Return of the War God

Chapter 5665: The highest pinnacle


Ye Wuque's eyes were cold and expressionless.

Staring at Haoyi's distorted face close at hand!

How could Hao Yi appear here? ?

Turned into a corpse?

Every corpse here has been dead for a long time. There is dust on the ground, and the corpse is covered with dust. There will be no fakes.

At this moment, Ye Wuque was independent among countless corpses, and the meaning of icy coldness seemed to be three-point strong.

Vaguely, there was also a cold wind blowing like an evil spirit whimpering!

It seems that the entire square has undergone some kind of drastic change in an instant!

But Ye Wuque was unmoved, his gaze still fell on Hao Yi's corpse, and he took a step forward and directly faced Hao Yi's corpse, as if he wanted to figure it out!


The eyeballs of Haoyi's corpse suddenly turned abruptly, and at this moment it seemed to be alive, just staring at Ye Wuque without blinking!

On that distorted face, there was a strange and crazy smile at this moment!

"I died so miserably..."

"Ye Wuque..."

"Why are you... killing me?"


A hoarse and terrifying howl, as if floating out from the depths of hell, from the moment of Haoyi's corpse, it was so terrifying in the dead square!

Ye Wuque's eyes were already narrowed!


Behind Ye Wuque's head, a dry and pale palm appeared silently, turning the palm into claws, and then lightning grabbed the back of Ye Wuque's head!


The pale paws burst open!

He was shocked by the back of Ye Wuque's head!

On the face of a pale and distorted woman's corpse, a weird dazedness emerged at this moment, and he glanced blankly at the right arm that he had exploded with only his wrist!

I don't seem to understand why this is happening?

And this moment.

With his back to the female corpse, Ye Wuque slowly turned around and looked at the female corpse blankly, with a cold tone.

"Are you tickling me?"

The blank woman's corpse stared at Ye Wuque, and her face became crazy and distorted!

"Give me my life!!"

The hoarse and crazy roar exploded, and the terrifying meaning of icy cold was like an endless stream of cold surging, and it was very ear-piercing, and Ye Wuque appeared directly!

The remaining claw madly grabbed Ye Wuque!

at the same time!

Haoyi's corpse also rushed out, like a hungry tiger pounced on a sheep, and pounced on Ye Wuque. He opened his mouth directly and bit him hard!

Being flanked by the left and right, Ye Wuque stood on the spot, expressionless, his eyes were cold, and his eyes were extremely captivating!

His movements are very simple.

First, he kicked it out and hit the abdomen of the female corpse that he had caught!

With a bang, the female corpse was kicked out, before it hit the ground, it was still roaring, and it exploded!

Then, Ye Wuque raised his left hand suddenly, slapped Hao Yi's face with a rounded slap!


The head of Haoyi's corpse was directly blown out!

Then the headless corpse rolled into the void, and it was also broken!

But after solving the two corpses, Ye Wuque still stood in place, expressionless, his eyes cold.

Because of this moment!

In all directions, countless densely packed corpses, I don't know when they all turned their directions, staring at Ye Wuque firmly!

Next moment!


The entire square was trembling, and all the corpses came back to life, like a hungry tiger rushing towards Ye Wuque crazy!

Look far!

This scene was truly terrifying to the extreme.

In the sky and underground, all the space that can be seen is submerged by countless crazily twisted corpses.

Ye Wuque became the center of being surrounded, almost instantly submerged in it, completely invisible!

The icy and gloomy breath has turned into an icy storm, blowing everything, freezing the void in all directions!

But the next moment!

"Pretend to be a fool!"

"Get me... get out!"

With a loud shout, like thunder, it spread out from countless corpses, and bursts of brilliant glazed flames burst out at the same time...

Jingshi Liulihuo!

Glazed flames burned blazingly, and immediately enveloped a corpse!

At this moment, a huge phantom of a bodhisattva turned out to be on top of the void.

Hands together!

Mercy comes to the world, and all sentient beings are universal.

Bodhisattva extinction!

It is the nemesis of all evils, evil spirits, and evil spirits.

The Jingshi colored glaze fire became more and more fierce, and wherever it passed, a corpse was directly destroyed in ashes, burned into slag, and completely disappeared into the world.

In just a few breaths, the entire square was completely submerged by Jingshi Liuli Fire.

The only thing that can be seen is that countless twisted figures seem to be struggling in the Jingshi Liuli fire, but they disappear completely in the blink of an eye.

After ten breaths.

The Jingshi Liulihuo slowly shrank, and finally Ye Wuque's figure appeared again. He still stood on the spot, his face expressionless, and he hadn't moved from beginning to end.

But at the moment!

Where is there half a corpse in the entire square?

All the corpses had been wiped out in ashes, and they were burned clean by the Jingshi colored glaze, leaving no one behind.

The original cold and gloomy breath also disappeared directly, as if it had never appeared before.

The entire square seemed to be purified and returned to normal.

But at this moment, Ye Wuque's eyes were still cold, the black hole on his forehead and the sky's eyes didn't know when they would still open, the power of the soul shone, shining into the void!

In the vision of Divine Soul, Ye Wuque saw a weird shadow that was desperately rushing towards the end of the square at this moment!

This shadow is the culprit of all the corpses that just happened.

That Haoyi's corpse was exactly what it changed to stimulate Ye Wuque on purpose, but it was actually fake at all.

"Want to go?"

Ye Wuque sounded like ice.

Then all the icy fluctuations broke out directly from the eyes of the black hole sky!

Absolutely zero!

The divine and soul vision was activated, and the ten directions of the void were directly frozen, and almost instantly, it directly enveloped the weird shadow and iced it.


"The purifying power of Buddhism and Taoism?"

"Who are you??"

The weird shadow suddenly screamed and struggled wildly, but it was useless.

Ye Wuque grabbed the void with his right hand, and the weird shadow was directly carried back like a little chicken!

"No! Don't kill me!"

"Do not kill me!"

The strange shadow screamed frantically, begging for mercy, piercingly, constantly struggling in Ye Wuque's hands.

"Why shot me?"

Ye Wuque's icy voice was like thunder and explosion, and the strange shadow trembled in an instant, and he immediately slumped down.

The strange shadow trembled violently. After hearing Ye Wuque's words at this moment, he immediately trembled and said: "The monument of life! I am on you and feel the breath of the monument of life..."

"This is the key to the'Highest Peak'! It is the ultimate desire of countless creatures!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly moved slightly.


But before Ye Wuque spoke again, the entire square suddenly began to tremble violently, and then crazily collapsed, as if it had been attacked by some unimaginable terror!

Vaguely, Ye Wuque heard a series of ancient and desolate, but **** and solemn horns, which came from far away!

The weird shadow in his hand was already limp, but when he heard the sound of the ancient horn, he suddenly trembled crazily again, and uttered a roar of infinite fear!

"Go! Run away! Run away!"

"Come! It's them! They are here! They will destroy everything!! Ruin everything! Kill everything!"


"The remnant of the punishment!"

"Forbidden the horrible remnants of abolishing the law!!"

When the last sentence of the strange shadow roared with endless fear, Ye Wuque's pupils shrank violently, and his heart roared endlessly!

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