Return of the War God

: Chapter 5679: Dream back to ancient times!

This prayer, Ye Wuque's sincere prayer!

His voice is full of respect and respect from the heart.

These great fighting spirits are the line of forbidden law.

He also practiced forbidden law.

The same method, then, these great fighting spirits are his predecessors, there is no problem.

As Ye Wuque's respectful voice fell, there was still dead silence in all directions.

The gaze of the great battle soul still fell on him!

But Ye Wuque could already clearly perceive that the threat of horror and the catastrophe of extinction had disappeared.

The terrifying gray-black brilliance had already converged at this moment.

at the same time!

Ye Wuque felt even more vaguely that there was no fierce killing intent and fighting intent among the gazes cast by countless great fighting spirits from all directions, as if there was an extra...softness!

He was recognized!

The great war spirit recognized the breath of forbidden law in his body and regarded him as his own person.

Ye Wuque suppressed the excitement in his heart and immediately spoke again.

"Excuse me, seniors, what happened in the past? What is the secret of the battle between the law of forbidden law and the law of glory? What was the result of that battle? After the forbidden law to pass the sky, is it really immortal?"

Ye Wuque breathed out all the doubts in his heart.

He desperately needs to know the answer!


The great battle spirits from all directions still stood on the spot, without any response, they did not answer Ye Wuque's inquiry.

Ye Wuque frowned slightly.

Could it be that these great battle souls have lost any consciousness?

Everything seems to be still in a static state.

Until a certain moment.


Suddenly, a great battle spirit closest to Ye Wuque suddenly walked out and walked towards Ye Wuque.

Ye Wuque's heart suddenly lifted!

This great war spirit who came by did not know when there was a **** war spear in his hands. It walked to Ye Wuque's body, and gently raised the **** war spear to Ye Wuque's front. .

Ye Wuque's eyes moved slightly, and he immediately understood the meaning of the great battle spirit, and he stretched out his hand to take the blood-stained war spear, and grasped it in his hand.

And this great battle soul immediately turned around and rushed forward again!

Not only it, but all the great war spirits in all directions are also shining at this moment, charging forward again!

The mighty, great battle spirit like a legion went forward and continued to rush forward.

Ye Wuque, who was carrying the blood-stained war spear in his hand, still stood on the spot, a daze flashed in his eyes at this moment.

What does it mean?

The great war spirit recognized him and handed him a **** war spear, but did not answer any of his questions.


But at this moment, a great battle soul rushed out from around Ye Wuque, they held **** war spears high, and they continued to charge forward!

With the charge of countless great war souls, the ancient and desolate horn resounded again!

The **** flags that wafted forever, hunt with the wind once again!

In a trance!

An ancient and mysterious war song sounded in Ye Wuque's ear...

"Sin and chaos..."

"Blood and Fire..."

"Conquer! Conquer..."

"My blood! Like a burning sword!"

"My bone! Can stab the heavens!"

"I fell in despair and betrayal!"

"I live forever in unwillingness and resentment!"

"Indestructible! Immortal!"

"One breath is still alive, fight for nine days..."

"The enemy's bones cast my eternal obsession!"

The ancient battle song resounded in Ye Wuque's ears like a twilight drum and morning bell, but it caused Ye Wuque's pupils to shrink violently in an instant!

"This battle song!"

Ye Wuque made waves in his heart, unable to calm down!

He had heard this battle song before!

But at this moment, as countless great battle souls continue to charge forward, the sound of the battle song in the ear is getting louder and louder and louder!

As Ye Wuque stood, a burst of blood from his heart exploded in his body instantly!

The blood is burning!

The soul is burning!

The body is trembling!

The soul is roaring!

The blood-stained war spear in his hand became extremely hot at this moment, and it kept crying, exuding infinite desire, to kill the enemy, to fight!

An unprecedented desire also exploded in Ye Wuque's heart!

"Fight! Fight!"

"Charge! Charge!"

In Fuzhi's mind, Ye Wuque finally understood.

Why did the great war spirit pass a **** war spear into his hand!

Holding the blood-stained war spear tightly in his left hand, and picking up the big dragon halberd in his right hand, Ye Wuque's blood boiled in his body, and he rushed forward without hesitation at this moment!

Infused into the great fighting spirit, it is as if you have also become one of them, fighting side by side with them, and charging before!

Between heaven and earth!

Don't fall the battle flag and float!

The gray-black brilliance shines!

The battle group formed for the souls of the war, nine deaths without regrets, no progress!

The ancient war hymn is boiling!

Ye Wuque was in it, wielding a war spear, and a big dragon halberd. The endless fighting intent was swept across the sky and the ground.


Ye Wuque only felt in a daze before his eyes.

But his charging pace seemed to be faster and faster, the blood in his body was boiling more and more, and countless great war spirits around roared!


Everything in front of me seemed to become blurred.

At this moment, Ye Wuque felt as if he had rushed into the years and time, going upstream!

Countless great war souls charged side by side with them, blood-stained war spears pointed diagonally at the sky, moving forward.

Ye Wuque's speed is getting faster and faster!

The ancient battle song is getting louder and louder!

Ye Wuque felt that he had turned into a light, reaching an incredible state.

Until a certain moment, when the charge reached its limit...


Ye Wuque only felt that something was completely broken in front of him, and his mind became extremely dazed!

Time is turning!

Time is going backwards!

Ye Wuque's heart finally realized at this moment.

The great war souls did not answer his many questions head-on, but took him to charge, let him resonate, and enter a special dream, using their ancient memories as the source to form a... dream!

The great battle spirit brings Ye Wuque... dreams back to the ancient times!


Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly went black, and there seemed to be a violent roar in his mind, he could hear nothing, he could see nothing, and he could feel nothing!

But the next moment!

After all the roar was gone, all of Ye Wuque's perception was restored in an instant, and he could see everything in front of him clearly.


"Punch the enemy!"

"No retreat! No retreat! Would rather die than retreat!"

"I never die!"

"Cut off the enemy's head, strengthen me fiercely!"

"Even though the gods are destroyed, I have waited for them to exist!"

The endless shouting and killing sound is deafening, overwhelming, like turning the world upside down and destroying the world.

Ye Wuque looked at the past from the perspective of the moment, and his heart was shocked in an instant!


Countless corpses!

Falling to the ground, the blood flowed like rivers, lakes, and seas, the remnants of the horses and cracked armor, spreading the red horizon.

Broken weapon.

Mutilated body.

Rolling head!

Neighing mount!

In the sky and underground, countless figures fought madly together, bursting out endless killings!

How many battles has Ye Wuque gone through along the way?

But if it were compared with the battle in front of him, it was extremely insignificant.


Wandering blood rained from the void!

Countless deadly heads rolled down bloody!

Ye Wuque looked at Gao Tian, ​​and immediately became terrified!

What did he see? ?

The sky... cracked!

Outside the cracked sky, there is an endless ancient starry sky!

The ancient starry sky has also split!

The pitch-black cracks spread in all directions, stretching into the endless distance!

The sky is cracked!

The starry sky is broken!

Countless corpses rolled down from it, and the blood stained the heavens in all directions.

It seems that the end is coming, bringing endless blood and despair.

At this moment, Ye Wuque set off a stormy sea in his heart, but he vaguely understood it!

"Dream back to ancient times!"

"Did I come into the cruel and tragic war of the infinite horror and destruction of the old'Glory Law' and the'Forbidden Law'?"

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