Return of the War God

Chapter 5664: boom



Endless light, hazy, blazing, dazzling, gloomy, mysterious...

At this moment, Ye Wuwei only felt that his whole body seemed to be shattered.

He can no longer see anything, only his ears can barely hear the outside world.

In a trance!

I heard the shouts of killing all over the sky, the roar of mighty nine days, the **** and cruel sound of conquest.

I heard the sacrificial sound of countless creatures kneeling down and worshipping fanatically and sincerely.

Hearing the chanting like a bright heavenly sound, the vast echoes of a lotus-like tongue, the ten directions of reincarnation trembled.

Hearing the domineering and majestic beast roar, it is as if the years have exploded, the roar breaks through time and space, and echoes the past and present!

Hearing an unknown existence seemed to be singing, the ancient ballad penetrated the sun, the moon and the stars, the universe!

Hear the sound of destruction of the big stars colliding, the galaxy rolling backwards, and the collapse of the sky!

Hearing countless earth-shattering creatures screaming, my domineering aura turned into a storm and blew for nine days!

Ye Wuque only felt that his ears were about to explode at any time, and the endless various ancient and mysterious roars penetrated into his mind, as if the sky thunder shook the ground fire.

If it is an ordinary creature, I am afraid that it has already bleeds from its seven orifices, is completely insane, and is alive and shaken into a fool.

But Ye Wuque was calm and composed, holding Yuan Shouyi, the black hole primordial spirit in the soul space was turning around, suppressing all changes.

The body is constantly walking through, seeming to never stop.

But gradually, various mysterious and ancient roars seemed to disappear, and the ears became calm again, as if only a wisp of wind was blowing slowly.

Listening to the wind, Ye Wuque felt an unexplained peace in his heart in an instant.

It seemed that the wind had blown from the distant ancient time, blowing through the years, spanning endless years, and it just hit Ye Wuque's ear.

He seemed to be in a trance.

There were countless pictures in my mind, hazy, vague, indistinct, vaguely...

The past is more than a thousand years old.

I don't know when, Ye Wuque seemed to fall asleep and didn't know anything.

Until a certain moment.


In the darkness, suddenly there was a cold and electricity, and it was a pair of bright eyes that suddenly opened.


After regaining consciousness, Ye Wuque realized that he was lying on the front, and seemed to be lying in a relatively narrow space.

The surrounding area was cold, and the top was hard. There was no light, only darkness.

Ye Wuque's eyes were calm. He didn't worry about anything, but the black hole between his forehead and the sky appeared, and the power of the soul swept out like mercury.

After a few breaths, the black hole sky eye disappeared, and Ye Wuque's eyes showed a touch of weirdness.

Then, a punch blasted upward!


The hardness above was blasted away immediately, and Ye Wuque directly sat up. At this moment, the surrounding area was no longer dark, but there was dim light.

Half-seat Ye Wuque slowly stood up at this moment.

Upon closer inspection, he discovered that the place where Ye Wuque had been lying was a mouthful...coffin!

The black coffin was about the size of a person, and it was rectangular. As Ye Wuque blasted the coffin cover open with a punch, the dust suddenly spread, and the dust was everywhere.

"Lying in the coffin at the beginning?"


Ye Wuque, who stood still again, looked at the coffin in front of him, and also spoke a little speechlessly, but his heart was also slightly shaken.


After he was sucked in by that huge vortex, he went through a series of mysterious walks, and finally was teleported to a coffin?

Ye Ge didn't expect such a start.

"This coffin..."

Suddenly, Ye Wuque's eyes moved, and the dim light scattered in, shining on the coffin, which was engraved with many incomparably ancient and complicated inscriptions and mysterious patterns.

Ye Wuque looked at it carefully, he couldn't understand these inscriptions, but there was a mysterious and bleak ancient and obscure aura coming upon his face!

But those mysterious patterns made Ye Wuque's eyes flicker.

