Return of the War God

Chapter 5671: Goodbye empty


"The semi-remnant vertical pupil is actually the supreme power of the'Forbidden Law'!"

Ye Wuque was shocked, and there seemed to be infinite lightning illuminating everything in his mind.


Ye Wuque seemed to have thought of something.

The endless blazing light is scattered!

The entire starry sky crack was completely flooded with brilliance, and Ye Wuque couldn't see anything in front of him!

After a few breaths, everything recovered.

The cracks that stretched into the starry sky seemed to be torn even more terrifying, and the invincible vertical pupil had already reached the depths of the unknown with the glorious method of covering the sky.

Ye Wuque suddenly wanted to rush in desperately!

Thoroughly rushed into the cracks in the starry sky to see the truth.

But he found that he couldn't rush in at all, it seemed that there was no way ahead.

Ye Wuque immediately understood that what he saw and heard at the moment were those ancient memories left over for the war.

In the memory, those great battle souls should only be fighting below. They sensed the earth-shaking fluctuations above, so they looked up at the sky and saw this earth-shaking scene.

But after the specific situation, the great war spirits can't see it.

Since you can't see it, you won't leave a memory.

So at this moment, Ye Wuque naturally couldn't continue to see in depth, and couldn't move forward anymore.

He could only do his best and continue to look into the cracks in the starry sky!

Take a look at it!

Ye Wuque vaguely saw many infinitely terrifying light groups, each destroying the world and fighting the ten directions.


Whether it is the "Forbidden Law" or the "Glory Law", there is more than one supreme existence in each!

Whether it's the eternal shade of light and shadow, or the invincible vertical pupil, maybe it's just two of them.

The double law war is endless!

From an ordinary warrior to an infinitely great existence, all the living forces have joined the battle and will die.

In this ancient memory, Ye Wuque didn't expect that he could see the "half-remaining vertical pupil", and he couldn't calm down in his heart.

"The vertical pupils at this time are invincible vertically and horizontally, shocking the past and the present!"

"It turned out to be the supreme existence of forbidden law!"

"But now, the invincible vertical pupil is half-remaining vertical pupil, and it seems to be of that starry sky?"

"if it is like this…"

"Everything seems...makes sense..."

Ye Wuque seemed lost at this moment!

He thought of a lot, many clues in the past, and now he saw the tip of the iceberg of the two-law war in ancient years, it seems that they can be connected together.

"The battle between the Glory Law and the Forbidden Law was ultimately lost by the Forbidden Law! And it was a complete loss!"

"Since then I withdrew from the stage of history!"

"The Glory Law has become the new ruler of the heavens and the earth, has been passed down for a long time, and has become a new law, omnipresent and omnipresent, and has become the only law in the hearts of endless beings!"


"Although the prohibition method has lost, it has not been completely annihilated!"

"Among the forbidden law, there are still supreme beings who have survived, and the half-remaining vertical pupil is one of them."

"It suffered unimaginable damage, but it still didn't fall."

"The pursuit of Glory Law will never stop!"

"Because of some unknown reason, forbidden law began to escape. In the end, it may have experienced a lot of suffering, with the remaining people, and finally escaped to a safe place..."

"That is... the starry sky!"

"At the beginning, the mysterious creature once said that between the starry sky and the outer sky, there is an unimaginable dimensional gap. It is impossible to cross it!"

"Cai Qingmu also said that he had been instructed by a great existence, and he wanted to go to the starry sky, but he couldn't do it!"

"Therefore, the Glory Law cannot be chased and killed."

"So, that piece of starry sky has become a place like a paradise, a paradise of forbidden law."

"And the half-remnant vertical pupil has become the guardian of that starry sky!"

"The creatures of forbidden law finally got the chance to recuperate and regain their lives, and slowly recover."

"But the pursuit of the Glory Law has never stopped, and the supreme existence within the Glory Law has never given up its attention to the forbidden law, even if it can't be killed, it is still always vigilant, leaving a lot of backers!"

"For example... the Heavenly Eye of the Valley Lord of the Nine Tribulations Valley!"

"For example, outside the Divine Wild World, the terrifying existence that once entrenched in the ancient starry sky transit station is the vague figure that was blocked by the mysterious creature when I chased and killed me!"

"And the'Uri-sama' mentioned by the fuzzy figure!"

"These horrible existences may be the power of Forbidden Law. They have a mission to monitor the movement of Forbidden Law. They never stop for a moment, and even try to kill them by all means!"

"Fortunately, for a long time, it seems to have been unsuccessful."

"And the starry sky, with the passage of time, slowly recuperated and gradually recovered."

Thinking of this, Ye Wuque's thoughts surged.

"That is to say!"

"The starry sky where I used to be is actually where the Forbidden Law escaped after being born again...base camp!"

"So, under that starry sky, all the creatures can practice...forbidden law!"

"Because all the creatures under that starry sky are descendants of Forbidden Law!"

