Return of the War God

Chapter 5662: The real dragon is here but I don't know


He went backwards madly until he hit the edge of the void battle platform hard and made a deafening roar before he stopped!

The whole body trembled violently, Long Ba's throat trembled, and at the same time a large mouthful of blood spurted out, the whole person seemed to be unable to hold it anymore, and he knelt down with a sound!


The second in line, the Lingjiao Dharma King, who was struck by lightning, uttered an incredible roar!

"This is impossible!!"

Still a punch!

Long Ba was hit by Ye Wuque directly to his knees!

Can't stand up!

The sky and the earth, which had been silent, became silent again!

Everyone seemed to have become a clay sculpture, motionless.

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Trapped in endless horror and... at a loss!

But here, Ye Wuque slowly closed his fists again, and slowly sounded with a calm voice of faint admiration, finally breaking the dead silence.

"If you can take a punch from me."

"You...not bad."

As soon as this is said!

Shaking violently all over, the face of Long Ba who was vomiting blood on his knees suddenly became distorted, his eyes became scarlet, blood burst out of his body, as if a blood dragon was resurrecting, and he finally stood up with a destructive amount of violence in his body. Looming!

"Who are you???"

Long Ba stared at Ye Wuque, and let out a terrible roar!

With the roar of Dragon Ba, everyone in the sky and underground also subconsciously had the same idea!


Who the **** is this person? ?

Only two punches!

One punch blasted Zhao Tiankuo, who was sixth overall!

Kneeling down with a punch, Long Ba who was ranked third!

What kind of terrifying and unparalleled combat power is this? ?

That kind of people? ?

Why was it silent before? ?

Why, why does it appear in a mere...seventh overall? ?

He should be in the second pick, no, he should be in the first pick!

All in-line masters are completely at a loss and confused!

They subconsciously looked at the seventh-ranked Guangwei Palace Master and other five existences, but found that the five of them were also confused and confused!

As if completely stupid, he froze in place motionless, as if he was still dreaming!

"Do not!!"

A roar full of resentment, madness, pain, and unwillingness suddenly sounded at this moment, piercing the clouds and breaking the dead silence!

It is from Tianboke!

At this moment, Tianbo guest is like a madman, and the whole person is distorted!

How crazily you laughed before, and how painful you are now!

Zhao Tiankuo was blown up!

The only seedling with his sixth overall pick was directly terminated!

All hiccups!

Not even able to enter the door of reincarnation.

And because of the roar of Tianbo Ke at this moment, all the in-line masters were finally awakened and recovered from the endless shock and confusion.

On the platform of the void.

Except for the top ten kings sequence of the first and second picks, all the remaining king sequences, looking at Ye Wuque at this moment, are filled with endless... panic and fear!

Hao Yi, Guihai Shentong, Chen Luoxia, and Chang Ziwei, the four of them stood blankly behind Ye Wuque at the moment, their minds still roaring endlessly.

Looking at Ye Wuque’s tall and slender back, the subconscious glances of Hao Yi and Guihai’s supernatural power met, and they all saw the shock in each other’s eyes, as well as the bitter smiles, emotions, and awe that slowly turned into...

"It turns out that we are the frogs at the bottom of the well."

"After doing it for a long time... he is the real Nine Heavens Dragon! Take it, thoroughly... Take it..."


At this moment, the crack of light suddenly opened, and the shining brilliance within it turned into a huge whirlpool, and endless suction and brilliance erupted from it, instantly covering all the remaining kings on the void platform. sequence!

The door to the reincarnation of a hundred battles was finally completely opened.

All king sequences were sucked into that huge vortex at this moment!


All the gazes of the in-line ruler still condensed on Ye Wuque's body.

But the five Guangwei Palace Masters, at this moment, finally recovered from the endless confusion and horror, but they were still extremely absent-minded.

"It turns out, it turns out... From the beginning, we... misunderstood!"

"It turns out... Ye Wuque... is the real... enchanting... the real monster..."

"We are the biggest... a joke!"

Palace Master Guangwei lost consciousness and muttered to himself.

"He He…"

"We... misunderstood the person!"

The Earth Dragon God also spoke tremblingly, and didn't know what to say.

Kong Lao's eyes were full of deep shock and wry smiles.

"The five of us, ten eyes in total, are useless from start to finish! Blind! We are blind through and through!"

At this moment, the brilliance on the ice king's face seemed to be finally uncontrollable, and a pair of...beautiful eyes were vaguely revealed!

The ice king is a woman.

At this moment, her voice slowly sounded: "We have despised Ye Wuque, but he has taken action anyway, and he can completely sit on the sidelines..."

"We owe him...too much!"

Quite respectable.

This was aimed at Ye Wuque’s existence from the very beginning. At this moment, looking at Ye Wuque, who was already shrouded in brilliance, his eyes couldn’t calm down, his mouth squirmed crazily, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end it turned into a deep silence. .

Palace Master Guangwei seemed to have recovered slightly at this moment, he looked up at Ye Wuque's back, and at this moment revealed a deep wry smile.

"The real dragon is here!"

"But we don't know from start to finish..."

"Stupid as we are...lived to a dog at all ages..."

"Ye Wuque..."

"You must live out of the cycle of a hundred battles..."

"You can definitely do it."

Before the huge whirlpool.

All king sequences are shrouded in brilliance at this moment, constantly pulling toward the huge vortex!

But that Long Ba still stared at Ye Wuque at this moment, even in the brilliance, he still roared again!

"who are you??"

"tell me!!"

His roar drew the attention of all King Sequences!

The top ten kings ranked first and second, all looked at Ye Wuque in unison at this moment.

At this moment, the complexion was calm, Ye Wuque, who stood holding his hand in the light, spoke lightly to meet the gazes of all the king's sequences.

"Ye Wuque."


In the next moment, I heard all the king sequences of these three words clearly, and before there was any change in his expression, he was completely sucked into the huge vortex, and all disappeared.

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