Return of the War God

Chapter 2358: :Iori response

Eight gods spiritual realm, in the ancestral palace.

The mainstays of the Eight Gods stood silently one by one. The patriarch Eight Gods Qingtian stood at the forefront. At the end of the palace, on the three thrones, except for the absence of Elder Hong, Elder Qiu and the evil elder were all present.

There is a rugged and cold atmosphere in the entire Ancestral Temple!

In the void, five broken pieces of life soul jade slips were suspended quietly, dimmed, and lost all the breath of life!


Above the throne, the evil elder slapped the armrest heavily, and endless chills and killing intent surged across his pleated face!

"So courageous! How courageous!"

"How many years have it been? How many years have I had no children from the Eight Gods? This time I lost four young generation seedlings, and also lost an elder-level existence! It's really good!"

The evil elder yelled, but his hoarse voice was like thunder, and the entire ancestral temple was trembling. She was full of divine brilliance, and the terrifying coercion was rolling around, just like the same **** who descended into the world!

"I really underestimated that little beast!"

Elder Qiu on the side also spoke gloomily at this moment, with a hint of shock that could not be concealed in his tone!

Because now the entire ancient world of Yuanyang has boiled and turned into a pot of porridge, swept away by the news of a doomsday storm!

The most outstanding genius of the young generation of Yuanyang ancient world, more than 300 people all died!

Ye Wuque, wanted by the Eight Gods, and a white-clothed swordsman were completely killed. All their heads were taken off and discarded before the ancient demon forest. Among them, the ten most powerful masters are dead and dead, and none of them are left. !

In other words, the hope of the entire Yuanyang Ancient Realm generation has been completely extinguished!

In the next dozens of hundreds of years, Yuanyang Ancient Realm withered talents and lost almost all the strong ones!

In addition, Ye Wuque and the swordsman in white even killed four Master Tianjiao from the Eight Gods. They were extremely powerful and shocked the world!

At first, when the Eight Gods got the news, no one believed it or even laughed, but when it was confirmed, all of them were as uncomfortable as eating dead flies!

"This little beast alone can't do this! Elder Yun is a six-fold Tatian character, who can crush him with one hand, but he was robbed, and he couldn't even find the body. There was a young swordsman in white with that little beast!"

"It is already certain that this little beast and the grave guard have joined together! In the Ancient Demon Forest, it must be the grave guard who took action against Elder Yun!"

The Eight Gods Qingtian had a gloomy expression and his tone was cold.

Tomb Keeper!

These three words appeared again, echoing in the ancestral palace, and all the eyes of all present were condensed almost at the same time!

These three words are like thorns in the flesh, and they are deeply embedded in the hearts of the Eight Gods!

Let them have to fear!

"It's been eighteen years! These guys who don't see the sun are so loyal. They obviously live like a group of dogs, but they advertise loyalty, which is disgusting!"

"It used to be a group of servile things. Dogs can't change their shit, they are born with cartilage, hey!"

"The gravekeeper must be dealt with, you must be punishable!"


The murderous voices of many elders resounded in the Ancestral Temple, and as the mainstay of the Eight Gods, they were qualified to speak.

But the weird thing is that although each of them is so angry, there is a kind of unwillingness in their eyes at the same time, it seems that there is some fear.

Iori Qingtian also looked a little ugly, with killing intent intertwined in his eyes!

"If it weren't for this **** curse! What is the gravekeeper? Kill them like a dog!"

Finally, an Eight Gods elder roared and said such a sentence, his tone was full of strong unwillingness and...horror!

As soon as these words were said, the atmosphere in the ancestral palace suddenly condensed, and a terrible aura spread, and every elder present seemed to be hit by this sentence to the heart of his heart!

Even the elders Qiu and the evil elders above the throne, the two pairs of vicissitudes of life at this time also flashed a deep chill!


For eighteen years, these two words have been the sword hanging over the entire Eight Gods!

For this reason, the Eight Gods had already paid the price of blood and buried many people!



On the throne, the evil elder opened his mouth, coercing everywhere.

"Since this little beast has joined the tombkeeper, he will definitely be cautious. Now that he has committed such a heinous crime and killed the young generation of Yuanyang Ancient Realm, he must have been hiding, temporarily avoiding the limelight, and dare not show up in a short time. ."

"Let the forces behind the young geniuses who died in the hands of the little beasts move, search the entire seven realms, this elder can't find a tail of them if he doesn't believe it!"


Speaking of this, the evil elder paused for a while, and then continued: "There are more than 20 days left when the clan conference will be held. This is the grand event of my Eight Gods tribe's thousand-year heritage. No matter how big things are. Ignore, it must be held as scheduled, blue sky..."


Iori Qingtian immediately responded with a respectful voice.

"There should have been little guys returning from the void battlefield in the past few days?"

"Elder Hui Taishang, that's the case. Many of those who have disappeared come back to perfection, all of them are full of vigor, vigor and gaze."

"Very well, since the sword's edge is sharpened, my children of the Eight Gods should fly high. Only those who can return from the void battlefield alive are good seedlings. As for those who can't return, they are all waste, and they are clean if they die."

Immediately, the evil elder glanced at the five broken life soul jade slips floating in the void, his eyes flashed, and there seemed to be thunder shooting inside!

With a click, the five pieces of fate soul jade jade pieces that were already broken were crushed to death, turning into powder and disappeared without a trace!

"Trash things! It's a shame to die in the hands of that little beast. I don't deserve to be a member of my Eight Gods, so erase them all from the genealogy!"

"Only the brilliant children of my Eight Gods are qualified to be remembered!"

The voice of the evil elder is very cold, with a kind of extreme ruthlessness and cruelty!

But in the entire ancestral palace, no one showed any objection, and the faces were equally indifferent and ruthless, especially the patriarch Eight Gods Qingtian, there was no trace of emotion in his eyes.


The voice of the evil elder sounded again, and a gleam of cold and permeating light flashed through his horrible eyes.

"It has taken a huge price, prepared for so long, and held back so long. Now it's time to officially start it. Hurry up, this elder hopes to see one step in place.

"As for that little beast, let him jump for a few days first."

"Follow the order of the Supreme Elder!"

Iori Qingtian suddenly bowed his respect!

"Okay, let's go. In the next time, I will make every effort to prepare for the clan association."


Autumn Water Realm, Chu Family.

On the fifth day that Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen began to retreat and heal their injuries, Fairy Miaomiao is back!

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