Return of the War God

Chapter 5673: Omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresent


This voice has long been imprinted in the deepest part of Ye Wuque's soul!

How can he not tell this voice?

This is an empty voice!

Ye Wuque seemed to be trembling slightly, he looked up at the sky, and yelled with difficulty.

Empty, still standing there.

High above, the majesty is peerless.

The vague figure is not real, only the white clothes are moving, as if nothing has changed.

this moment!

The surprise and excitement in Ye Wuque's heart almost exploded!

Sora can see herself!

Sora can always see herself!

Sora knew that he was here, and knew what he saw and heard.

The emptiness at this moment, across the eternal years, across the ancient memories of others, is asking myself!

But now Ye Wuque is no longer the boy he used to be. He has gone through ups and downs all the way and has grown continuously. Although his heart is infinitely excited at this time, Kong's voice of inquiry still echoes in his ears.

Ye Wuque tried his best to calm down, although his voice had become a little trembling, but at this time, after thinking for a few breaths, he finally took a deep breath and answered.

"Glory Law, the unity of man and nature."

"Forbidden law, man will conquer the sky."

"One asks for the outside, the other asks for the inside."

"One asks for heaven, the other asks for himself.

"The concepts of the two methods are completely opposite and completely different."

"But if you talk about superiority..."

Ye Wuque paused slightly before continuing: "No distinction is made between superior and inferior."

Ye Wuque gave his own answer.

Regardless of superiority!

This is his answer.

Because everything displayed by the two methods is really hard to distinguish between superiors and inferior ones, each has a complete system and a perfect cycle.

Forbidden law "Man conquer the sky" sounds extremely overbearing, full of a kind of defying fate, breaking the shackles, so I dominate the peerless spirit, it seems even more eye-catching!

But is the "Harmony of Heaven and Man" of the Glory Law really inferior?

Not so!

The power displayed by the majestic light and shadow, grasping the eternal starry sky, melts into a part of one's own body, and controls the invincible power, which is simply brilliant and invincible to the extreme!

The phrase "time comes, heaven and earth are all in the same force" is truly amazing!

Even though Ye Wuqian was practicing forbidden law, he was also prepared to continue the forbidden law in the future.

But he would not deliberately favor the forbidden law, but perceive it with a calm and objective attitude.

Unfathomable place.

Kong stood there, hunting in white.

Ye Wuque's answer didn't seem to cause any changes and changes in Kong.

Ye Wuque stared at the sky above him with surprise and joy on his face.

"See things as usual, impartial, objective and calm."

"Over the years, you have grown up very well."

Finally, Kong's voice sounded again, faintly, as if with a faint smile.

Hearing this, Ye Wuque suddenly felt his nose sore, and his body was trembling slightly.


"I miss you so much!"

Being empty in Ye Wuqian is a relationship between teachers and friends. No one can know the special and profound friendship.

In front of Kong, Ye Wuque seemed to be the fifteen-year-old boy who had been dead for ten years in the Murong family forever.

Ye Wuque wanted to lean over!

But it can't.

It seems that there is an irreversible eternal age between him and Kong.

Sora seemed to stand there, looking at him quietly.

"Sometimes, missing... is also a kind of power."

Kong's voice resounded in Ye Wuque's ears again.

Ye Wuque nodded desperately!

He had a lot to say, but at this moment it seemed that he couldn't say a word, and he was stuck in his throat.

The last time I saw each other, in the future that Ye Wuque saw a few years ago, he saw Kong's back on the road to Wugui!

The longing for Kong has been pressing on the bottom of Ye Wuque's heart.

"Stay with "Xian", the word left to you."

"You have seen it."

Kong's voice continued to sound.

Ye Wuque nodded fiercely and tremblingly said: "I saw it! I always remember! Human King Realm, I will definitely go on!"

"Only by learning from others' strengths can we comprehend by analogy."

"Only by being open to all rivers can we know the past and reflect the present."

"You should already understand..."

"The law is created by people!"

"Glory Law."

"Forbidden Law."

