Return of the War God

Chapter 2401: : Are you tickling me

call out!

After a cold, bloodthirsty snort sounded, the figure of the Eight Gods Dragon once again disappeared from the spot, rushing towards Ye Wuque!

Here, Ye Wuque just stood quietly, carrying his hands on his back, expressionless.


Almost for an instant, Ye Wuque's expression began to shatter in the void, and a wild, bloody, cruel aura rolled like this, bursting into pieces!

The figure of the Eight Gods Dragon flashed out!

God Splitting Claw seemed to descend from outside the sky, and with a horrible aura of destruction, it directly grabbed Ye Wuque's chest!

The power of the Iori Dragon's blow was several times stronger than when I just killed the four Iori God!

Obviously, he also realized that the Iori Xu is stronger than the previous four!

God's claws scratched through the void, and wherever it went, the wind howled, like the roar of the devil, the blazing silver flames are mighty and powerful enough to destroy everything!

If this claw is firmly grasped, let alone a flesh and blood body, even a huge mountain uplifting from the sky, a piece of sky, can be torn and destroyed into slag!

Ye Wuque's martial arts robe was hunted and hunted by the strong wind blowing on his face, and his hair was dancing wildly!

However, even so, even though the Eight Gods Dragon's claws were already close at hand, his hands were still behind his back, and he didn't mean to move at all. It felt like he was frightened and stupid.

On the altar, the elders of the Eight Gods who followed here suddenly shook their heads.

The old woman who had just given the precious medicine to Linghe even screamed at this moment: "This little beast has been frightened by the Eight Gods Dragon! I dare not even move! What did I say? Those precious medicines simply It should not be wasted on him! Waste, really a waste!"

Above the void, the corner of the mouth of the Eight Gods Dragon also showed a disdainful grin.

"I can't even make the final resistance, worse than just four wastes! It's not a pity to die!"

The Eight Gods Dragon snorted coldly, and shot harder!

In the next moment, his God Splitting Claw was not obstructed by the slightest, and he grabbed Ye Wuque's chest heavily!

At the same time, a bloodthirsty and cruel look of expectant smile appeared in the eyes of the Yashen Dragon!

He seems to have seen the next picture!

This Iori Xu was torn his chest directly when he grabbed it, and the warm blood spewed, and then he was directly divided into **** pieces!

But immediately, the cruel smile in the eyes of the Iori dragon solidified!

His claws indeed caught Ye Wuque's chest, and the imaginable tear did not appear at all, but it was as if he had caught a piece of fine iron pouring mountain!


The deafening roar resounded, as if gold and iron fought against each other, and even sparks spurted out of Ye Wuque's chest!

The huge counter-shock force exploded, directly blasting the unbelievable Eight God dragon out!

"This, this is impossible!!!"

After stabilizing his figure, the Eight Gods Dragon roared, with an incredible horror in his tone!

Ye Wuque still stands in place!

His chest is intact, without any embarrassment, let alone tearing his chest, he can rub a little skin without doing it!

On the other hand, the right hand of the Eight Gods Dragon, at this moment, the five fingers were bloody, the nails peeled off directly, shaking violently, the blood instantly stained his entire right hand, and the huge pain hit his mind!

At this moment, the eyes of Iori Wufeng, who also stood in the distance, flickered for the first time!

"I want to tear you up alive!!"

The Eight Gods Dragon could hardly believe everything in front of him, and his anger and killing intent broke out in his heart. He roared up to the sky, his horrible breath exploded, and the acupuncture points all over his body lit up, the bright sound of the sky was radiant, and the power of the gods was urged to the limit. !


Like the sky and the earth, the Eight Gods Dragon once again grabbed Ye Wuque with one claw!

This time, regardless of the fluctuations and power, the entire void was wailing, every inch of it was broken, and the huge claw prints seemed to come from the hands of gods, pressed down, and enveloped Ye Wuqian's chest!

But then...


Another deafening roar resounded, as if countless blacksmiths between heaven and earth were hammering iron, making people dizzy!

"you you……"

Yashenlong stared at Ye Wuque's chest with horror and madness!

He still caught this claw!

In other words, Ye Wuque didn't mean to dodge at all, let him catch it!

But, nothing different from before!

Sparks splashed, but the skin didn't even break!

The Eight Gods Dragon roared, feeling that there were thousands of thunders in his mind, and his soul was trembling!

He could not imagine everything in front of him, but facts speak louder than words!

"Are you tickling me..."

Suddenly, a cold voice without a trace of emotion sounded, and Iori Xu trembles all over!

He raised his head subconsciously, and immediately saw a pair of cold eyes like a devil, looking down at him condescendingly!

escape! ! !

In an instant, only this thought remained in the Eight Gods Dragon's mind, the **** king's power ran to its limit, the acupuncture points glowed, violently fluctuated, and wanted to turn around and escape!

However, Ye Wuque's left hand that was behind him had already been poked out at some unknown time, and he gently stroked the head of the Yashenlong casually, plain, without a trace of fireworks!

The body of the Eight Gods Dragon trembled out of thin air!

The divine brilliance that was surging like a wave suddenly disappeared out of thin air, as if it turned into a sculpture and condensed in the void!

After all of this, Ye Wuque stepped directly out of his side, passing by, no longer even looking at the Eight Gods Dragon.

At this moment, if the sculpture is stuck on the face of the Eight Gods Dragon in the void, it looks very strange.

despair! incredible! sluggish! regret! Crazy...

All kinds of emotions are extremely complicated!

But the strongest is a kind of unwillingness and unbelievable!

"Why is this? I have clearly broken through! My strength has soared almost ten times! Next time should be when I show invincibility!"

"And I'm... dying?"


"I, I'm not reconciled!!!"


With the last scream of the Eight Gods Dragon, his whole body exploded out of thin air, blood splattered, exploded into flesh and blood, and there was no whole body!

The Eight Godsaurus, who had just broken through and had not had time to show its power, died so simply and neatly!

On the altar, the expressions of all the elders of the Eight Gods suddenly solidified, and their hearts were as if they were crushed by a big hand!

The old woman who had just screamed at Ye Wuque seemed to be a duck pinched in her throat, her face flushed, her eyes filled with incredible and unbelievable, her short body froze directly on the throne, and she couldn't utter a word!

In the void!

Ye Wuque carried his hands on his back, his face was calm, his eyes were cold and indifferent, he walked towards Iori Wufeng like a stroll in a leisurely courtyard, and finally stopped a hundred meters away from him.

"The last one left."

Ye Wuque spoke lightly, looking at Iori Wufeng, his tone without a trace of emotion.

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