Return of the War God

Chapter 5678: : Forbidden Law... Ye Wuque!

An indescribable meaning of blazing horror and coldness swept Ye Wuque instantly like a stormy sea!

It made Ye Wuque feel as if he was standing in the center of Ice and Fire Purgatory, and his body seemed to split in the next instant!

"Extremely riotous ancient!"

In an instant, Ye Wuque exploded with the power of his physical body, and his physical body immediately turned into a white jade, standing tall, like a white jade war god.

To be honest, even Ye Wuque himself was shocked at his own practice and thoughts!

He fended off the **** banner, rushed into the gray-black light group, came between this great warrior, and stood shoulder to shoulder with them.

How crazy is this? ?


At this moment, as Ye Wuque rushed in, the entire gray-black light group suddenly stopped inexplicably!

Everything seemed to freeze.

But Ye Wuque felt a tingling scalp.


In all directions, countless great fighters suddenly turned around at this moment, all facing Ye Wuque!

For an instant, Ye Wuque felt a sharp pain in his body, staring at himself with cold, tragic, and crazy eyes.

The gray-black brilliance is boiling!

Even if the dragon halberd was in hand, Ye Wuque still felt a kind of extreme catastrophe at this moment.


Destroy all enemies!

Kill all the enemies of the ages!

This is what Ye Wuque perceives from the eyes of countless great warriors from all directions.

He feels that he will die at any time!

"It is indeed the Heavenly Transcendence Realm of Forbidden Law!"

"But the horror is not the cultivation base of these great war gods themselves. After all, the Heavenly Transcendent Realm is only equivalent to the bronze gods in the glory of the law!"

But at this moment, Ye Wuque's eyes were incredibly bright and deep.

Close contact with this great warrior can be even more sure that they have the breath of the Heavenly Passing Realm remaining on them.

To the current Ye Wuque, the cultivation base strength of the Heavenly Transcendence Realm was not as fragile as the Ants.

But why are they so scary?

Everything is ruining wherever you go, and there is no life to stop!

"The gray-black brilliance that surrounds them, and the blazing blood!"

"Bloodlight is a fierce fighting intent!"

"And that gray-black brilliance..."

Ye Wuque felt the limit, and then there was a touch of shock in his eyes!


"Indestructible obsession!"

"The immortal obsession that comes from the supreme being!"

"Condensed brilliance, applied to these great fighters, solidified time, frozen years, making them immortal and indestructible, sweeping invincible!"

How much is the most terrifying power in the world?

No one can tell!

But "obsession" must be one of them.

That is the ultimate madness that does not survive the madness!

Even if he is a mundane ordinary person with obsession, he can show extremely terrifying power!

Ye Wuque had a deep understanding of this.

He had a bad fate when he was young, and he has gone through ten years of death, but what keeps him stuck is not his obsession?

Without obsession, Ye Wuque would probably not be able to walk today!

What's more, an obsession with supreme existence?

This is the most terrifying power!

Obviously they are only fighters in the Heaven-Through-Sky Realm, but they can sweep the world and destroy everything they see and gain.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Ye Wuque's eyes condensed, as if he had discovered something again!

The black hole between his forehead and the sky opened again, illuminating all directions, covering countless great warriors in all directions.

"Not a body of flesh and blood!"

"The fierce fighting will, the obsession of supreme being added together, condensed into a kind of horror... the soul of war!"

At this moment, Ye Wuque had an insight into the true colors of these great fighters.

Their bodies have long since disappeared, leaving only the great fighting spirit.



Void trembles, gray-black brilliance lingers in the leaves, and the great battle spirit rushes out, followed by countless blood-stained war spears in their hands!

Ye Wuque at this moment was an enemy and a heresy in the eyes of countless great war souls.

Facing the enemy, facing the heresy, there is only one word...


Ye Wuque's body was trembling, and the gray-black ray of obsession left by the supreme existence was really terrifying!

That is a terrible power that transcends everything, enough to destroy everything.

Ye Wuque rushed in, no matter who looked at it, he would definitely die, absolutely unable to resist.

But this moment!

There was no fear or panic in Ye Wuque's eyes, only firm and strong belief!

Calm like him, how could he take the initiative to jump into a mortal situation?

The power of his own soul has penetrated deep into the Yuanyang Ring, shrouded in the Escape Realm Breaking Void Talisman, and can be activated at any time.

"Intuition tells me..."

"It will succeed!"

Then, Ye Wuque thought... a move!


I saw that his whole body suddenly burst out of powerful cultivation level fluctuations!

It's not that combat power fluctuates!

It is the real fluctuation of cultivation base!

In the next instant, behind Ye Wuque, a series of divine springs appeared, and in the end, eighty-nine times, throbbing, full of visual impact!

At this moment, the fluctuation of the cultivation level of the Great Perfection of the Human King Realm and Divine Status was like a stormy wave from Ye Wuque's whole body agitated!

Ye Wuque showed his true realm. At this moment, the fluctuations in his cultivation base contained the most real aura belonging to his own king realm, spreading away in all directions!

Since these great fighting spirits were born in forbidden law, they must be sensitive to the breath of "forbidden law".

And after the experience of the mysterious creature and the predecessor of the fairy, Ye Wuque can be sure that even in the human king realm, it seems that he can still distinguish the different auras of the "forbidden law" and the "honor law"!


This is exactly Ye Wuque's response!

With the breath of his own "forbidden law", show these great fighting spirits and prove to them that you are... your own people!


There is a gambling element in this, and there is a great risk.

But the past secrets of the "forbidden law" are in front of us, and it is hard to come across these great fighting spirits who practice forbidden law. This is a situation that is absolutely indispensable. How could Ye Wuwei miss it?

Even if there is a big risk, it is worth a gamble!

What's more, there is also the Escape Realm Breaking Void Talisman, and Ye Wuque is fearless.


The cultivation base aura released from Ye Wuque's body was constantly sweeping in all directions at this moment like a tide.

Those blood-stained war spears stabbed in, menacing, gray-black brilliance entwined, infinite terror, and they were already close at hand!

Ye Wuque stood on the spot, and the power of the soul had poured into the Escape Talisman at this moment, but his eyes were scorching, staring at a great war soul who was close at hand!

Next moment!

Just about half an inch away from Ye Wuque's face, the countless blood-stained war spears suddenly...stopped!

But Ye Wuque could still feel the terrifying fighting spirit and evil spirit from these blood-stained war spears!

It's like coming from an ancient battlefield that shook the sky, with blood flying and infinite horror!

At this moment, everything seems to be still!

Ye Wuque stood motionless.

The countless blood-stained war spears that were close to him also stood still at this moment.

Next moment!


Ye Wuque clearly saw that all the blood-stained war spears were...recovered!

Then, he saw a great war spirit standing up with his spear, but one by one faced him again!

A pair of eyes seemed to be staring at him closely!

It seems to be... distinguishing something!

this moment.

Ye Wuque's heart was stirred!

He knew he seemed to be... the bet was right.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Wuque's complexion became solemn and solemn, he plunged the big dragon halberd upside down into the ground, and temporarily dropped the strange shadow on the ground, and then stepped out!

Facing all the great fighting spirits in all directions, bend down, hold your fists, and bow deeply!

"Forbidden Law... Ye Wuque!"

"I've seen you all the great war soul seniors!"

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