Return of the War God

Chapter 2359: : Plan the ancestral grave?

"Wow, Kaka! The fairy is back! Where's the little Ye Zi! Haven't come out to meet the fairy? Where are the people?"

As soon as Fairy Miaomiao came back, he yelled all over the world in the Chu family, alarming countless people, thinking that it was an invasion by foreign enemies. After seeing Fairy Miaomiao, all of them suddenly showed expressions of infinite awe.

"Return to Fairy, Young Master and Young Master Feng are in retreat for healing."

In the end, Tomb III stepped forward to explain to Fairy Miaomiao.

"Injured? What's the situation, Xiao Ye Zi and the others ran to fight in the past few days when Ben Fairy was away?"

Fairy Miaomiao blinked her beautiful eyes suddenly.

Tomb Three looked at the peerless girl in white, but her heart was constantly trembling instinctively!

Because she couldn't feel any fluctuations from this Miaomiao fairy, she was ordinary, just like a mortal, she could see through it at a glance from the inside out, she was a beautiful little girl.

But is it really so?

So in front of Fairy Miaomiao, Tomb Three didn't dare to neglect, and was extremely respectful, because this was a gesture to the strong.

Soon, Tomb Three told Fairy Miaomiao all the things that had happened before, including the plan to be mixed into the Eight Gods.

"That's it, I see, then wait for Xiaoyezi and Xiaofengzi to leave. Well, this fairy is hungry, let them quickly prepare something to eat!"

Immediately at the order of Fairy Miaomiao, the Chu family immediately became busy, preparing delicious food for Fairy Miaomiao.

Time passed quickly, and five days' time passed in the blink of an eye.

Finally, on the sixth day, both Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen left the customs smoothly, recovering from their injuries and returning to their peak state.

But just after Ye Wuque left the customs and learned some news from the Chu family, his scalp was numb in shock!

"Fuck! You ran out these days to plan other people's ancestral graves? Do you have this hobby?"

Inside the hall, Ye Wuque couldn't help but explode with a swear word, staring dumbly at Fairy Miao Miao who was eating!

The handsome minister on the side also gave a wry smile, staring at Fairy Miaomiao with clear eyes, with an expression of seeing a ghost.

Behind the two, there were people from the Chu family, Xu Kuangshi was there, and among the tomb guards, Tomb Three stood motionless behind Ye Wuque like a sculpture.

Except for the invisible expression on Tomb Three, everyone else stared at Fairy Miaomiao with a **** of a day, and there was endless shock and...weird in their eyes!

I want to ask what is the craziest news in the entire Yuanyang Ancient Realm?

That must be the fall of all the geniuses of the younger generation, and the ten great masters died to death, causing the madness and anger of countless forces!

After all, those hundreds of geniuses have at least one power family behind them. Now that the most relieved descendant has been killed, it completely wiped out the glory of this power for hundreds of years in the future. How can it not be angry?

According to reason, there is no other event that can be compared with it!

But, it is really there!

Because this incident is also related to countless forces in the Seven Realms!

That is the seven great realms of Yuanyang Ancient Realm. In each realm, all the ancestral graves of powerful forces have been digged!

Within a few days, without exception!

This is simply like a ghost, how vast are the seven realms?

Within a few days, the ancestral graves of countless forces had been digged by others, and they were of a silent type. No one had noticed them. By the time they found out, they were already empty!

At the same time, he attacked all the forces in the seven realms, and he didn't know it, and no clue was found!

What kind of means and power is this?

The most outstanding descendant genius was killed, and the ancestral graves of his family's ancestors and ancestors were planed again. For countless forces in the ancient world of Yuanyang, these two news are simply two lightning bolts from the blue, and they are completely crazy!

"Hey, people are just curious. Didn't it mean that there are treasures to be buried in the ancestral graves? So I went down and took a look. In fact, they are all scams. They are all rags, none of them are valuable.

At the table, Fairy Miaomiao clutched a roasted chicken, with a kind of embarrassment on her pure and beautiful face, which made people feel pity for me, as if she was really impulsive and ignorant of doing something wrong. Do something.

Of course, if you don't look at her beautiful eyes flashing through.

"That trivial trick doesn't work! I wasted such a long time for my grandma! Humph!"

Fairy Miao Miao seemed to mutter something again.

Looking at Fairy Miao Miao, Ye Wuque was speechless!

"You are awesome..."

In the end, Ye Wuque put up his thumb, only said these three words, his voice was astringent.

As for the eyes of other people at the moment, there is infinite awe, and even shivering!

The two old guys Xu Kuangshi and Chu An kept wiping sweat, their eyes were not right and they looked at each other, both full of worry and anxiety.

This grandma still has the habit of digging her ancestor’s grave for treasure?

What if he is interested in digging his Chu family and Xu family's ancestral graves?

Nowhere to cry!

"Oh! I hate it, isn't it just digging a little bit! What's the fuss about! Also, Xiao Ye Zi, what is the look in your eyes? Your attitude is very wrong. I thought you were..."

Fairy Miaomiao whispered, spitting out, and almost said something, but fortunately stopped.

Then she changed her conversation and said: "That's right! This fairy heard that you are going to the Eight Gods?"

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered, staring at Fairy Miaomiao, and then nodded with a light sigh.

"Wow Kaka! Then you must bring this fairy! There must be good things in the ancestral grave of the Eight Gods!"

Fairy Miaomiao suddenly jumped up, her pure and beautiful face was filled with endless excitement and excitement, like a hungry wolf smelling meat!

Cang Dang!

Some of the weaker children in the Chu Family Hall suddenly softened their legs and fell down without standing.

Want to dig the ancestral grave of the Eight Gods?

This grandmother Fairy Aunt is too sturdy!

Ye Wuque heard the black line with eyes full of words, completely speechless.

After half an hour.

In the depths of the Chu family, there is a secret room with an ice coffin.

At this moment, there are five figures in the secret room.

Ye Wuque stood side by side with the handsome minister, and a great teacher's chair was moved next to him. Fairy Miaomiao sat on it, shaking his legs boredly.

On both sides of the ice coffin, Tomb One and Tomb Three stand separately, and there is a strange wave of fluctuations all over the body, and the vitality of the whole body is constantly surging.

About a quarter of an hour later, the eyes under the mask of the tomb suddenly opened, and a glimmer of light flashed through it.

"Young Master, we are ready, and can perform the reincarnation of the corpse **** at any time!"

"Okay, let's just start, what do you need me and Lao Feng to do?"

Hearing this, Ye Wuque nodded slowly, his eyes deep.


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