Return of the War God

Chapter 5661: Punch


Unfortunately, they can't do anything!

Nothing can be done!

Can only watch!

The sequence of the five kings that they finally selected is not at all opponents of others at the moment.

The reincarnation of the Hundred Wars has not yet begun, it is about to end!

Palace Master Guangwei was shaking violently at this moment!

Red eyes, an unprecedented gaffe.

Hao Yi is seriously injured!

Chen Luoxia is about to faint!

Return to the sea and wait for death on the spot!

Chang Ziwei is seriously injured and can't stand up!

Only Ye Wuque was left, and it seemed that he was temporarily intact because he didn't make a move.

Palace Master Guangwei's eyes lit up slightly, but immediately became infinitely dim.

Even Haoyi and Guihai's supernatural powers are about to die!

Ye Wuque...what can I do?

He can only wait to die in place.

The full of unwillingness and pain exploded in the heart of Palace Master Guangwei!

"Do not!"

In the end, the Palace Master Guangwei who could no longer suppress it let out a mournful roar!

Tianboke laughed wildly, his face was crazy and happy!

On the platform of the void.

Zhao Tiankuo's hideous eyes reflected the pale-faced Haoyi and Chen Luoxia!

The Dragon Lord looked down on the tragic return to the sea, with a face full of banter and sarcasm.

Chang Ziwei's face was gray and desperate.

Everything seems to be a foregone conclusion!

"Do not!"

At this moment, the grieving roar from Guangwei Palace Master spread from below!

Ye Wuque, who had been looking calm all the time, heard Palace Master Guangwei's roar, and withdrew his gaze to the number one pick.

Looking at Xiang Haoyi Chen Luoxia, Guihai Divine Ability, and Chang Ziwei, the grief of Guangwei Palace Master echoed in his ears, and Ye Wuque's expression finally fluctuated.



Zhao Tiankuo stepped on it!

Long Ba's **** big hand took a photo!

But at this critical moment!

Two white and slender palms seem to have descended from the sky, without a hint of firework and lightly touched in the void!

Hao Yi, Chen Luoxia, Guihai Shentong, and Chang Ziwei all disappeared somehow!

Disappeared in front of Zhao Tiankuo and Long Ba!


"This is impossible!"

Zhao Tiankuo and Long Ba shouted in surprise at the same time.

They just feel like a flower in front of them!

Then Hao Yi and the four people disappeared? ?

"What about people?"

Zhao Tiankuo's eyes were like a knife, and he shouted immediately!

But the next moment, Zhao Tiankuo's pupils shrank suddenly!

He clearly sees it!

Hao Yi and Chen Luoxia, at this moment, had unexpectedly appeared in another place, where there was the prestige of Guihai Shentong Tu Changzi.

The four stood together, panting, their faces blank and inconceivable!

And in front of the four of them, a tall and slender figure stood with its hands behind, with a calm complexion. It was exactly... Ye Wuque!

Long Ba suddenly raised his brows, and finally stared at Ye Wuque!

This sudden scene shocked everyone!

Including the lower order masters, they haven't even had time to react.

And Zhao Tiankuo is here!

The expression suddenly became extremely ferocious!

"you wanna die!"

He roared, and the whole person burst out with gray brilliance, and was completely angered, as if a male lion had been bitten by an ant. It was not fatal, but it was incomparably humiliated!

The terrible fluctuations shook in an instant, shaking the earth!

this moment!

Even the kings with the first and second picks were attracted by Zhao Tiankuo's volatility and looked over.


They saw Zhao Tiankuo as if incarnate as an ancient giant bear, rushing towards Ye Wuque and waiting for the five people to come!

Hao Yi, Guihai Shentong and the others trembled violently and their heads were still buzzing. They didn't know what was going on, but they all felt Zhao Tiankuo's true strength, which was even more terrifying than before!

The entire void is shattering!

They can only...wait to die!

But the next moment!

Hao Yi, Guihai Shentong, Chen Luoxia, and Chang Ziwei suddenly saw Ye Wuque standing in front of them, and slowly stretched out the right hand behind them.


Raise your hand.

make a fist.

A light the sky!

In an instant, the four people of Haoyi felt that the entire void was inexplicably... solidified!

The universe is like a reverse.

And then!


Zhao Tiankuo exploded!

The four of them clearly saw that Zhao Tiankuo, who was still infinitely terrifying and invincible, burst into blood mist!

There was no time to utter a cry of pain or a begging for mercy, so there was no bones left, and Ye Wuque was blasted to death!

The four of Haoyi opened their mouths instantly!

The eyes are as wide as a copper bell!


Ye Wuque only took a punch!

He directly defeated Zhao Tiankuo!

To put it lightly, as if it just killed a mosquito.

The entire void battlefield became deadly silent in an instant!

All the King Sequences that were still fighting were all stunned to a halt at this moment, all staring blankly at Ye Wuque, who was slowly closing his fists!


All the in-line masters also froze in place as if they had been held in position.

The Sky Parker who was laughing wildly was struck by lightning!

As if by an invisible big hand, the neck was severely strangled, and the laughter came to an abrupt end!

The expression on his face is completely frozen!

Guangwei Palace Lord, Earth Dragon God, Kong Lao, Ice King, Manzun, the expressions of the five beings at this time are exactly the same... at a loss!

They even seem to be confused!

Looked blankly at Ye Wuque, who was standing up with his fists on the void battle platform.

In my mind, there seemed to be endless stormy waves, and my breathing was stagnant!

The whole sky and the earth.

At this moment, everyone seems to be motionless!

Only the top ten kings ranked first and second, all eyes were on Ye Wuque's body at this moment.

They... looked at Ye Wuque for the first time.

And Ye Wuque is here...

At this time, the fist that had just been retracted was moving in another direction, once again fluttering...boom!

boom! !

The violent roar broke the dead silence in the sky and the ground like thunder!

Only saw a majestic wave of real air born out of the sky, dragging a vacuum trajectory to shatter the sky, causing the entire void battle platform to tremble crazily and violently, as if the universe was directly split!

The second punch... blasted straight to Longba!

At this moment, Long Ba standing in the void reflected the rapidly expanding fist in his pupils, and he felt his hairs stand upside down, and his whole body was trembling violently!

He felt an unprecedented danger and terror!

At the moment of the moment, the dragon and the tyrant's fists were united, and the **** brilliance all over the sky, the **** phantom behind him roared fiercely, terrible fluctuations swept across the sky and the ground, destroying everything!

Bang! !

The **** phantom exploded directly!

The blood shining in the sky is directly collapsed!

The dragon and tyrant's pair of fists rushed directly out of blood!

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