"The law of immortality."

"It's all so."

"But the law is invincible, and people may not be invincible."

"A man is invincible, and his law must be invincible."

Ye Wuque nodded constantly, his tears seemed to wet his eyes!

The exhortation from Kong himself made Ye Wuque feel boundless warmth and joy.

"Forbidden Law..."

"Extremely special..."

"After reaching the sky... it will be immortal..."

When Ye Wuque heard the three words of Kong, his eyes condensed suddenly, and he forced himself to calm down by resisting the boiling emotions in his heart.

Because of Sora's voice, it seemed to become a whisper at the moment.

After a long time.

Kong's voice resounded again, seemingly with a sigh.

"For you now."

"It's too early."

"Temporary shielding is not a shackle."

As soon as this is said!

Ye Wuque's heart suddenly shook, and then he suddenly realized it!

Why can't I perceive any real fluctuations in the realm of the creatures on either side of the double spell war?

It is the free hand!

Blocked my own perception!

Sora does not want to let herself know the true face of the "Glory Law", especially the "Forbidden Law" for the time being?

Then there is only one explanation...

"Sora, are you afraid that I will be affected?"

Ye Wuque spoke immediately.

After reaching the sky, it will be immortal!

It was exactly what Sora had said to him himself.

Now it seems!

Behind this sentence, there is a deeper secret!

High above.

Unfathomable place.

At this moment, Kong didn't respond to Ye Wuque's words, but Ye Wuque clearly saw the quietly standing Kong, at this moment, it seemed that he looked slightly sideways, looking in an unknown direction.

There seemed to be something that attracted Kong's attention.

How does emptiness exist?

So what could be the purpose of motivating the airside? ?

Ye Wuque's heart suddenly shook!

Immediately, Ye Wuque's body trembled abruptly, and he saw the emptiness that had always stood there. At this moment, he slowly turned around, returned to the original path, and drifted away.


Ye Wuque looked at Kong's vague back, knowing that Kong was about to leave, the reluctance and sadness in his heart could no longer bear.

Empty, drifting away, no longer looking back.

Ye Wuque could only look at him, looking into the distance reluctantly after eternal years!

Until Sora disappears completely...

"Born in this life is brilliant and sad."

"The road to no return... a lot of bones..."

Kong's last whisper, echoed in Ye Wuque's ear, with a sigh.

Ye Wuque's teary eyes are hazy!

Sora has left.

See you again.


"I will find you!"

"No way back!"

"No way back!"

Ye Wuque wiped away his tears, murmured these three words repeatedly in his heart, if he realized something.


At this moment, between the heaven and the earth, all the pictures of everything suddenly began to solidify, and then they were shattered!

The ancient memories of the great war souls seem to end here.

Ye Wuque stood in it, and his consciousness seemed to begin to return.

Countless pictures flowed past, like the rush of years.

Slowly, Ye Wuque's emotions returned to calm.


He already understood that he couldn't stop wondering.

"The emptiness I just saw, obviously should be the emptiness of the past eternal years ago."

"But in the past, I already knew that I was coming."

"Actually, it's not that I saw Sora, but the past Sora was waiting there for me to see."

"It seems to Kong, the past and the present are all in one thought."

"Even in the memory of others, Sora can freely... manifest itself! Condensing the truth of self!"

"It's almost, almost..."

Seeing Kong's methods with his own eyes once again, Ye Wuque's mind, at this moment, involuntarily appeared twelve words.

"All knowing...omnipotent...omnipresent..."

Beyond the limit of all imagination!

Can't predict!

Can't figure it out!

There is no logic!

It's no wonder that at the beginning, Du once deduced everything about the sky, and immediately suffered an unimaginable huge backlash, with horror!

If Sora is unwilling, who can snoop a bit in the eternal age?


The picture of the circulating years completely solidified at this moment, and the consciousness of Ye Wuque's flying back suddenly went black at this moment.

Riddled with holes.

One place in the boundless and broken land.

At this moment, sitting cross-legged Ye Wuque suddenly opened his eyes!

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