Return of the War God

Chapter 5672: Time comes, the world is all in the same force


But no matter how hard Ye Wuque tried and how urgent he was, he still couldn't move even for a moment!

The memory from the great war souls, only seeing this, he can only reach here.

And the great war souls must not see the emptiness, but he can see, it is already the most incredible thing!

This shows that at the time of the double law war, Sora really appeared!

The excitement and longing in Ye Wuque's heart almost broke through his chest, and the endless terrifying brilliance overwhelmed everything, but his eyes were only the unpredictable figure in white clothes.

Realizing that he couldn't get close at all, he couldn't help himself, Ye Wuque could only let out a third roar again!


He called for Kong, and he hoped that Kong could hear his voice and find himself.

Although Ye Wuque knew in his heart, this possibility was too low!

Here, after all, it is only the ancient memory of others, not the real years he has experienced, how can Sora hear his call?

Unfathomable location.

Kong was still moving forward slowly, as if he did not hear Ye Wuque's call.

The white robe, under the torn starry sky, under the boiling power of light, moved slightly with the wind, but it was so unparalleled.

The empty walk is very slow.

Aloft, as if detached from everything.

After a few breaths.

Sora stopped and stood there just like that, if the ages were calm, looking down at the heavens and the realms, and looking down at the two-law creatures who were fighting **** battles.

Ye Wuque's eyes kept staring at Kong tightly!

He can clearly see the sky!

But this moment!

Ye Wuque followed closely to discover that whether it was the supreme existence of the Glory Law, or the supreme existence of the Forbidden Law like the invincible vertical pupil, they were still in a frantic duel, showing their respective supreme mighty powers, and smashed into the sky. Xingyu was broken, but no one could perceive the existence of Kong!

Mingming Kong stood there quietly, looking down at them, and you only need to look up to see them.

But no one noticed it!


Only Ye Wuque could perceive that this precarious world seemed to be stabilized again.

"With my free hand, I stabilized the safety of the world!"

Ye Wuque couldn't calm down and was extremely excited.

Only invincible as the sky can do such a earth-shattering thing and maintain the safety of the entire world.

After confirming that Kong couldn't hear his call, Ye Wuque gradually calmed his mood and made himself calm again.

Despite his great regrets, Ye Wuque's heart is still full of joy at this moment!

Even though Sora couldn't hear his call, after all, he saw Sora again.

Even if only in the memory of others!

Even if it was only a long time ago, the empty past!

Shuangfa war, how long ago was it?

Ye Wuque didn't know it at all, but it must have been long before unimaginable years, or even lost years.

The emptiness at that time has already appeared.

Beyond the heavens and worlds!

Even if it is the supreme existence, it is impossible to perceive the existence of emptiness. This may be the real...

"Unthinkable, unthinkable, unthinkable..."

A happy and proud smile appeared on Ye Wuque's face.

Empty invincible!

Really bright to the point of unimaginable.

Ye Wuque, who was calm and calm, once again looked at the cracks in the starry sky, the supreme existence of many wars.

Although he could not perceive any fluctuations in the cultivation base of the two sides, he could still catch a glimpse of the earth-shattering supreme power.

They come, the security.

The battle of the double law, despite its **** and cruelty, almost spread to the eternal ages, and killed many unknown creatures.

But from another perspective, isn't this a collision of wisdom, courage, or even the brilliant Tao fruit?

What a rare opportunity to observe the collision of the two laws?

I can witness all this with my own eyes, even if it is only an ancient memory, even if there is no fluctuation in cultivation level, but for myself, it is still a world-shattering great fortune!

How can I miss it?

Ye Wuque condensed all his mind, watched the battle of the two methods, and began to observe carefully.

Invincible vertical pupil!

Towering light and shadow!

The fighting between these two existences was violent to the extreme, each of them shot and shattered the eternal heavens!

That towering light and shadow pair of hands that cover the sky over the ages, crushing everything, suppressing everything, as if through the ages, time and space, they are nothing but playthings in their hands, let them control it!

With a palm down, the stars are wailing, and endless stars gather from the six and eight wastes, condensing countless bright stars, burning blazingly, and crashing into the invincible vertical pupil!

