Return of the War God

Chapter 5655: The charm of time and space


From beginning to end, Ye Wuque froze in place motionless.

It wasn't until the Lord of Life spoke at this moment, and the infinite terrifying coercion disappeared, that Ye Wuque regained his control over himself.

He didn't have the slightest presumptuousness, and once again immediately bowed his fist to the lord of life.

at the same time!

Ye Wuque had already realized it in his heart.

The great and mysterious life lord in front of him clearly recognized something from himself, he saw the so-called "Golden Way" and called himself a "descendant."

From this point of view, the Lord of Life should not be the enemy.

In the past, from Kong, Ye Wuque had already known the existence of "Heavenly Dao".

He has the power derived from the "Tai Shang Dao" handed down by the Ye clan, and he has manifested and used it more than once.

In order to help him, Kong used to show the power of the "Ten Thousand Beasts and Heavenly Way", turning decay into magic.

Under the starry sky, the ancestor of the totem of Fengluan Tiannv called him "Golden Way of Heaven."

It can be said that Ye Wuque is no stranger to "The Way of Heaven."

But at this moment, facing the lord of life, Ye Wuque still decided to pretend to be a "cute new".

"My lord calls me... the descendant of the golden heavenly path?"

"What does it mean?"

Ye Wuque spoke like this, with a touch of doubt on his face.

The doubt is indeed true, because Ye Wuque has never seen what his so-called "Golden Way" is.

Hearing Ye Wuque's opening, the eyes of the Venerable Life once again flashed a touch of remembrance.

"Golden Way..."

"Infinitely great, supreme and supreme, the ultimate achievement that trembles the ancients and the present, and those who can control the'Tao of Heaven' are all...the invincible supreme!"

The Lord of Life spoke with a calm tone, but it was difficult to conceal a sense of sigh.

Ye Wuque's face also showed a look of shock, but in his heart he remembered what the past Kong had mentioned, which was not much different from what the Lord of Life said.

"At your current level, you simply can't understand what the'Tao of Heaven' is."

"You only need to know that your ancestors, your ancestors, once benefited from the power of the'Way of Heaven', were contaminated with great power, and settled in the bloodline. With the bloodline passed down and passed down from generation to generation, You, inherited in your blood, got this eternal legacy."

"It's no wonder that you will have the resources of Qianlong, and the beam of life will have no effect on you. The descendants of the'Golden Way of Heaven', even if they only awakened a billionth of their blood, are destined to excel and be amazing."

The Lord of Life seemed to understand something, so he spoke.

Ye Wuque still had a shock on his face.

But he understands that the point of the respect of life is the same as that of the old sky.


"The Lord of Life seems to be only aware of the so-called'Golden Way of Heaven' in my body, but not the existence of'Too Heavenly Way'..."

The thoughts in Ye Wuque's heart surged, and the mysterious and unpredictable of the past reappeared in his mind again, the peerless unparalleled when he used the "Ten Thousand Beasts Heavenly Dao"!

In an instant, Ye Wuque felt something in his heart.

The power of "Heaven's Way" is unpredictable and unpredictable.

I'm afraid it can only be perceived if it has had a cause and effect, coupled with its own merits.

Ye Wuque could draw an inference from the words that the Lord of Life had whispered before.

The Lord of Life once had a deep cause and effect with a certain great existence in the past who controlled the "Golden Way of Heaven", and all of them would be so gloomy.

But there has never been a cause and effect with the "Tai Shang Dao", so I can't perceive it.

This is normal.

After all, not everyone is invincible as...empty.

"Is it the same as the "Tai Shang Dao", my ancestors once gave out another invincible supreme who controls the "Golden Dao"?"

"Could it be... the mother's line?"

Ye Wuque couldn't calm down in his heart!

According to the words of the Lord of Life, it seems that only this explanation can explain it.

My blood originated from my father and mother.

Needless to say, my father was born in the Ye family. Kong once said that his "too heavenly way" originated from the Ye family.

And the mother's line...

After seeing his own tragic childhood experience and various past histories with his own eyes, Ye Wuque already knew that his mother was equally unpredictable, so the bloodline of his mother may have had the "Golden Way of Heaven" among his ancestors. controller.

In this way, what happened in the past about the "Golden Way" under the starry sky seems to make sense.

"In any case, to be able to meet you here may be regarded as an eternal fate..."

At this moment, the voice of the lord of life sounded again.

Its tone has become calm, but there is no longer the cold and dead silence before, and Ye Wuque is reflected in the huge diamond-shaped pupil, which is deep.

"Perhaps, your arrival is a disguised manifestation of cause and effect in the past, and it is a kind of... destiny."

At this moment, the voice of the lord of life became a little inexplicable, and also a little stunned.

"You are amazing enough, you already have the talent of Qianlong."

"Plus cause and effect plus body..."

Having said this, the Lord of Life paused slightly, and then seemed to have made a certain decision.

"You are eligible to obtain a'Stele of Life', and you are also eligible to compete with Qianlong in the rest of the timeline after entering the cycle of a hundred battles."

As soon as he said this, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly condensed, and there was a storm in his heart!

He was shocked not by being given the so-called "Stele of Life", but by the words in the words of the Lord of Life...

"The rest...timeline?"

"My lord, what do you mean? Could it be that..."

Ye Wuque couldn't help but speak, his tone vibrated.

"You should have guessed."

The Lord of Life spoke calmly.

"The reincarnation of a hundred battles, with the past and the future within it."

"Actually, to be more specific, the reincarnation itself is a combination of contradictions in time and space."

"All the creatures who entered the cycle of a hundred wars, it seems that they only entered within the time and years they are in, and there are only this group of people."

"But this is just before entering the reincarnation of the Hundred Wars. Once you really enter it, it is equivalent to entering a special area of ​​time and space."

"That is to say, the creatures of different years in the past, present, and future will intersect within it, and temporarily stay within the same time node."

"From different years, to be able to temporarily stay at the same time in the cycle of a hundred battles."

"This is the uniqueness of the reincarnation of the Hundred Wars, and it is also the charm of'time and space'."

Although he had already guessed in his heart, but at this moment, he really heard these words from the mouth of the lord of life, and the shocking waves in Ye Wuque's heart were still shaking!

Past, present, Future!

Creatures from different years can meet in the "reincarnation of a hundred battles"!

It is equivalent to three overlapping...wait!

Suddenly, Ye Wuque was shocked!

How does this "Hundred Wars Reincarnation" resemble a place...

There is no return!

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