are also ancient opportunities left over. Called...Void Battlefield!"

"Each generation of Iori young generations must enter the void battlefield to hone their lives and deaths after they reach adulthood. Only in this way can they tap their own potential at the end of blood and fire, life and death, and forge a strong heart and become a real one. The strong!"

Hearing that, Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen both nodded slowly.

The Eight Gods are invincible. The ancient world of Yuanyang naturally has its strong points, and the life and death training of the younger generation is one of them.

"The method and entrance to enter the void battlefield have always been firmly controlled by the Eight Gods and regarded as forbidden, so the entire Yuanyang ancient world doesn't know it!"

"Close to the subject, why I would say that Young Master Feng’s worry is not a problem, because from ancient times to the present, in the history of the Eight Gods, a large number of young generations of the Eight Gods will enter the void battlefield every year, and some disciples have trained themselves. They choose to quit in half a year, but some will stay there for several years, or even more than ten years before returning to their families!"

"During this period, even the Eight Gods didn't know their news, and couldn't even determine whether the children were dead or not, they would only be judged to be missing to be returned!"

"Because the void battlefield is quite weird, it can isolate all exploration, even the fate soul jade slip can be isolated, even if it dies in it, the fate soul jade slip will not be broken."

"Therefore, every year a large number of children of the Eight Gods enter the void battlefield. Similarly, every year, there are also missing children of the Eight Gods who suddenly return to the clan. Such a situation, the Eight Gods has long been a surprise!"

"So, after the imposter, even if the young master and Young Master Feng appear suddenly in the Eight Gods, no one will be suspicious."

Speaking of this, the tomb paused slightly, seeming to give Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen a period of time to digest these contents.

"So, I understand."

"The reason you left before was to go to the Void Battlefield, because these corpses have been secretly stored in the Void Battlefield before, in order to isolate the reaction of the soul jade slips left by these corpses in the Eight Gods! "

Ye Wuque opened his mouth and hit the nail on the head.

"Young Master Wise! These ice coffins were discovered a long time ago in an ancient ruin called the Demon Corpse Sect in the Void Battlefield. They can isolate everything, even if the Void Battlefield is taken out. It was at that time. There is the prototype of this plan."

The tomb said in a whisper, it is obvious that this plan has already been very sophisticated.

"However, the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and there is no truly foolproof plan in the world. However, it just so happens that a grand event that will be passed down for a thousand years will be held within the Eight Gods, and this event is not at all for all the children of the younger generation of the Eight Gods. I will miss it!"

"It can be expected that within this period of time, there should be a large number of children from the Eight Gods returning from the void battlefield. This way, our plan is really a perfect addition to the flames!"

Speaking of this, the eyes under the mask of the tomb filled with a touch of exquisiteness, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.


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