Return of the War God

Chapter 5687: completion


The previous Supreme Pass was ancient and vast, shining brightly, and ancient prohibition shining.

But now, the entire Supreme Pass was bleak, the city walls were stained red with intense blood, and many corpses with broken arms spread out in a mess, smelling of blood everywhere, looking shocking, like a purgatory.

And when the Supreme is closed, there are no more living creatures.

After about ten breaths.


Suddenly, there was a burst of air-breaking sound coming from a place in the Supreme Pass. The speed was extremely fast, but it was very cautious. After getting close, there were about three or five figures!

When these three or five figures once again saw the tragic situation of the entire Supreme Gate, although they knew it for the first time, they all showed deep shock and incredible in their eyes!

"That newcomer! Actually, really dare to kill!"

One of them spoke with a hint of fear in his tone.

"All the garrisons in the entire Supreme Gate were slaughtered, and even Yunyi was not let go, and he chased and killed him!"

The second person spoke.

"Anything that has a result must have a cause. You haven't seen the skyrocketing beacon fire outside the Supreme Pass? It soars up to 20,000 feet! There is even a beacon crown! What does this mean you don't know?"

The third person spoke and looked at the golden beacon and the golden crown that were still burning in front of the Supreme Pass. The voice was deeply shocked!

"Heavenly level!"

"This newcomer must have received the highest heavenly evaluation, and is eligible to receive an ancient reward from the Supreme Pass."

The person who spoke first said again.

"Yeah! Heavenly rank, but this guy who obtained the heavenly rank was obstructed by others, unable to enter the Supreme Pass, and even more expelled, framed, and the ancient rewards also disappeared. If it were you, could you not be angry? ?"

"If it were me, it would be tantamount to blocking my road. I must be more ruthless and absolute than him!"

After these words fell, these three or five people became silent, seeming to fully understand Ye Wuque who was slaughtering.

"That Yunyi, relying on his own relationship, is arrogant and defiant. Now that he has kicked the iron plate, he is really happy!"

In the end, it was the third person who spoke again, with a sneer in his tone.

"This guy won't die in vain, he deserves it!"

"Deserve it!"

The rest of the people are also sympathetic.

The third person who opened his mouth slowly walked towards the end of the wall of the Supreme Pass, and looked at the golden beacon above the void, but a sigh came out.

"The newcomer is really a peerless murderer!"

"His action is also well-founded, and this beacon crown is the biggest and most powerful evidence!"

"As long as there is this beacon crown, then all the actions of this peerless murderer are reasonable and legal, and it does not violate all the rules of the Supreme Realm. No one can impose any sanctions on him."

"It's just... a pity..."

This light sigh fell, and a total of five figures appeared on the city gate, and they all looked at the beacon crown above the void.


The five people all jumped off the Supreme Pass and walked to the beacon viewing platform.

"It's a pity, the entanglement of the situation and interests in the Supreme Realm is so complicated that it exceeds imagination. Right, wrong, good and evil?"

"No, I only talk about the pros and cons here, not right or wrong."

Under the beacon watching the battle, the five stood still again.

"The ancient formation that banned the beacon is still there, that is to say, the soaring golden beacon and the crown of the beacon have not been leaked out, inform the inside and outside of the Supreme Pass."

"Let's do it, hold the beacon viewing platform, take all the beacon and this beacon crown and put out all the beacon, let it calm down."

"In this way, once the beacon disappears, the evidence that proves the innocence of this peerless murderer will completely disappear."

That's right!

These five guys who appeared suddenly and silently came to extinguish the golden beacon and the beacon crown!

According to what they said, once the beacon disappeared, what Ye Wuque did would completely become unreasonable.

Complete destruction is the most powerful evidence for Ye Wuque.

By the time!

What greeted Ye Wuque would be the cruel sanctions in the entire Supreme Realm, because he shot the Supreme Pass and slaughtered all the garrisons.


Looking up at the splendid beacon crown above the sky again, there seemed to be a touch of pity in the eyes of the five people, but they immediately became cold and indifferent.

"Go on stage!"

In the next instant, two people walked out and began to climb the beacon viewing platform, very fast, like two monkeys.


Just when the two people climbed halfway, an incredible scene appeared!

The entire beacon viewing platform suddenly began to tremble violently. It seems that because of the climbing of these two people, it became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel...

Click, click!

The beacon viewing platform has actually begun... collapsed inch by inch!

"how so??"

"No! Come down!"

The two who climbed up immediately jumped down, and the five immediately stepped back, completely stunned!


The beacon viewing platform that collapsed inch by inch was directly shattered and fell to the ground, as if it turned into a piece of charred coal.

Just after the complete collapse of the beacon viewing platform, the originally quiet and silent sky suddenly appeared violent distortions!

"not good!"

"The beacon viewing platform collapsed, and the ancient formation that banned the beacon was connected to it. The ancient formation will be destroyed directly, and the beacon will never be..."


At this moment in the entire sky, something seemed to be completely collapsed and broken. In the next moment, the blazing golden beacon seemed to have lost all its restraints, began to burn crazily, soaring into the sky, and spreading crazily toward the ten directions of void!

The splendid beacon crown seemed to rise with the wind, shining for nine days, the waves were magnificent, and the volume began to grow wildly!

The five people below had no expressions at the moment, their eyes were full of deep horror and panic, and their hearts were even more shocked and powerless.

That's it!

Completely finished!

They originally came to destroy the evidence that is beneficial to Ye Wuque, but they did not expect that under some manipulation, instead of destroying the evidence, they helped Ye Wuque to completely release the favorable evidence, and they were about to make it all. Know!

This wave is equivalent to reverse advertising for Ye Wuwei!

"The crown of the beacon has to burn for at least three days and three nights, unstoppable, unquenchable, and it has demonstrated the glory of a newcomer who has received a heavenly evaluation..."

"It's over..."

The headed guy among the five spoke again hoarsely, with a sense of panic.

In addition, at this moment, the five people are still at a loss and incomprehension deep into their bones...

Why? ?

Why would a good beacon viewing platform suddenly collapse and shatter after standing for a long time? ?

Supreme Great Realm.

This is the most central place in the Great World of Reincarnation, and it is also the most bizarre and passionate place.

Because all Tianjiao who came in through the "reincarnation of a hundred battles", no matter from the past, present, or different time periods in the future, will gather at this ultimate destination, vying for each other and fighting blood!

And between the Supreme Pass and the Supreme Realm, there is also a brilliant ancient road.

The ancient glory shines, and the arc of time rushes.

But at the moment!


A monstrous blood pierced the ancient road, reaching its limit, and inside it was a **** distorted face, carrying endless panic, resentment, and fear and moving forward madly!

And behind this **** light that envelops the figure, there is a tall and slender figure closely following him, like a **** of death who is chasing his life!

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