Return of the War God

Chapter 5676: : The **** banner that wafts forever!

The remnants of the prohibition of repealing the law? ?

Prohibition of repealing the law? ?

Ye Wuque had no idea that he would be in such a place and would hear such words again at such a moment!

At this moment, no one knew how excited and trembling Ye Wuque's mood was!

Forbidden law!

Glory method!

This has always been one of the main unresolved issues that he cared about.

Under the starry sky where he was, under the guidance of Kong, he had always practiced the "forbidden method".

But when he came to the sky outside the sky, in the Nine Tribulations Valley of the Shenhuang Dynasty, I met the Nine Tribulations Valley Master, and then I understood this unimaginable horrible truth!

In this brand new world, the law of prohibition has long been reduced to the dust of history, and it is called the "law of prohibition and abolition."

The concepts of the two laws can be described as completely contradictory and contradictory.

Man will conquer the sky!

Heaven and man are one!

Therefore, a long time ago, there was an unimaginable cruel struggle between the Glory Law and the Forbidden Law, and the Forbidden Law was defeated and retired from the stage of history.

In this world, "Glory of the Ancient Law" has become the mainstream, and it has a long history and dominates everything.

The relationship between the forbidden law and the glory law and the secrets of the past have always been one of Ye Wuque's pursuits.

There was a problem he most puzzled!

"After reaching the sky, it will be immortal!"

This was what Kong had said to him at the beginning, and it was also what Ye Wuque looked forward to most under that starry sky.


The Nine Tribulations Valley Lord said, "After the sky is cleared, everything will be immortal! This is a ridiculous mess that harms the world and causes endless living beings to die for it! They went astray, maddened, and sinful, and they are not tolerated by the heavens!"

Sora will never lie to himself!

But as time and strength continued to improve, Ye Wuque later discovered that the "Through Heaven Realm" in the Forbidden Law, in terms of strength, was only equivalent to the "First Bronze Man God of the Human God Realm" in the Glory Law!

This is an iron fact, Ye Wuque felt it.

And the Bronze God's Human God Realm, within the Glory Law, is just one realm!

After the human spirit realm, there is the legendary road, half-step legendary realm, legendary realm, three-day realm, and ninth level of refining God!

If someone now tells Ye Wuque that the "Bronze Man God" should be "immortal", Ye Wuque couldn't believe it at all!


This is where the biggest contradiction lies. When the forbidden law reaches the "Tongtian Realm", it doesn't make sense at all.

Will Sora lie to himself? ?

Absolutely not!

Then there is only another possibility...

Within the forbidden law, is there a secret that he didn't know?

Between Tongtian Realm and Endless!

There must be some incredible truth?

The truth about forbidden law?

Such thoughts had already appeared in Ye Wuque's mind countless times.

It's just that there has been no chance to answer, and there is no way to answer it, because there is no trace of the "forbidden law" in this world.


Ye Wuque still has another doubt.

That is, the "Forbidden Law" and the "Glory Method" clearly diverged after the "Man King Realm". They began to follow different concepts, one seeking the outside and the other seeking the inside, and headed in completely different directions.

In other words, before the "Human King Realm", including the "Human King Realm", it should be exactly the same, without any difference or difference.

For example, the current self is the human king state.

So why, no matter if it is a "mysterious creature" or a "predecessor fairy", you can be sure at a glance that you are taking the path of "forbidden law"?

This was Ye Wuque's question only after seeing "Senior Immortal", but it was a pity that he couldn't get the answer.

"This is an opportunity!"

"Golden opportunity!"

"In the reincarnation of a hundred battles, the mysterious and unpredictable, the past, the present, and the future overlap on three sides! Countless incredible things can happen!"

"Even the Lord of Life doesn't know the true face of Samsara in Hundred Wars, there are still the remnants of forbidden law here!"

Ye Wuque made a decision in an instant.

And these many thoughts flashed in Ye Wuque's heart, and they were only a matter of a moment.

The weird shadow that was imprisoned in his hands was not only trembling and fearful!

this moment!

Ye Wuque's face showed a hint of doubt and incomprehension at the right time, and then coldly picked up the strange shadow!

"What forbidden method?"

"What remnant?"

"Death is coming, are you talking nonsense so that I don't kill you??"

The weird shadow was immediately stunned!

But it immediately understood, and immediately struggling and trembling: "I'm not talking nonsense! This is true! This is, this is ancient secrets! All of this is true!"

"Run away!"

"Those remnants are crazy!"

"They will destroy all living things you see! You will die if you stay! They have the power to destroy the world!"



At this moment, the tremor of the entire square had reached its limit, the upper part had begun to collapse, and countless cracks appeared on the ground.

The sound of the trumpet that seems to have passed from the ancient times, is like the thunder that explodes from ten directions, and the town has wiped out everything!

Ye Wuque's eyes flashed, carrying a weird shadow in his hand, and his whole person instantly disappeared in place, and went up.


The main hall where the square was in an instant collapsed crazily downwards, and Ye Wuque was like a ghost, flashing continuously along the collapsed cracks, and finally rushed out and came to the sky above the outside world.

Standing on the void, Ye Wuque's eyes flashed with a trembling color.

The sky above has already shown a strange pale gray!

It seems that the endless light has been concealed, and all the light is dimming. Below, you can vaguely see a vast land, as if it exists in the lost years, without an end, a hazy, but this moment is trembling crazy!


At this moment, the sound of the trumpet has already shown ten times, a hundred times more vigorously, sweeping across the sky and the ground!

In the distance of the vast land, there appeared an endless gray-black light group!

The gray-black light group is coming at an unimaginable speed, wherever it passes, it is illuminated by gray-black light, everything is being destroyed, and the scene is truly terrifying to the limit.

The weird shadow being carried is about to split at this moment, and they are already crying!

"They are here!"

"Run away!"

"I don't want to die!"


At this moment, Ye Wuque looked away, and his heart was shocked.

He suddenly felt an indescribable crazy, tragic, fierce, and unwilling to fight indestructible, like a hundred-level storm sweeping across the world, rushing toward his face!

Next moment!

Ye Wuque's eyes condensed!

He saw clearly that at the forefront of the gray-black light group, a flag was floating in the gray-black brilliance that destroyed everything!


But hunting in the wind!

It was soaked in blood, it was not even dried up yet!

Endless tragic!

Eternal unyielding!

Even if infinite time rushes and resists, the immortal fighting spirit on the flag can't be wiped out!

This is a banner!

An eternal **** banner!

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