Return of the War God

Chapter 5690: Not the Raptors but Jiang


Between the deadly world, almost all the geniuses onlookers were confused!

They all looked at Ye Wuque above the void in a daze, only felt that their heads seemed dizzy, thinking that they had hallucinations.

But when the strong smell of blood hit and the sky of blood was scattered, everyone seemed to wake up from the illusion in an instant!

"He, he... the blood torture three evils... how..."

Some people's voices have stammered, and they are not clear.

"How is it possible? The three evils of blood punishment are gone in a split second...?"

"It seems he just slapped... a punch lightly?"

The sharp-eyed genius spoke incredibly!

More and more geniuses are coming from all directions at this moment, but they have been completely horrified by what happened before them.

Blood Punishment Sansha!

The blood tormentor's horrific and famous slaughter of dead men killed, I don't know how many good people were killed.

But at such a moment, there was no bones left, not even a piece of scum.


The eyes of everyone between heaven and earth looking at Ye Wuque, there is no longer the curiosity, joking, and unbearable before, only the deep surprise and shock are left, it is unbelievable.


Within the mountains and rivers Baohui, following the whistling of the wind, the blood tormentor had completely turned around at this time, revealing his true colors.

This is a man who looks about thirty years old, his blood-colored armor shining with cold luster.

His face is extremely ordinary, it doesn't look special, but he only has a pair of eyes that are terrifying, because the pupils are blood-colored.

It was as if he could see a sea of ​​dead mountains and blood from whoever he looked at, completely perverted.

At this time, the blood-colored pupils of the blood punishment person reflected the appearance of Ye Wuque, but there was no emotional flow, as if he was looking at a dead person.

Ye Wuque looked at him.

After taking a look at the blood tormentor, his gaze passed over him, and he looked directly at the stacked array disks behind him, as if vaguely perceived something.

"The Supreme Pass expells newcomers, do you have a share?"

Ye Wuque's indifferent voice sounded, and he looked at the blood tormentor again.

The blood tormentor did not answer, but looked at Ye Wuque.

Ye Wuque stopped and walked right in front of Yun Yi.

Yun Yi was already full of panic and fear at this moment. He struggled desperately and wanted to stand up, but he couldn't move a bit strangely, as if an invisible force had imprisoned him!

After hearing Ye Wuque's indifferent words, Yun Yi with a face full of fear suddenly trembled all over, as if he understood something, staring at Ye Wuque in horror and screamed: "You, are you hanging behind me on purpose?"

"You deliberately let me escape..."


One foot directly exploded Yunyi's head!

The blood suddenly sprang up, and the flesh and blood spattered directly, and then Yunyi's body was exploded, and in the end his whole body was directly exploded into a **** firework.

Now that a more weighty one has been found, Yunyi naturally does not need to stay.

One foot stepped on the cloud cloud, and Ye Wuque seemed to have just trampled on an ant to death.

But the weird thing is!

The blood tormentor watched from beginning to end, without any action, even the moment Yun Yi's head exploded, the blood tormentor didn't even move his brows.

It seemed that it was not his cousin who was stepped on by Ye Wuque, but a stranger who had never known each other.

"You slaughtered all the garrisons of the Supreme Pass?"

Finally, the blood tormentor opened his mouth, and his voice was as cold as Wannian Xuanbing.

Ye Wuque was expressionless, unmoved, and didn't mean to respond.

"Every once in a while, there will always be some unknowingly thick garbage in the Supreme Realm."

"It's really an eyesore."

"I have always had some doubts. In your years, how did you qualify for the screening of Samsara?"

"I'm really fortunate that I haven't been at the same point in time as you guys who were born in the future."

The cold voice of the blood tormentor slowly echoed.

Ye Wuque's complexion was calm.

But my heart moved slightly!

The words of the blood tormentor suddenly made him aware of a problem.

How is the time in the reincarnation of a hundred battles calculated?

Past pulse!

Now a pulse!

A pulse of the future!

Is it so simple to divide?

It seemed to make sense, and it was in line with Ye Wuque's perspective.


There is a crucial question.

Everyone who enters the cycle of geniuses, when he enters, he will think that he is the current one!


Just like Ye Wuqian himself, he naturally thought that he was in the same vein.

But in his own eyes, the person who entered in that period of time, based on his time point, he is the current vein, but Ye Wuque should be the future vein.

But in this supreme great realm, it seems that the difference between the three veins has been marked.

So what are the signs of division?

Or what is the reference benchmark? ?

To know.

Within this cycle of a hundred battles, there is no concept of time.

But it is precisely because there is no time that it causes the greatest chaos!


There is another strange and mysterious point.

Those are the geniuses of the past years. If they finally go out alive and achieve extremely high achievements in the future, they must be left in history.

So whether it is the current pulse or the future pulse, you should have heard of its name.

So if you have heard that a Tianjiao in the past will become a big figure in the future, and then become hostile to each other, does it mean that this Tianjiao in the past can't be killed within the cycle of a hundred battles?

Otherwise, how can he stay in history?

But if he succeeded in killing him in the cycle of a hundred battles, then I have heard the memories of this person's history, where did they come from?

This seems to form a time paradox!

It makes sense, but it doesn't seem to make sense at all.

Even Ye Wuque felt a deep sense of strangeness.


I'm afraid it's more complicated than he imagined, it's even more mysterious, and it's even more incredible.

How is "time" defined in the cycle of a hundred battles?

Nobody knows.

In this short moment, Ye Wuque had many thoughts in his mind, but he realized it immediately.

It seems that these problems have been resolved.

Otherwise, the entire reincarnation of the Hundred Wars has been completely chaotic!

Step, step, step!

The heavy footsteps rang suddenly, but the blood tormentor actually stepped slowly and walked out of the mountains and rivers.

With his movement, the eyes of countless geniuses around him flickered, and there was a deep look of horror in his eyes.


The reputation of the blood tormentor is definitely not small!

"In the ancient formation, there is exactly one blood sacrifice. You, a sinful animal who violates the rules of the supreme realm with the most heinous sins, can't be more appropriate."

The cold voice of the blood tormentor exploded like a muffled thunder.

Ye Wuque stood in the void with no expression on his face. At this moment, he said indifferently: "You are dead, what kind of trick should come out?"

As soon as this remark came out, it was so long and shocked!

For the first time, the original cold-hearted Lianpo of the blood tormentor had a strange change, and the cold eyes that looked at Ye Wuque became strange, as if mixed with a touch of funny, ridiculous absurdity.

And the eyes of countless geniuses between heaven and earth looking at Ye Wuque at this time also brought a deep and inexplicable amazement!

"This newcomer is so brave! He doesn't know the meaning of his words!"

"Is it true that the newborn calf is not afraid of the stupidity of the tiger?"

"Or... isn't the Raptors but Jiang's invincibility?"

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