Return of the War God

Chapter 5684: Invincible


"what is that??"

The supreme closed, among the creatures who were still emitting endless ridicule and ridicule the moment before, suddenly someone uttered an unexpected shout!

There seemed to be a lot of eyes on it, all of a sudden, they all looked at the sky above the sky!


Long Yin shook the sky, unparalleled sharpness, the million-meter-sized halberd blade Hanmang cut to the Supreme Pass in such a straightforward manner!

"Something to die!"

"He actually wanted to lift the Supreme Pass?"

"Originally thought he was smarter than the dead trash, but now it seems that he is not even as good as a trash!"

"Hahahahaha! What kind of courage really made him really dare to attack the Supreme Pass? The Supreme Pass suppressed the Supreme Realm, indestructible, indestructible, guarded by the ancient prohibitions, perfect and perfect, he An ant-like thing, dare to..."

Tear... Click!

A huge gap appeared at the Supreme Gate at this moment, dragging out a full tens of thousands of feet!

Ancient prohibition guard?


Perfect infinite?

At this moment, under the edge of the big dragon halberd, the Supreme Pass was like a coconut shell severely chopped by a sharp blade, and it was cut abruptly!


The entire Supreme Pass instantly boiled, and countless ancient forbidden guards were strongly cut away by this halberd, and that shocking gap was laid across the entire Supreme Pass. Looking from a distance, it was so shocking!

Above the city gate, the endless ridicule, humiliation and banter turned into a complete silence at this moment!

A pair of eyes stared like a copper bell, and froze in place dumbfounded!

"He, he... cut off... the ancient prohibition of the Supreme Pass?"

Some creatures made a trembling sound, with a dreamlike horror!

"This is impossible!"

What followed resounded was an angry and violent roar with endless disbelief and craziness. It was the voice of the man who had been ridiculing Ye Wuque all the time!


Above the sky, the ancient dragon chant resounded again.

Ye Wuque stood in the void, expressionless, his eyes were cold and indifferent, and he raised the dragon halberd again!



The second cold light with the size of a million feet!

The third, fourth, fifth...

The entire sky, even if it had been illuminated by golden beacon fire, but at this moment, it was once again submerged by endless cold light!

Every cold light is like a storm of extinction, wherever it passes, everything is cut away!

"Quick! Turn on all the restraining powers of the Supreme Level! Activate them all! Quick!"

When the Supreme closed, the man who had been mocking Ye Wuque screamed at this moment!

In the next instant, the entire Supreme Pass shone with a strong brilliance, and the ancient forbidden powers were activated, layer by layer, covering the entire Supreme Pass.

The explosion of the ancient and vast guardian power in all aspects makes the entire Supreme Pass seem to be awakened from the endless sleep, and the limit blooms its own guard...

Puff, puff, puff! !

The glory of the ancient prohibition that had just been covered was directly cut open as if paper paste at this moment!

Millions of Zhang Hanmang is simply terrifying to the limit, everything is not cut, everything is not broken.

Just a moment!

There are three or four more shockingly huge gaps in the entire Supreme Guan!

The two big gaps were connected together, just above the city gate, completely cut off that one.

As a result, the figures that had previously been hidden behind the city gate, who killed Chang Ziwei and mocked Ye Wuque first, were finally exposed collectively at this moment!

All young faces!

There are men and women!

All of them seem to be full of heads and corners, not weak, but at this moment, above these young faces are full of deep horror and...panic!

His face became even paler, looking at Ye Wuque standing high above the sky, almost like a ghost!

"Ancient prohibition, stop, stop... can't stop him?"

The voice of some of them trembled infinitely!

"No! We still have the Supreme Pass! The Supreme Pass itself has an aura! It has unparalleled protection power! He will never break in! Never!"

A roar full of madness and sharpness sounded from the voice of the ridiculous man who had been mocking and mocking Ye Wuque before.

This is a man wearing a gorgeous battle armor, his face is gloomy, giving people an extremely uncomfortable feeling, but at this moment, his face is a little distorted, staring at Ye Wuque with endless resentment and resentment!



Another million feet of cold light fell from the sky, unstoppable!


This halberd slashed directly on the wall of Supreme Pass.

The city wall there is directly... cracked!

A shocking crack just appeared on the wall of the Supreme Pass, causing the figures on it to be struck by lightning, and their pupils shrank sharply!

"The Supreme Pass, the Supreme Pass were... cut open?"

Some people are dead!

The entire Supreme Pass was shaking violently at this time, and above the city wall, light gleamed out, as if people were crying in pain.

"The broken golden spear in his hand! What the treasure is that? Even the Supreme Pass can be cut off??"

The sharp-eyed finally noticed this, with endless despair in his tone!

Above the sky.

Standing with a halberd, Ye Wuque saw that the Supreme Pass was cut open, still expressionless, and raised the big dragon halberd again.

But the next moment!

The incredible scene appeared!

The Supreme Pass seems to be alive, it seems to sense the supreme edge of the dragon halberd, and the infinite horror of the dragon halberd. At this moment, the violent tremor has taken the initiative to dissipate all the guarding power.

Supreme Pass...couldn't it!

The endless brilliance suddenly collapsed, countless ancient prohibitions dissipated voluntarily, and the entire Supreme Pass fell directly into a state of defenselessness.

Above the city pass, everyone was exposed, and the total number of people was added together, nearly a hundred people.

Everyone is dumbfounded!

They had no idea that there would be such a scene, and the Supreme Pass took the initiative to remove all protections? ?

this moment.

Ye Wuque, who had been standing above the void, looked down, and his icy eyes reflected the figures of all the creatures on the lower city gate. The indifference and coldness in it seemed to reflect the boundless purgatory.

One step down!

Ye Wuque descended from the sky like a star, and went straight to the top of the Supreme Pass!

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