Return of the War God

Chapter 5686: Can't survive, can't die, can't



"Devil! He is the devil!"

"Run away! Run away!"

The desperate howls exploded along with endless fearful roars. The remaining dozens of people went crazy and turned around and ran away. They ran into the Supreme Pass and wanted to escape into the Supreme Realm!

Ye Wuque still stood in place, motionless.

But the indifference and coldness exuding in his cold, bright eyes seemed to condense the void.

With a fierce squeeze of his right hand, the horrible suction exploded, and the guy who was closest to him was immediately sucked in by Ye Wuque and held it in his hand.

"No, don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

The man suddenly begged for mercy with horror!

Ye Wuque carried the person, and pointed his other hand under the city gate, and a cold voice sounded.

"Kill him...who made the move?"

What Ye Wuque pointed at was Chang Ziwei's corpse.

The guy who was being held trembles suddenly, and then cries out: "It's not me! It's him! It's Yunyi! It's him!"

This person directly pointed to the Yunyi in his mouth, and it was the man in the gorgeous armor!


Ye Wuque directly squeezed the person in his hand, and then looked at the cloud cloud with his eyes like a knife.

That Yunyi had already wanted to escape, but after being stared at by Ye Wuque at this moment, he couldn't even move a single move!

Ye Wuque walked towards him.

Yunyi froze in place, looking at Ye Wuque who was approaching, his eyes became extremely resentful and crazy!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I can kill that garbage!"

"He is your brother? Your comrade-in-arms? Your companion? Hahaha! He was really miserable when he died!"

"After I broke his limbs, he didn't say a word, it's a pity! He..."


A flower suddenly appeared in front of Yun Yi's eyes, and Ye Wuque's face was close to him!

Yun Yi suddenly screamed, and he was about to attack Ye Wuque!

But there was a five-fingered white jade palm frantically enlarged in front of Yun Yi's eyes, and Yun Yi's eyes finally revealed a deep touch of fear, a hysterical roar!

"Do you dare to kill..."


Ye Wuque's right hand patted directly on Yunyi's Tianling Gai!

Yun Yi's head was slapped into his chest with a slap in the face of Ye Wuque!

Blood sprang up!

His body began to wriggle frantically, staggering feebly!

The power of horror ran everywhere in Yunyi's body, and then rushed to the limbs!

Boom boom boom!

The violent power was vented, and Yun Yi's limbs exploded directly from the inside to the outside, and the endless blood mist filled the sky, and he directly exploded into pieces of meat in the sky!

Next moment!

Ye Wuque raised his right fist again, and blasted his fist towards the sky!


A huge white jade fist illuminates the void in the ten directions like a grinding disc, and then falls towards the heavens and the earth.

Those dozens of celebrities who fled wildly only felt that there was a white jade fist in front of them that was magnified in horror!

"Do not!"


Then the roar of crushed meat rang out in all directions, and blood-colored fireworks exploded all over the city!

But one person did not explode, but was seriously injured and hit Ye Wuque's feet, blood spurted wildly, and he was not dead yet.

Ye Wuque looked at him condescendingly, and then picked up the person who had deliberately saved his life with one hand.

"If you want to enter the Supreme Pass, you must first burn a beacon."

"This is obviously an ancient rule left by the Supreme Pass. Why do you dare to violate it?"

Ye Wuque's cold voice sounded.

Originally, Ye Wuque thought that these people were aimed at him.

But when he saw Chang Ziwei's body, he instantly understood.

These people are not aimed at one, but all those who want to enter the Supreme Pass, each of them must be aimed at.

The person was shaking crazily at this moment, and after hearing Ye Wuque's words, he immediately trembled desperately and answered hoarsely!

"That, that is indeed the ancient rule of Supreme Pass!"

"But, but all the authority of this Supreme Pass belongs to Master Ji Meng temporarily, and Master Ji Meng ordered it down!"

"Master Ji Meng is now pulling out manpower to besiege and kill a king in the'Now One Line'!"

"However, in a different timeline at this stage, the cycle of reincarnation of the Hundred Wars was once again opened to the outside world. It is very likely that the new force of the'now one line' will join. Master Ji Meng will never allow any external factors to affect his plan, so he ordered the supreme Gate guards, get rid of any Tianjiao who wants to enter the supreme realm during this time period!"

"Especially the more amazing and powerful the newcomers, the less we can't let them in!"

As soon as he said this, Ye Wuque's eyes flickered.

"What about my ancient reward?"

Ye Wuque spoke indifferently again.

The man immediately trembled again: "The ancient and ancient rewards of the Supreme Pass have been temporarily requisitioned by Master Ji Meng! There is nothing left!"

"Yunyi! Yunyi is the cousin of one of the "Blood Punishers" of Master Jimeng! He, he knows more than I! The garrison of this supreme pass is headed by him! Don't kill me! He knows. most!"

The person being carried was struggling frantically.


But at this moment, Ye Wuque suddenly looked behind him.

I saw that on that ground, a strange puppet in the shape of a scarecrow appeared in the place where the bones of Yunyi had no bones. Then it flashed in the void and shattered directly, and the Yunyi that should have been incompletely reappeared!

"For the dead treasure?"

Ye Wuque immediately recognized that the weird puppet was an extremely precious treasure.

That Yunyi felt Ye Wuque's gaze, and his blood-covered face was full of deep resentment and madness!

Although he escaped with the help of the mysterious double treasure, he was very embarrassed at this time, his aura was weak, and he was obviously seriously injured.

But at this moment, Yun Yi had another **** spell in his hand, which was suddenly crushed, and the whole person suddenly turned into a **** light, flying crazy toward the supreme realm!

"You wait!"

"I want you to live but not to die! I must make you live forever!"

Yunyi's crazy curse reverberated at the Supreme Gate, and then fled quickly.

With a click, Ye Wuque squeezed the person in his hand directly, and then slowly walked to the front of the dragon halberd. After pulling up the dragon halberd, he looked at the cloud that had turned into blood and traversed the void. There was nothing in his cold eyes. Any excess emotions.

"Can you escape?"

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