Return of the War God

Chapter 5691: You are dead


As soon as these words came out, the blood in the eyes of the blood tormenters burst out!

Such calm and indifferent words were the greatest humiliation to him! !

boom! !

The monstrous blood brilliance bloomed from the blood armor of the blood tormentor's blood god, making his aura even higher again.

"Speak up without shame"

The tone of the blood punishment person is like ten thousand years of profound ice, enough to freeze the world and everything.


Suddenly, the blood tormenter got a flower in front of him, and Ye Wuque, who was still tens of thousands of feet away, appeared like a ghost within ten feet of him!

The pupils of the blood punishment man shrank violently! !

He saw Ye Wuque's hands that directly grabbed his Blood God Battle Armor!

Still barehanded.

But I don't know when it became crystal clear, white as jade.

Immediately afterwards, the blood tormenter was incredibly surprised that Ye Wuque's speed was so fast that he was too fast to avoid it...

Puff, puff!

In the horror of countless geniuses around, their eyes were shaking. They clearly saw that Ye Wuque’s hands were actually piercing the blood armor of the blood torture body, and they directly buckled ten shocking blood. Hole!

Like ten hooks, Ye Wuque's ten fingers on both hands pierced the blood tormented man together with his armor and flesh and blood!

Feeling the pain, the blood tormenter was terrified and uttered an incredible outrage!


Ye Wuque's face was close at hand, showing no expression at the moment, but a formidable sharp flash of light flashed in his bright eyes!

I saw his hands and ten fingers bent inward first, and then grasped the blood-colored battle armor and slammed outward again! !



Accompanied by the painful roar of the blood tormentor, blood suddenly spattered out of the void!

All the geniuses in this world are horrified at this moment, but they see very clearly...

The newcomer actually used a pair of bare hands to forcibly tore the indestructible blood god's armor from the blood tormentor's body.

Even with the flesh and blood of the blood tormentor, they were detained together and carried in their hands.

How cruel is this?

Fierce and mighty!

It's so fierce!

It made countless genius creatures that I saw chills, scalp numb, and trembling!

Tick, tick, tick...

At this moment, warm blood was dripping from the two pieces of blood **** remnant armor.

After the intact Blood God Battle Armor was detained by Ye Wuque's murderous life, it was naturally torn into two pieces and destroyed.


The blood tormentor, covered in blood, looked like a frightened rabbit at this moment, retreating madly.

After retreating for tens of thousands of feet, he stood still again, panting, and dripping blood all over his body.

Where does the blood tormentor at this moment look like the invincible posture of the previous star?

Covered with blood!

The sides of the waist are even more bloody!

Fighting in that void, panting, it looks like how embarrassed and embarrassed, only a pair of bloodshot pupils still staring at Ye Wuque, which is full of indescribable anger, Unbelievable and crazy!

Between heaven and earth, there was already dead silence at this moment.

All eyes were now focused on the tall, slender, fierce and mighty figure standing under the sky.

At this moment, Ye Wuque's bright eyes reflected the blood tormentors in the distance, and he was calm.

In terms of strength, this blood tormenter is already strong enough!

Moreover, its combat power under the full-scale explosion has completely surpassed the previous third-ranked Dragon Tyrant, reaching a very high level, even in the path of the gods invincible to the front of the gods, they have also walked not far away. .

It's no wonder that in this supreme realm, with a certain reputation, he can be regarded as a master.


In front of Ye Wuque now, it was still far from enough, and he could only make him a little bit interested.

Seeing the blood torture man's fighting style, I only played with him for a while.

Loosing his hands, two pieces of broken armor suddenly fell into the void, Ye Wuqi ran away the blood contaminated in his hands at will, and then walked slowly toward the blood tormentor.

If the warlord of his men is destroyed, as the righteous master, should he stand up with his emotions and reason?

That scheming!

Perhaps it was the target Ye Wuque wanted to see right now.

The blood tormentor had already suffered serious injuries, and watching Ye Wuque walking towards him at the moment, he knew that he would not be the opponent of this guy in front of him.

But the anger and inconceivability in his eyes have all disappeared at this moment, and replaced by a touch of coldness.

In this case, the blood tormented person can also restore his calmness, which shows that this person is extraordinary.

He seemed to watch Ye Wuque, who was getting closer and closer like a **** of death, with such coldness, without fear, even a flash of... mocking in the depths of the cold eyes?

But here, Ye Wuque's eyes passed the blood tormentor, instead he looked into the mountains and rivers in the distance.

As the blood tormentor walked out, the ancient formations and countless formations within the portal were not covered, and they were all revealed at this time.

After Ye Wuque glanced over, he immediately seemed to perceive something.

"This seems to be a banned ancient formation?"


"This should only be a branch node of the ancient ban, but it is very important. According to the fluctuation and age of the ancient ban, this one should be only one of them. There should be three branch nodes like this one, which adds up to at least four. indivual."

"Such a large-scale and super-strength ban on the ancient formation requires an unimaginable source of strength, and it is not the ordinary creature that can be qualified to show it."

"and many more!"

"Forbidden Ancient Formation..."

"Could it be..."

In an instant, Ye Wuque seemed to have lightning flashing across his mind.

He suddenly remembered what he had heard about the plan at the Supreme Pass before. He seemed to be mobilizing manpower to besieged and killed a king in the "now in the same vein"?

As one of Ji Meng’s commanders, the blood tormentor was guarded at a crucial branch node of the banned formation...

If so, everything can make sense.

At this moment, many thoughts flashed in Ye Wuque's heart, which made him suddenly enlightened.

At this moment, Ye Wuque had already raised his fist slowly, and hit the blood tormentor with a punch, ready to send him back to the west!

But the moment Ye Wuque shot!

The blood tormentor's throat trembled suddenly, and a large mouthful of blood spewed out, and he let out a sharp and crazy roar!

"One of the thirty-six supreme passes, has the temporary ownership of'Master Jimeng' to torture people!"

"Use blood as the medium to ignite authority!"

"I implore the great ‘Supreme Rule’ to appear..."

"The verdict is a heinous murderer!"

"In order to behave like you!!"

Crazy roar soaring into the sky!

But Ye Wuque's fist was not dull, and it had directly blasted the blood tormentor's body!

But Ye Wuque's eyes flashed immediately.

From the body of the blood tormentor, an indescribable cold and mysterious power appeared to cover him, isolating his punch.

"Poor thing..."

"You are dead!"

Ye Wuque didn't even look at the blood tormentor, but looked up at the infinitely high nine heavens.

There, there seemed to be an infinitely ancient, infinitely mysterious, infinitely cold terrifying will slowly condensing, and finally condensed a brilliant golden light group!

"The Supreme Rule?"

Ye Wuque looked up at the nine heavens, his eyes slightly narrowed at this moment.

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