It was amazingly lifelike fierce beasts with different shapes!

They have different postures, or domineering, or tyrannical, or sacred, or gloomy, all different!

But each one showed boundless evil spirit and terrifying aura!

The ancient inscriptions are intertwined with the mysterious beast graphics, and the whole body is black and lacquer, making the whole coffin feel a tingling scalp, and the feeling of fierce and ominous feelings of chills in the heart.

With the help of the dim light, Ye Wuque realized that he seemed to be in a strange stone room, and the black coffin was placed in the center of the stone room.

Except for the black coffin, there is nothing left in the entire stone chamber, only scattered dust and the thick accumulation of dust on the ground, which proves that no one has set foot here for too long.

"This is the world in the'Samsara of Hundred Wars'?"

Ye Wuque was quite surprised and even more puzzled, but he was at ease when he came. He looked at the only door to the outside of the stone room, his figure flashed, and slowly walked out of the stone room.

The light became bright as soon as it came out of the stone room, and a long corridor appeared in front of him.

And the light is refracted from the end of the tunnel, illuminating everything.

When Ye Wuque walked to the end of the tunnel, he found that it was actually a corner. After walking along the corner again, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly brightened.

And when he saw clearly everything that appeared in front of him at the moment, a shock flashed in his eyes!

As far as I could see, a vast square appeared at this moment, showing a gray-black color, and even a dark red color that was permeating.


Only endless blood pouring here, coupled with the drying and solidification of the long years, will form this color.

The reason why Ye Wuque could be so sure that it was blood was because the entire square was densely covered with countless figures!

They froze in place!

His eyes were dead.

not moving at all!

Because these figures are all... corpses!

Countless corpses, of various shapes, almost covered the entire square, as if a locust was crossing the border, Ye Wuque could feel an indescribable cold and gloomy meaning, and he rushed to his face at this moment.

"It seems that they are all young creatures!"

Ye Wuque's eyes were like a knife, and he had clearly seen at this moment that among the countless corpses, there were men and women belonging to the human race, but they all seemed to be less than thirty years old.

As for the creatures of other races, it can also be vaguely distinguished that they are very young.

But the most frightening thing is that the expressions on the faces of countless creatures' corpses!

distortion! Stunned!

fear! Panic!

pain! crazy!

As if before dying, I saw some indescribable strange and terrifying sight.

Ye Wuque narrowed his eyes.

Suddenly, he took a step forward, walked slowly towards the countless corpses, and finally walked in.

"These corpses, stiff, cold and dusty, seem to have been dead for a long time!"

"But all of them look so young. Could it be that... in the past years, have entered the reincarnation of a hundred battles?"

Ye Wuque walked among the countless corpses, slowly interspersed, carefully observed at close range, and came to a conclusion.

But this scene looks very weird!

The whole square was silent.

Countless corpses stood densely, and only Ye Wuque was a living person who was still walking among the corpses at this moment.

The cold and gloomy breath continued to linger, making Ye Wuque seem to be walking in a purgatory, passing by corpses one after another, which made people shudder.

Ye Wuque was expressionless, but his eyes kept flickering.

"What did these creatures see before they died?"

"And their deaths are almost the same, they all seem to have died in an instant..."

While thinking, Ye Wuque walked past another human male corpse.

But the next moment!

Ye Wuque's footsteps suddenly stopped!

He suddenly looked back!

Looking at the human male corpse who just walked by, his eyes condensed!

This corpse with a crazily twisted face is so familiar, that face is exactly the one who should have entered the cycle of a hundred battles with Ye Wuque... Haoyi!

Ye Wuque stared at the distorted face of Haoyi who was close at hand, only to find it extremely absurd and weird.

But right now!

Behind Ye Wuque, on the twisted face of a stiff female corpse, the eyes that had been frozen and silent suddenly moved!

The place seemed to be stiff and weird and turned twice, and immediately stared at Ye Wuque's back!

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