The invincible vertical pupil dies out of the void!

Mysterious and unpredictable, the shining light constantly shines through the void, as if it can illuminate the past and the present.

Every ray of gaze seemed to contain the unimaginable truth of heaven and earth, the highest law, enough to kill all enemies seen by the eyes.

Ye Wuque’s practice is also a forbidden method. Even though he can't perceive any fluctuations in his cultivation level at this moment, as he continues to observe and observe, he can still feel an inexplicable Tao rhyme and aura from Invincible Shutong. !


The invincible vertical pupil suddenly became infinitely bright, a ray of light pierced through the sky, covering the sky and the earth, all the bright stars that burned all burst!

At the same time, the invincible vertical pupil violently struck out, the time and space and the years seem to be reversed, and the world is dead!

The invincible vertical pupil took the initiative to attack, and the entire huge vertical pupil was like a blazing eternal sun at this moment, exuding incomparable brilliance and boldness!

"I am the only one!"

"I am invincible!"

Ye Wuque felt the invincible vertical pupil's will and mentality, and at the same time, his eyes were bright!

"Forbidden law, seek self from within, stress that man will conquer the sky!"

Prior to this, Ye Wuque had just stayed in his own inference about the true face of the forbidden law, and had never really seen it.

But at this moment, the ancient war was in front of him, and the supreme existence of forbidden law was truly displaying its might, Ye Wuque finally saw it with his own eyes!

The facts and his own inferences are constantly being verified, making Ye Wuque a huge harvest that is unimaginable every moment.

The invincible vertical pupil is monstrous!

This initiative, as if even the eternal starry sky is about to collapse, it is extremely strong!

The ray of light illuminates the past and present, even though time and space seem to be frozen!

The towering light and shadow were even directly suppressed!

The invincible vertical pupil seems to have infinite power, constantly erupting, the power of the gods is vast, and there is no enemy at all.

Ye Wuque's heart was dazzled when he saw it, and his heart was extremely agitated.

He finally realized the supreme demeanor of the "forbidden law"!

Man will conquer the sky!

The concept represented by these four characters, the boldness and the will represented are fully demonstrated on the invincible vertical pupil at this moment.

Ye Wuque felt as if he had opened the door to a new world, and the concept of forbidden law bloomed to him like never before.

"Man will conquer the sky?"

"Crooked doors and evil ways, misfortunes forever!"

"When... Punish!"

Suddenly, the cold and big drink seemed to shock eternal years, it was the majestic light and shadow from that glorious Dharma!

He was clearly suppressed by the invincible vertical pupil, but he was still fearless and fearless!

Without the slightest panic, the aura emanating from the light and shadow is rising steadily at this moment, and an unprecedented power erupts at this moment!

Hold the eternal sky with one hand!

But at this moment, he clenched into a fist suddenly!

With this grip, Ye Wuque only felt his mind, his soul, and everything, as if with this grip, he had entered a boundless suffocation.

Next moment!

The eternal starry sky is boiling, and an infinite terrifying coercion descends!

The majestic light and shadow are simple, just one punch!

"Time comes, the world is all in the same force!"

The cold drink shakes the sky and the earth!

Ye Wuque felt in a trance that with the fist of the towering light and shadow, the entire starry sky, the entire avenue, and everything from the ages to the present, seemed to be integrated into the body of the towering light and shadow and became a part of it!

"Time comes, heaven and earth all have the same force" this sentence resounded more like a bell in the evening and the morning.

"Heaven and man are one!"

Ye Wuque slowly spit out these four words, his eyes also brightened.

The two supreme beings smashed into one place, and the endless brilliance flooded everything, and Ye Wuque couldn't see anything!

But at this moment, he was shocked, he only felt as if he had been baptized, and he had a vague experience of the infinite beauty, and he had learned too much nourishment and insight.

But the next moment!

"The two laws are in the same day."

"Which is better?"

A misty but magnetic questioning sound resounded softly in Ye Wuque's ear!

Ye Wuque's whole person was suddenly struck by lightning!

He looked up suddenly!


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