Return of the War God

Chapter 2389: : Double fist king map!


Suddenly, an indescribable horrible wind spread across the surface, sweeping like a storm, and suddenly the face of Yashenzhi suddenly changed!

"So fast?"

Ye Wuque's pursuit has arrived!

It is still a neat and tidy picture of the emperor of Shanhe Sheji!

Fist and figure peace, unlimited violence!

"What are you two waiting for?"

Eight Gods uttered a stern shout, and immediately the whole person stepped on the spot, and his nine-foot-tall body burst out like a mountain torrent bursting with terrifying power again. His eyes were instantly red and bloodshot!

"Wanhua Destroy God!"

The two palms were united and turned into a huge palm print. With a step on the right foot of Yashen Shi, it bowed its head toward the front!

This one, like the collapse of a huge peak from the sky, contained unparalleled absolute power, and it actually blocked Ye Wuque's mortal punch!

At the same time, the hands of the Eight Gods also firmly grasped Ye Wuque's right fist!

But Ye Wuque’s punch was not so easy to receive. The Eight Gods’ chest seemed to have been hit by an active volcano, and a piece of it was directly recessed. Wow, a mouthful of blood was sprayed out, and his face became pale. !

But his expression became more and more ferocious, and a crazy cruel smile came out of his scarlet eyes!

"Yoshin Asahi! No matter how strong you are? The Emperor Fist is domineering and violent, only the right fist can be used! But the right fist has been locked by me at this moment! There is no way to make a third punch! Now you are gone. Minion tiger!"

"Start killing with me first? Hey! I'll watch how you die now!"

Yashinzhi smiled grinningly!

Because at this moment, behind Ye Wuque, Iori Yunfei and Ioriji are attacking like two poisonous snakes!

From Ye Wuque’s move, he fisted back the Eight Gods, and then to the Eight Gods clan shouting for help, but it was just a blink of an effort, almost to the extreme, but after all, Iori Yunfei and Iori Ji are both geniuses and their reaction speed is amazing. Let's do it all right now!

They saw that Ye Wuque's right fist was locked tightly by the Eight Spirits, and they understood that this was a rare opportunity to kill!

Without the right fist, Ye Wuque would not be able to hit the emperor picture of Shanhe Sheji!

The end is doomed!

"Palm out the universe!"

"Ba Lie kills!"

Two voices full of fierce killing intent and sneer sounded, and Iori Yunfei left and right, especially the Iori Yunfei, who also practiced the palm of the heaven and earth.


The void exploded, the devastating aura was surging, and the power was earth-shaking, sweeping everything, and covering the leaves came in!

"The siege of the three great arrogances! Iori Xu is dead!"

"This Iori Xu is really amazing! First he killed Iori, and then blasted the Iori back with a punch. If he was given a chance to fight alone, his strength is probably close to the Iori, or even Iori. No front!"

"Solo alone? What's the joke? Stupid Dong...Puff! Ah! Despicable! Attack me!"

Many Iori children in all directions couldn't help but look sideways, but there were also many vicious Iori children who were still talking the moment before, and the next moment they launched a sneak attack!

For a time, the killing became more intense!

"Die! Iori Asahi! I will take off your head and use it as a wine glass for my victory after drying it!"

Looking at Iori Ji and Iori Yunfei who were aiming at Ye Wuque’s attack and killing, the grinning smile on Iori Shishi’s face turned into a frantic laugh. His original gaze had been focused on Ye Wuque’s right fist, trying his best to lock Ye Wuque’s right. Fist, can't tolerate a little distraction!

But at this moment, he couldn't help but cast a little gaze to look at Ye Wuque, because he wanted to appreciate the despair and madness that death came but was helpless!

But when his scarlet eyes saw that face belonging to Iori Xu, his pupils suddenly condensed!

Because the imaginary despair and madness did not appear at all, Iori Xu's face was only cold, cold without a trace of emotion!

Those sharp eyes looked down at him, like a nine-day dragon looking down at an ant, with endless sudden and naked contempt!

And his Eight Minds is that ridiculous ant!

The look in Ye Wuque's eyes immediately pierced the soul of Bashenzhi, making him angry!


"Dare to look at me like that when I die! Kill him!!!"

The eight gods roar up to the sky!

At the same moment, the attacks of Iori Ji and Iori Yunfei finally came ten feet in front of Ye Wuque. At this distance, no one could escape their combined attack!

Even the Eight Gods Dragon is the same!

Therefore, whether Iori Ji or Iori Yunfei, listening to Iori's roar, a cruel bloodthirsty sneer appeared on his face at this moment!

But the next moment!

The roar of Yashinji stopped abruptly!

The sneers on the faces of Iori Yunfei and Ioriji instantly solidified!

Because they saw a fist!

That was Ye Wuque's left fist!

Ye Wuque, who didn't look back, lightly swiped his left fist behind him!

Immediately, a magnificent and magnificent ancient picture was born, hunting in the void, and Ye Wuque's left fist united, directly blocking the two ultimate moves of the Iori Yunfei and Ioriguang!


With the roar and the sky, the emperor of Shanhe Jiji burst with power, and the force of terror directly swept the ten directions, directly flying out the unbelievable and incredible Iori Light and Iori Yun!

"No! Impossible!!!"

After seeing this scene, Ye Wuque’s Eight Spiritual Mind, who had been so tightly locked, felt as if millions of mountains collapsed in his mind, his heart roared and his head buzzed, as if the sky spirit cover was hit by a sledgehammer. Everywhere!

"Double fist emperor picture? How can the emperor **** fist be used with the left fist? This is impossible!!"

At this moment, the Eight Spiritual Mind was like **** in the day, the whole person was dumbfounded, and even the hands that locked Ye Wuque were loose!


I saw Ye Wuque's right fist locked by the Eight Spirits suddenly squeezed, and a terrifying force burst out, and he broke the hands of the Eight Spirits in one fell swoop and restored his freedom!

"not good!!

Iori awakened in horror, his face suddenly turned pale, and even more desperate, because he saw a splendid emperor picture magnified in front of his eyes, almost to the extreme!

"Why should I take the initiative to provoke him!"

This was the last thought that came to the mind of the Eight Gods!

In the next moment, Ye Wuque's punch hit his head firmly!

With a click, the head of the Eight Gods suddenly exploded like a watermelon smashed on the ground, blood spurted three feet, and the void was red!

Under the horrified gaze of countless Iori children, the headless corpse of Ioritsu fell into the void, while Ye Wuque slowly turned around, standing blankly, a pair of sharp, ruthless eagles, sweeping across the void, seeing Iori After Yunfei, he stamped his right foot out of thin air!

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