Return of the War God

Chapter 5654: Hello


The capital of every Qianlong.

Even if it is as great as it is, it is worthwhile to allocate a force to observe it carefully.

But this moment.

Even if he is the lord of life, I am afraid that Ye Wuque, who is walking as if walking forward at this time, thinks in his heart...

"Why don't you just run?"

"It seems very slow to go this way."

Ye Wuque passed this thought in his mind and looked at the end of the life beam in front of him, his eyes flickering slightly.

to be honest.

Ye Wuque at the moment was also a little confused.

He was already prepared to resist the beam of life, but what he didn't expect was that after the beam of life hit him fiercely, he completely...

no feelings!




Ye Wuque only felt that what hit him was not a beam of life light at all, it was just a light and shadow, not even a bit of wind was brought up.

The pace of his advancement was not affected at all.

At first, Ye Wuque thought that the beam of life was a vain shot, and deliberately gave you some sweetness to relax your vigilance, and then knocked you back in one fell swoop.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, there was no change.

Even Ye Wuque could tell that this life beam has really worked very hard!

It's almost boiling, it's almost exploding!

But I really don't feel it!

He just walked forward swaggeringly, without any hindrance.

Moreover, his instinct even told Ye Wuque, let alone leaving, even if he ran directly, it would be perfectly fine to fly over.

"Forget it, keep a low profile."

"This Lord of Life is obviously an unimaginable great existence. It is unclear whether it is a friend or an enemy."

"It's enough to pass the customs smoothly, there is no need to attract too much attention."

If it is not the old silver coin, it should be cautious as Brother Ye. At this moment, he chose to just take a walk and go to the end.


Ye Wuque didn't perceive it at all, and a mysterious brilliance fell directly on him at this moment, and it disappeared in a flash.

Next moment.

The lord of life above the void, that diamond-shaped pupil suddenly shrank sharply! !

An eternal pressure of infinite terror suddenly radiated from the pupils, stirring the sky and the earth!

"This, this... breath..."


The voice of the lord of life that has been cold and silent has a hoarseness and tremor at this moment!

And within the originally indifferent pupils, drastic changes occurred at this moment!


confusion! At a loss! Trance!

It was as if the incomparably long and incomplete memory suddenly recovered, making it extremely painful, and it seemed to vaguely remember something.

The diamond-shaped pupil trembled violently!

The entire sky seems to be cracking!


A terrifying bloodshot gushing out of the diamond-shaped pupil!

The chaos within has reached its limit!

In the next moment, the Lord of Life trembled and spit out the words in a mess.

"Yellow... Gold... Heaven... Dao..."

When the last word fell, countless bright thunders appeared in the diamond-shaped pupils, shining and rushing, and finally the chaos was gone, and a trace of...Ching Ming was restored!

The lord of life instantly disappeared in place.


Ye Wuque, who was constantly in front of him, suddenly felt that the beam of life that had hit him suddenly disappeared inexplicably.

Immediately, his pupils shrank suddenly!

Seen directly in front of him, that infinitely lofty diamond-shaped pupil appeared out of thin air, close at hand.

Within the pupils, blood spread.

At this moment, I am staring at myself unblinking!

Ye Wuque suddenly felt an indescribable horror and ancient aura invading him, making him feel like he was about to split apart!

The Lord of Life unexpectedly appeared in front of his own eyes? ?

Why is this happening? ?

what happened? ?

Ye Wuque's thoughts exploded!

But Ye Wuque didn't do anything, because he knew that if the lord of life wanted to do anything to him, he now couldn't resist at all.

Even if there are Escape Realm Breaking Void Talisman in...

For the first time, Ye Wuque also had a hint of suspicion in his heart.

Can the Escape Talisman from the mysterious creatures escape the Lord of Life?

"I have seen the Lord of Life."

Finally, Ye Wuque took a deep breath and bowed to the diamond-shaped pupil that was close at hand.

But the lord of life stared directly at Ye Wuque!

In those huge pupils, bloodshot spread, reflecting the appearance of Ye Wuque, although there is a hint of clarity, but more chaos and blur, it is terrifying.

"You are…"

"Golden Way!"

The Lord of Life finally spoke, his voice hoarse and dazed, and slowly said such a sentence that made Ye Wuque's heart horrified and his scalp numb!

Golden heaven!

How could Ye Wuque be unfamiliar with these four words? ?

While still under that starry sky!

In the line of Fengluan Tiannv where Yu Xian'er is located, the ancestor totem in it once called him so respectfully!

Respectfully call him...Golden Way of Heaven!

At this moment!

How could this lord of life call him this way? ?

For a moment, even with Ye Wuque's mind, there was a storm in his heart at this moment, unable to calm down.

"no no!"

But suddenly, the lord of life issued a denial, the chaos in the pupils began to spread, and the terrifying coercion transpired from all directions.

Just when Ye Wuque was about to be unable to bear the cracking, all the pressure suddenly disappeared, and the chaos in the diamond-shaped pupils also completely disappeared, replaced by a kind of complete clarity.

The Lord of Life stared at Ye Wuque again, and slowly opened his mouth.

"You are not... Him!"

The voice is no longer trembling and hoarse, but with a touch of respect and respect that is easily undetectable!

Ye Wuque was dissatisfied and puzzled, completely unable to understand.

But the Lord of Life seemed to have experienced some kind of drastic change here, and he even sighed at this moment.



"How can you... be..."

"How could he... still be..."

"It should be...just...descendants...descendants...just..."

The diamond-shaped pupil of the lord of life was closed at this moment, and the voice became misty and trance.

"Unexpectedly after the lost eternity..."

"Unexpectedly... can still... again..."

There seemed to be something after the word "Zai" in the last sentence, but the Lord of Life did not say it.


The Lord of Life opened his pupils again.

There is still no bloodshot, no chaos inside, and some are just deep... exhausted.

Ye Wuque swallowed a somewhat dry throat, not knowing what to say.

Inside the diamond-shaped pupils, the appearance of Ye Wuque was reflected, and the lord of life stared at Ye Wuque, as if he had recovered his calm.

In the next instant, it spoke slowly.

"The descendants of the'Golden Way'..."


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