Return of the War God

Chapter 2400: : The Great Sacred Claw of the Heavens!

A tall figure appeared behind the elegant style minister, gently retracted his hand, then walked out, standing side by side with him, it was Ye Wuque!



"That's good."

Between question and answer, the tacit understanding between the elegant demeanor and Ye Wuque was evident.

At this moment, Ye Wuque was standing like this, his martial robes flicked, his hair flying, his whole body looked empty, like a mortal, there seemed to be no strength in his body.

The handsome minister's eyes moved slightly, as if he felt Ye Wuwei's state at the moment, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was three-pointers thick.

His sword heart is clear, and he has faintly felt the earth-shaking power in Ye Wuque's body!

"Old wind, this treasure medicine Linghe has undergone a new round of replenishment, and its spiritual energy has recovered and is more prosperous than before. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The opportunity is not to be missed. Dry it."

Ye Wuque spoke to the handsome minister.

The style minister nodded slightly and said: "Okay, I'll leave it to you here."

The two of them saw the smile in each other's eyes. Soon the handsome minister turned around without any hesitation, stepped out and walked towards the treasured medicine Linghe.

The style minister knew that the next battle should belong to Lao Ye.


The figure flickered, and the handsome minister came next to the Baoyao Linghe, feeling the amazing spiritual energy surging in it, and a trace of heat flashed in his eyes!

When Ye Wuque sucked up the precious medicine Linghe before, in fact, the vitality accumulated in his body had almost reached a saturated state. After the new round of precious medicine replenishment, the Linghe only absorbed a little and it was completely enough, and he began to open up the dark. Shenquan.

So at this moment, the aura contained in Baoyao Ling Hanoi is almost not scarce!

Now, it's the turn of the elegant minister to absorb it!

With a leap, the figure of the handsome minister disappeared in the treasure medicine Linghe.

Ye Wuque stood in front of the Linghe, and the eyes that belonged to Iori Xu's sharp eagle-like falcon swept across all directions, and it was full of coldness and awe!

"It seems that you have also broken through. That's good, it won't be so boring to kill like this."

Iori Wufeng didn't have any surprises about Ye Wuque's appearance, just opened his mouth indifferently.

From now on, Iori Wufeng has a vaguely lonely aura of master!

In the next instant, the eyes of Iori Wufeng swept over, so everyone, their indifferent voice oscillated for nine days, and then resounded again: "Give you six one chance, let's go together!"

overbearing! conceited! Invincible!

Iori Wufeng master is lonely, let everyone go together!

"Iori Wufeng! Are you really going to kill them all? It makes no sense for you to do this! There are only seven people alive now, the clan tournament has ended, and the result has been released, we will not continue to go crazy with you!"

Yagami blame growled!

"That's right! According to the rules of the clan club competition, going to the top ten is over. We withdraw from the top three! You three fight!"

Iori East followed, and his eyes turned back and forth on Iori Wufeng and Ye Wuque, with an unconcealable fear!

"The waste should be cleaned up."

This is the response of Iori Wufeng, very simple, the implication is that everyone except him is going to die!


The four people of Iorijiji were suddenly ridiculed by the words of Iori Wufeng and had nothing to say!

But everyone didn't know that Ye Wuque's attention at this moment was not on them at all, but on... the altar!

In other words, all the elders of the Eight Gods tribe, and the patriarch Eight Gods Qingtian.

He is observing, determining something.


However, at this moment, an earth-shattering riot exploded, as if thousands of active volcanoes were exploding at the same time, and a cold, bloodthirsty voice resounded!

"Iori Wufeng, I said, as long as I am here, you are not invincible!"

At this moment, the Eight Gods Dragon finally ended its consolidation and showed its figure!

He has thick hair and a cold face, but at this moment, he is reborn and exquisite, as if he has transformed from a dragon to a real dragon!

call out!

In the next moment, the Eight Gods Dragon suddenly moved!

But what he rushed towards was not Iori Wufeng, nor Ye Wuque, but Iori Ji four people!

"Iori Wufeng is right, the waste should be cleaned up! It is not even qualified to watch our battle! The four of you are waste, so die!!"

The speed of the Eight Gods Dragon is reaching the extreme, traveling through the void, as if teleporting, it came to the front of the Four Eight Gods in an instant!

"not good!!"

"Quick! Let's do it together!"

"The anger burns to the nine heavens!!"

The four Iori, Iori, Iori, Iori, and Iori didn’t even have a chance to see the movements of the Iori. I just felt that there was a flower in front of them. The Iori, which was originally tens of thousands of meters away, appeared in front of them. within!

But after all, they are also geniuses, and they feel fear in their hearts, but they all act together in the first time!

Death urged their power, urged the anger to burn the Nine Heavens Secret Technique, allowing them to release the strongest blow in their bodies 200%!


Four light curtains soaring into the sky turned out, each with terrible destructive power, intertwined together, as if turning into a blazing sun, directly suppressing the Eight Gods Dragon!

Combining the power of the four, this blow is truly earth-shattering!

However, the reality is cruel!

The power that the Eight Gods Dragon possessed after the breakthrough is no longer what the four of them can imagine!

He only heard a clicking sound, the four attacking Hehua's scorching sun like a candle in a violent wind, and was instantly devastated by a giant claw surrounded by silver brilliance!

The silver giant claws overflowed with a perfect breath of wildness, blood, cruelty, and omnipotence!

The great holy claws!

This is the magical powers of claws from the divine summoning canon, and it is also the magical powers that the Eight Gods dragon has been practicing hard.

Now with his breakthrough in cultivation, his strength has soared, and the power of this heavenly sacred claw has been catalyzed by him to an unimaginable level!

"no no!!"

"I don't want to...chuff!!"

Several howls full of unbelievable despair sounded from within the huge Claws of God's Claw, and then stopped abruptly!

The claws of the cracking gods spread out, and a large mass of flesh and blood fell from it, and the strong and **** smell dissipated. The four people including Yashenji were directly caught and exploded by the Yashenlong, crushed into pieces of meat!

With just one move, the Eight Gods Dragon killed the four princes!

At this moment, the elders of the Eight Gods on the altar also blinked one after another!

Obviously, the strength of the Eight Gods Dragon was beyond their expectations!

"This is really interesting. After the breakthrough of the Eight Gods Dragon, the strength has soared to this point! Surprise joy!"

"Yes! Now he is afraid that he can really compete with Wufeng!"

"Whoever wins is the strongest arrogant of my Eight Gods!"

"Have you forgotten that there is another Iori Xu?"

"He? He doesn't think it will work. Chai Wufeng and the Eight Gods Dragon are too far away."

Above the void!

Throwing away the **** pieces of meat, the figure of the Iori dragon appeared in the void, his face was filled with cruel and fierce light, but his eyes kept staring at Iori Wufeng.

But Iori Wufeng didn't stop it, just watched this happen quietly.

"Iori no Feng, since childhood, you have been my biggest opponent, today, I will let you know that my Iori is the first arrogant **** in the history of the Iori!"

The tone of the Eight Gods Dragon is like a sword, with a kind of extreme conceit and power!


Iori Wufeng still watched quietly, the eight winds did not move, Yuan Zhaoyue Zhi!

"Don't worry, after I squeeze the last waste, it will be the time for you and me!"

After the words fell, the eyes of the Eight Gods Dragon moved away from the body of the Eight Gods Wufeng, and fell on Ye Wuque standing in front of the Linghe!

"Unsightly waste! Death!"

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