Return of the War God

Chapter 5683: Lifted the supreme pass


Everything that happened before me was completely unexpected.

Ye Wuque didn't expect such a thing to happen!

But in an instant he realized it!

It's no wonder that the ancient spirits' voices that appear on the beacon viewing platform will be inexplicably interrupted and cannot be heard!

No wonder the beacon soaring to the sky was imprisoned in place, and can only be seen before the Supreme Pass!

No wonder everything is weird!

This is a deliberate attempt to reduce the impact of igniting beacon fires as much as possible.

Now, it is even more reversing right and wrong, directly framing Ye Wuque!

It is these garrisons above the Supreme Pass that are making ghosts.

They seemed to prevent Ye Wuque from entering the Supreme Pass and entering the Supreme Realm.

Ye Wuque looked up at the top of the Supreme Pass.

The eyes are cold and terrifying at this moment, as if it is enough to penetrate the entire Supreme Pass!

"who are you?"

"What's the reason for doing this?"

The cold voice that couldn't hear the slightest emotion fell from Ye Wuqian's mouth, but it seemed to float from the ice hell, which made people shudder.

In this world, there are no grievances for no reason!

There must be a cause for everything.

But Ye Wuque had just entered the reincarnation of the Hundred Wars, and it was the first time he came here, he wanted to know.

Why did these garrisons at the Supreme Pass behave like this and deliberately engage in ghosts?

Was it the reason for the other top picks before?

But Ye Wuque didn't believe that the other talents who entered the ranks with him had such an ability to affect the people in the Supreme Pass.

Therefore, Ye Wuque wanted to know more.

The Supreme closed, and there was a dead silence.

It seemed that he had ignored Ye Wuque's words, didn't even mean to explain, and treated him like an ant.

The light in Ye Wuque's eyes gradually became terrifying!



"Have you heard? This is almost exactly the same as the previous one!"

"Why do you do this?"

"who are we??"

"It's all full of incomprehension, full of confusion, unspeakably pathetic!"

"Tsk tsk, I can't help but laugh!"

The laughter of a man full of sarcasm, ridicule, and mockery suddenly passed down from the Supreme Gate, so clear between the deadly world!

But Ye Wuque could hear that this voice was not the same as the cold voice before.


"The hapless one below!"

"Do you really want to know why?"

"It's a pity! You won't have a chance to know anymore, if you are acquainted, get out of here!"

"disappear as far as you can!"

"if not…"


The last two laughs, with a **** and cruel meaning that seemed to be heard.

"Oh, by the way, before you go, take this trash away by the way. The blood stabs and pulls it out, and it stains the Supreme Pass!"


The light flashed when the supreme turned off, and then a group of **** black shadows fell from the sky, with a strong smell of blood, and hit Ye Wuque's feet with a plop.

Ye Wuque's eyes condensed!

The corpse that fell from the Supreme Gate was a... weird corpse!

But when Ye Wuque saw the condition of the corpse clearly, and the moment he saw the corpse's face clearly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

This corpse, except for its head, had its limbs torn off abruptly. It was shocking, blood flowed, but it hadn't dried up yet!

And on that distorted face, the eyes were wide and wide, and the expression on it was distorted, with endless unwillingness, despair, pain, and confusion, and never looked down!

Ye Wuque is no stranger to this corpse and this distorted face.

Because it is...

Chang Ziwei!

Entering the cycle of Hundred Wars with him, it seems that he has crossed the mysterious ancient land one step ahead of him and arrived at the Supreme Pass, but left his life here.

"Do you see it?"

"This **** was just half an hour before you, and the result was forced to talk, but I just didn't want to roll!"

"Then I have to reluctantly send him away. Tsk tsk, his death is indeed a bit miserable, the bones are missing, hey, are we too cruel?"

The joking man's voice sounded again, and then a dozen sneers echoed.

But in the next moment, the voice of the joking man suddenly changed, becoming extremely iron-blooded and terrifying, resounding from the supreme gate!



"Otherwise, I promise you will die worse than him... ten thousand times!"

"Listen clearly?"


As soon as these words came out, there were more than ten cold laughter echoing the ridicule, with endless teasing and ridicule.


Ye Wuque raised his head again and looked at the Supreme Pass. The entire Supreme Pass was overwhelmed by the endless ancient and powerful ancient prohibitions, making it solid and unmoving.

It only takes a glance to know the invincibility and vastness of this Supreme Pass, it seems that it cannot be destroyed at all, and it has an unimaginable guardian power!

this moment!

Ye Wuque didn't say much, he just glanced again at Chang Ziwei, who was dead on the ground, and then slowly flew above the void.

With a flick of his right hand, the ancient dragon roar resounded, and a broken golden spear appeared in his hand.

Standing on the sky, above his head is the golden beacon crown still standing horizontally, Ye Wuque standing quietly!

He stands tall!

It seems to have stepped on the Supreme Pass.

And at the moment!

From that supreme shut, there was an exaggerated and ridiculous incredible voice!

"Wow! No way! No way!"

"Is it possible that this **** wants to be forcibly killed? Wow! What a scary! What a terrible courage!"

The voice of the joking man laughed wildly again, with endless mockery!

Ye Wuque's face was expressionless, and he didn't know when his eyes had been closed, his right hand and the great dragon halberd seemed to be integrated, and endless boiling power was being injected into the great dragon halberd.

Ye Wuque's face with eyes closed was expressionless!

There are such a handful of disgusting people in this world...

When you reason with him, he thinks that you are so bully, and he can't wait to step on your face directly!

"why would…"

"Forcing me..."

With a murmur, no trace of emotion fell from Ye Wuqian's opening.

He just wanted to enter the door quietly.


Ye Wuque's closed eyes suddenly opened!

An ancient dragon's roar resounded through the sky, shaking the sky and the earth, and the six and the eight wildernesses!

In Ye Wuque's bright eyes, there was no emotion at this moment, and there was only endless coldness and cruelty!

Hands up!

The whole universe was instantly overwhelmed by endless cold light!


With supreme brilliance, the big dragon halberd dragged out a cold light full of millions of feet in size, cutting the heaven and the earth, and slashing straight to the Supreme Pass below!

Ye Wuque's eyes are like knives, thunder, and hell!

Exudes infinite cold and terrifying light of horror!


He not only wants to lift this supreme pass!


All the people in the city can breathe...

All are going to die! !

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