When the clues were connected to a lot of things, Ye Wuque suddenly understood.

"The starry sky has become the last safe haven for the forbidden law, but with a supreme existence like the'half-remaining vertical pupil', the guardian of that starry sky seems to still have obsessions in his heart, and some earth-shattering cause and effect! "

"So, the half-cannibal vertical pupil has never given up to send out enough good...seeds to the starry sky, to the sky, to the glory of the law!"

Ye Wuque's eyes burned.

"Luo Beihuang!"

"Iori Shinichi!"

"They should all be the'seeds' sent by the half-remaining vertical pupil!"

"After that, it's my turn!"

"Except for me, I believe that the old style will also be sent out!"

The causes and consequences gradually became clear in Ye Wuque's heart, but there were also more questions.

"Then, what is the reason for the half-remnant vertical pupil to send out these'seeds'?"

"Send the seed of the'Forbidden Law' to the world of the'Glory Law'?"

"During this period, about twenty years ago, Shinichi Iori returned with his father and me who had died at that time."

"In this regard, what is the attitude of the half-remnant vertical pupil?"

"Luo Beihuang! He once came back too! Then he left!"

"Besides, Cai Qingmu is obviously a man from outside the sky, but his grandson'Cai Zhixiong' entered the starry sky."

"Could it be that…"

There was a sudden shock in his heart, and an astonishing and terrifying idea suddenly appeared in Ye Wuque's mind!

"It's like I was sent from the starry sky of the'Forbidden Law' into the outer sky of the'Glory Law' by the half-remnant vertical pupil!"

"Is there a supreme existence in the days of the ‘Glory Law’, and did everything possible to deliberately send Cai Zhixiong into the starry sky of the ‘Forbidden Law’?”

"if so…"

More terrifying thoughts appeared in Ye Wuque's mind, but he still couldn't completely figure out the answer.

But he understands!

The causality between the eternal "Glory Law" and the "Forbidden Law" may never end!

It's still going on!

It's just that the way becomes more concealed, more terrifying!

"How did the'forbidden law' of the year be defeated?"

"In the battle song of the half-remaining vertical pupil, the words'despair and betrayal' were mentioned. Could it be said that in the original'forbidden law', there were...traitors?"

Involuntarily, Ye Wuque thought of this.

Immediately, he thought of Jianchan again, and thought of the "it" that was extinguished with Jianchan. He was also a traitor!

As well as the future that I have seen at the beginning, it is very likely that the "traitor" mentioned by the "Kun surname semi-remnant spirit" who is in the same line as Jianchan!

Faintly, Ye Wuque seemed to feel the endless fog, which brought infinite terrible cause and effect!

As soon as a thought arises, a hundred thoughts grow.

Ye Wuque couldn't calm down in his heart.

He saw the ancient memories of the great war souls and understood some of the causes and consequences of the past.

But the most critical point is impossible to perceive!

The fluctuations in the cultivation base of the Shuangfa, everything seemed to cover him!

Why is this happening? ?


At this moment, the endless brilliance and roar washed away forever. At this moment, it spread from the cracks in the starry sky, spreading to the nine heavens and ten earths, the heavens and the world!

The ancient memories are trembling, almost shattered!

"what happened??"

Ye Wuque's heart was shaken, but he couldn't figure it out at all.

The war is still going on!

Killing and blood are boiling and surging!

The heavens and the earth have already reached the madness!

The crack in the starry sky was still torn to an unimaginable degree of horror, and the supreme existence of the two magics had already killed the unknown depths.

Finally, the entire world, the entire starry sky, the entire nine heavens and ten earths, seemed to fall into destruction!

The world seems to be wiped out alive!

But right now!

In the dark, Ye Wuque suddenly seemed to feel something, he felt the world that was on the verge of destruction, and was suddenly stabilized.

It seems to be temporarily supported by some kind of power that transcends everything!

On a whim!

Instinct is boiling!

Lingjue is roaring!

Ye Wuque raised his head abruptly and looked at a place farther and deeper than the crack in the starry sky!

Beyond the dual law battlefield, the unpredictable place!

Next moment!

Ye Wuque's pupils shrank violently, as if there were countless thunderbolts in his mind, his mind burst!

In that unfathomable place, he saw a figure!

A vague figure!

Hunting in white clothes!


Fenghua Peerless!

Coming slowly, ancient and modern are lonely, everything is lonely, but with a kind of loneliness that seems to permeate the ages.

Ye Wuque's blood surged, and his soul seemed to boil!


Ye Wuque roared!

He never expected it!

Here, in the ancient memories of those great battle souls, outside the battlefield of Shuangfa, he actually saw... Kong!

Sora actually appeared here!

It turned out to be outside the two-law war!

Ye Wuque's eyes were red at this moment!


He couldn't help himself, and once again called out the name of Sora loudly, desperately trying to rush over!

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