Return of the War God

Chapter 2357: : Dafa of Reincarnating Corpse God!

"An event of the Eight Gods? What is it?"

Ye Wuque asked immediately.

Feng Chenchen is also a little curious.

"The clan club is great!"

The tomb said in a deep voice!

"Every five years, the Eight Gods will hold a competition of the younger generation of the clan to determine the top ten geniuses, give abundant resources, and carry out key training. Those top talents will even be awarded by the Supreme Elders. If you personally give pointers, you will even be given...the magical powers!"

Speaking of this, Tomb One's tone became abrupt.

Ye Wuque's eyes also showed a sneer: "The Magical Power Book? This group of dog minions is really amazing! The God-Calling Book is the ultimate reward of the Clan Association Competition to inspire a child of the Eight Gods, with a good heart!"

In the next moment, the corner of Ye Wuque's mouth outlines a sharp arc, and a cold light flashes in the bright eyes, and then continues: "Okay! Great! Now it seems that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity... …"

Ye Wuque looked at the handsome minister and said, "Old Feng, what do you think?"

A trace of heat and sharpness flashed in the clear and luminous eyes of the elegant minister. He already understood what Ye Wuque meant, and immediately said: "As a child of the Eight Gods Clan, he mixed into the Eight Gods Clan, and then participated in this so-called Clan Meeting. Let’s look at the true masters of the young generation of the Eight Gods! The best thing is to be able to kill and take this opportunity to destroy the entire young generation of the Eight Gods!"

"There is nothing better than this, more exciting!"

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Listening to the words of the handsome minister, the sneer in Ye Wuque's eyes became more intense!

All that Lao Feng said was what he thought in his heart!


Ye Wuque stretched out his right hand, slowly clenched his five fingers, his eyes were like a knife, his sharp sharpness was revealed, and his whole body exuded an extremely powerful and domineering atmosphere!

"As long as you are ready, I can take this opportunity to get back my Ye Family's God Summoning Tome!"

The tomb standing respectfully on the side also turned slightly hot and surging at this moment!

His own young master, as well as Young Master Feng, are all stunning and unparalleled talents, heroic, and courageous!

"Tomb One, although the plan is good, the most important thing is the disguise of this first step, can you be sure?"

Ye Wuque put down his right hand and looked at Tomb One again.

Hearing this, the face under the mask of the tomb suddenly showed a faint smile. Without any hesitation, he directly replied: "Don't worry, the young master, I can't guarantee that it is 100% sure, but there is still 90%!"

"As long as you grasp more than 50%, it is enough to give it a try, let alone 90%!"

Tomb One's answer made Ye Wuque's eyes bright and sharp.

"In fact, the reason why Young Master is so sure is because of this ice coffin, Young Master, please come and have a look!"

As soon as the tomb walked to the ice coffin of Iori Xu, he squatted down and said, pointing to the bottom of the ice coffin.

Suddenly, Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen stepped forward, and half squatted down with the tomb and looked towards the bottom of the ice coffin.

"Zombie God Reincarnation Dafa..."

The handsome minister spoke softly and read the handwriting engraved on the bottom of the ice coffin.

"Young Master, Master Feng, this ice coffin was excavated in an ancient ruin called the Demon Corpse Sect in the depths of the void battlefield in the past. After returning it, I discovered the secret of this ice coffin, which can isolate everything. Exploring, and the secret method recorded at the point!"

"The Demon Corpse Sect should not be accidentally a terrifying sect dealing with corpses. In ancient times, it was definitely one of the forces that dominated the void battlefield!"

"Although this corpse **** reincarnation method is weird, it has mysterious effects. One of them is that it can transform a dead corpse with the remaining essence and blood, and merge with a living person, making this living person perfect. Disguised as a dead corpse, not only the face, but also the blood and flesh can be disguised, almost becoming the dead person!"

The tomb said in a deep voice, with a firm tone.

"It seems that you have worked so hard for the past eighteen years..."

Ye Wuque stood up, looked at Tomb One, spoke softly, showing gratitude and respect.

"Young Master, this is our duty and glory!"

Tomb One stroked his chest with his left hand and spoke respectfully.

"How long will it be before the tribal meeting of the Eight Gods?"

"About twenty days."

"Well, Lao Feng and I will heal our injuries first, and then we will start planning when we recover and return to our peak state."



Yuanyang ancient world, the eight gods spiritual realm.

This is one of the large halls located in the deepest part of the Eight Gods Spiritual Realm, but it is not the ancestral palace, but another white palace, exuding a vicissitudes of life.

It is not the ancestral temple, but it is equally qualified to be located in the deepest part of the Eight Gods Spiritual Realm, which shows the importance of this white palace!

Because this palace is used to preserve the jade slips of all the Eight Gods' blood, life and soul, called the Palace of Life and Soul!


At this moment, the door of the Life Soul Palace was slowly pushed open from the outside, and a yawning Eight Gods child stepped in slowly, holding a feather duster in his hand.

Obviously, there are children of the Eight Gods in this Life Soul Palace on weekdays to inspect, clean and maintain, to ensure the state of all Life Soul jade slips.

After entering the Life Soul Palace, the Iori child proficiently carried the feather duster and began to clean, first the ancient clock hung behind the gate, and then rows of life soul jade slips, but he was lazy and tired and yawned constantly. , Does not seem to wake up.

But when he looked at one or two rows of jade slips at random, his right hand suddenly condensed. The whole person was taken aback for a moment, and then his complexion suddenly changed, and some trembling!

"This, how could this be like this?"

He walked forward trembling, and suddenly saw four pieces of life soul jade jade on one of the cabinets, and he didn't know when it was broken!

The broken fate of the soul jade slip means that the person who left the fate of the soul jade slip is dead!

"Iori Yu, Iori Yang, Iori Mingyue, Iori Tian! My God! Didn't the four of them go after Ye Wuque? Could it be that..."

After repeated confirmations of the Iori child, cold sweat oozes from his forehead!

But when he turned his gaze, and subconsciously looked at the cabinet that stored the Eight Gods elder-level life soul jade slips in a higher row, his face instantly turned pale!

"Elder Yun and Yun's fate soul jade slip is also broken!!"

In an instant, this Eight Gods child's complexion became extremely ugly, his voice trembled, trembling, and even more panic and at a loss, his head was buzzing!

After a few breaths, he recovered a bit of calmness, and then immediately rushed to the ancient bell hanging behind the gate, crashing frantically!

when! when! when……

In the next instant, with a stern and solemn bell rang from the Palace of Life Soul, it triggered the restraint, and instantly spread throughout the entire Eight Gods Spirit Realm!

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