Return of the War God

Chapter 2390: : Six remaining


Void real air waves reappeared, Ye Wuque cut through the void like a mad flood, and the harsh rubbing roar resounded, almost instantly Ye Wuque spanned several tens of meters, and it was about to fly away!

"No! Damn! Damn! Why is this Yagami Xu so terrible? Isn't the Emperor Fist only right fist can be used? This is the original words of the elders! Why can this abnormal left fist also be punched? Why?"

How can Iori Yunfei have the arrogance and dominance of the previous half at this moment?

Only a deep panic surging on his face, and that trace of uncontrollable panic!

At this moment, he didn't even have the courage to face Ye Wuque directly, he just turned around and fled!

But he escaped fast, and Ye Wuque chased him even faster!

"Bashenji! Quickly join hands! Otherwise, he will catch up one by one, and there will be a dead end!"

Iori Yunfei felt the terrifying breath sweeping from behind like a world-destroying storm, and shouted!

Iori Ji, who had fled so fast in the other direction, suddenly stopped after hearing Iori Yunfei's words. A pair of eyes looked over, and there was hesitation in his eyes!

But when he saw Ye Wuque who had killed like a **** demon, the hesitation in his eyes turned into a touch of fear, and immediately turned into a bitter and sneer.

"Yoshin Yunfei, you are dead, and it is good for me."

Immediately, the body of Iori Ji flashed again, rushing to the top of the chain giant mountain, and chose to escape!

He believes that Yunfei Iori will stop Iori Xu for a while, enough for him to escape, kill five more Iori children, and enter Baoyao Ling Hanoi. As long as he enters Baoyao Linghe for the second time, he will be confident that he can break through again. When the new hatred and old hatred are counted with Iori Xu!


Looking at the back of Iori Ji, Iori Yunfei screamed in anger and spite!

"Don't worry, I will send him down to accompany you!"

A cold and merciless voice came from behind, and the body of Yashen Yunfei trembled suddenly, he turned around, and Ye Wuque's figure was already close at hand!

"Iori Asahi, don't force me! Otherwise, we will die together!"

Iori Xu screamed, his face distorted, and he was always crazy!

"Are you worthy?"

Ye Wuque's response was simple, with only these three words, and then he directly punched it cleanly!

The splendid and dazzling emperor's picture turned out to come out with extreme violence!

"Then die together!!"

The Eight Gods Yunfei was forced to the extreme, with craziness in his eyes, and the **** Wang Gong all over his body surged and was extremely violent. He directly used the anger to burn the Nine Heavens Secret Technique and charged towards Ye Wuque!

With a click, Ye Wuque’s fist directly hit the Eight God Yunfei’s chest, blasting him with blood spurting wildly, his chest was sunken, and blood leaked from every pore, instantly turning into a terrifying blood man. !

But even so, the Eight Gods Yunfei actually blocked this punch, did not die, and stretched out his arms directly, trying to save Ye Wuque, wanting to take him to blew himself!

It's a pity that he forgot, Ye Wuque has two fists!


The void exploded, and another magnificent emperor's picture was born. It was brilliant, and it was faintly wrapped with a white fist, shining with five-color brilliance, like a mountain falling from the sky. Cover it with the heavenly spirit!

With a bang, the Eight Gods Yunfei shot into the void like a fired cannonball, flying towards the altar below, and finally slammed on the altar and hit the elders of the Eight Gods who were sitting in a row. And before the eyes of Iori Qingtian!

In an instant, a mass of flesh exploded, warm blood splashed, splashed into the void, and even directly dripped on the robes of many elders, and the disgusting smell of blood permeated, making the entire altar like blood. hell!

Many of the sitting elders suddenly got up, and their eyes all looked at Ye Wuque above the void, but they did not look at the anger of being violated, only a trace of shock and uncontrollable joy!

"Picture of the Emperor with Double Fists! This is incredible! Amazing!"

"This is an ability that can only be possessed after surpassing the peak realm of the Bahuang Liuhe Divine Fist and half-footed into the Great Perfection realm!"

"What an Iori Xu, but he has a bit of an Iori and Wufeng style!"

"Very well, finally there is a good seedling!"


The elders who got up were not stingy in complimenting Ye Wuque here, while those elders who were still sitting upright showed a gloomy expression on their faces, looking at Ye Wuque still with a cold expression.

However, no matter which wavelength is old, their eyes never looked at the ground turned into fleshy Yunfei Iori!

In their eyes, the dead genius is just rubbish, **** it!

In the middle of the altar, the eyes of the Eight Gods Qingtian also looked at the void Ye Wuque standing on the chain giant mountain, his face expressionless, not knowing what he was thinking.

Above the void!

Ye Wuque shook the blood in his hand, and his eyes were as sharp as an eagle falcon, and his face was expressionless, but he was sneer in his heart!

"The Eight Gods, the Eight Gods, the Eight Gods Yunfei, and the Ten Great Gods of the Young Generation of the Eight Gods have slaughtered three, and there are still seven...Huh?"

Suddenly, Ye Wuque's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at another giant chain mountain from the air. Then, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


A world-shaking sword chant resounded, and the blazing sword light mixed with two completely different sword intents to cut through the void, split the sky, and smash everything!

The chains in that place were violently surging, constantly knocking and being cut by sword light!

When everything subsided, a tall figure appeared, holding a sword in his right hand, his face standing flat in the void, his eyes seemed to have a hint of unpleasant pleasure.

On the opposite side of him, an enchanting figure with wonderful eyes was falling into the void weakly at the moment, it was the sound of the Eight Gods!


Eight Gods Zenyin's body trembled, and blood spurted out of her chest, which stained the void. Her beautiful face was full of unwillingness and desperate fear at this moment, and the clear sword in her hand was also broken at this moment, breaking in two. half!

With a bang, under the pity and horror of countless Iori children, the goddess in their hearts, the female Tianjiao Iori, who controls the divine sword of the universe, slammed on the sacrifice field, her eyes dimmed, and she quickly lost her breath. , Turned into a corpse, fragrant and shattered!

"Six remaining..."

Ye Wuque retracted his gaze, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and immediately his sharp eyes became sharp again. He stared at the three Iori children and rushed over!

After solving the Iori and Yunfei Iori, kill three more Iori children, and he will get a second chance to enter the treasure medicine Linghe!

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