Return of the War God

Chapter 5703: :Destroyer

The golden light swarms across the sky, like a scorching sun!

But the icy and terrifying will is constantly permeating like a tide, instantly everywhere.

The moment this "rule of the supreme" appeared, the eyes of countless geniuses in this world all showed awe and admiration.

It seems that this "rule of supreme" is like the supreme ruler.

At this moment, Ye Wuque, looking up at this supreme rule, could experience its indescribable coldness and dead silence.

"The Supreme Rule!"

"Please also sanction this dog!"

The blood tormentor shouted again, his words were fierce, with endless evil spirits.


Inside the golden light group, there seemed to be inexplicable fluctuations at this time, as if the waves swept across, unspeakable mystery and ancient.

Countless geniuses around saw this scene, and their faces suddenly showed regret, and the eyes that looked at Ye Wuque also brought a touch of emotion and regret.

no surprise! This newcomer who is so abruptly violent has violated the rules of the Supreme Realm! "

"Yun Yi is right. This newcomer dared to attack the Supreme Pass and start killing. This is not culpable!"

"This is the usual method of these guys, using authority to summon the supreme rules, angering opponents within the rules, and causing them to commit unforgivable guilt!"

"Damn it! This is too unfair! If this newcomer is really punished, it would be too embarrassing!"

"Fair? What can you do? The king of Jimeng has temporarily obtained the ownership of a supreme pass! Do you know what this means? Is this what ordinary people can do? The king of Jimeng is too terrifying, extraordinary, and calculating When it comes to everything, it can be said to be overpowering people! There is no way!"

"Oh, it's a pity that this newcomer is really amazing. I was originally curious about which one of the three channels he would be placed in, but now the Supreme Rule is here to take his life!"


Many whispering voices continued to sound around, and it seemed that it was not the first time that many creatures saw similar scenes. Most of them felt it was a pity, but there were also many creatures watching the excitement.

At this time, Ye Wuque still stared at the Supreme Rule of Nine Heavens without blinking!

The black hole sky eye between his forehead, and the extinction **** pupil, quietly opened, reflecting away.

Vaguely, a strangeness was discovered.

"This supreme rule seems cold, vast and unpredictable, but it seems that there is a kind of incomplete and dilapidated...rigid?"

This is also what Ye Wuque discovered when he manifested the power of the soul to the limit, and then cooperated with the power to exterminate the pupil.

And he had already guessed that this "rule of the supreme" might be a will to guard the great realm of the supreme.

If this is the case, then there seems to be a reason for the division of the three veins of "past, present, and future".


The golden light group of supreme rules violently moved in the void, and a terrible cold will flowed out of it!

Then, a golden beam seemed to illuminate Ye Wuque!

At the same time, the sky trembled, the golden light shone, and one after another golden handwriting appeared!

"Destroy the Supreme Pass for no reason."

"Causes the killing at the Supreme Pass."

"Violation of the'Supreme Rule'..."

"Dang Zhu!"

The golden handwriting swelled into the void, giving a strong threat of life and death, enough to make one's mind broken and unable to control it.


The moment he saw these golden handwritings, the blood tormentor laughed loudly, with endless mockery and pleasure in his laughter!

Ye Wuque was expressionless, but a cold light flashed in his squinted eyes.


At this moment, in the golden light group above the nine heavens, three dazzling figures slowly walked out at this moment!

This figure presents a human form, but it looks very strange.

Because they seem to be outlined by a gold border, the outlines of humanoid creatures have only shapes and no bodies.


The talented creature uttered an exclamation, but it was more of a kind of horror, seeming to recognize the identity of this weird humanoid creature.

"Immortality is unbeatable, it represents the will of the'Supreme Rule', and can kill all creatures in the Supreme Realm that violate the ancient rules and rules!"


The three destroyers descended from the sky, pushing Ye Wuwei to come!

There is no fluctuation, and there is no terrible breath, but this one dive, but exudes a suffocating sense of fear.

"Poor thing!"

"If you don't resist, you might die a little easier."

"If you resist, you will die miserably, your gods will be destroyed, and you will never live beyond!"

The blood tormentor laughed loudly at this time, with an expression of appreciation on his face.

He looked at Ye Wuque, showing a kind of supreme compassion and joking!


"When you reincarnate in your next life, a pair of tricks is best to put highlights."

"Want to kill you?"

"We have ten thousand ways!!"

The blood tormentor continued to explode with endless mocking sneers.

Is Ye Wuque wronged?

Of course blood torture people know!

There is a good saying...

The person who wronged you knows how wrong you are better than you!

But this is not only a **** punishment, or a method of the king of Mengmeng...

Use the authority of the Supreme Pass to kill all enemies who don't know how to promote.

The blood tormentor didn't seem to worry about any changes at all, but he was worried that Ye Wuque would fight back!

Because they have always done things delicately and maliciously, they will put out all the evidence without leaving any clues or clues.

Like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, a fatal blow!

At this moment, the blood tormentor was full of pleasure, ready to appreciate Ye Wuque's miserable appearance before his death.

And most of the countless creatures in all directions frowned, because they looked at Ye Wuque with puzzled eyes...

Even if this newcomer was angered and chose to shoot, how could he cause damage to the Supreme Pass?

Above the void.

Ye Wuque is alone, and there is a terrible light in the depths of his eyes!

Waiting to die?

This has never been Ye Wuque's character.

The big deal is gone!

The horrible power in the body is boiling and venting!

But just when Ye Wuque was about to take a shot, his eyes suddenly moved, as if he had sensed something. After his eyes flickered, the power in his body was dissipated, and he looked at the Supreme Rule above Nine Heavens again.

The golden light group is still shining!

But within it I don't know when there will be violent fluctuations again!

The three Destroyer had already besieged at this moment, and the three bare hands patted them straight to Ye Wuque's brain, chest, and back!

The force of terror has set off endless waves, and the void is annihilated wherever it passes!

The blood tormentor laughed loudly, his eyes widened, his eyes full of tyranny and cruelty!

But the next moment!

The incredible scene appeared!

I saw that in the place where Ye Wuque was only one foot away from the last place, the big hands shot by the three Destroyers turned out to be inexplicably... stagnant!

Stopped in place abruptly.

The three destroyers were also motionless, just standing in place.

"what's the situation??"

"What happened? Why did it stop?"

The blood tormentor's expression suddenly changed, and he shot out with a low growl.

The countless geniuses between heaven and earth were also stunned!

The Destroyer was dispatched, the first time I heard that it stopped suddenly!

Only Ye Wuque here, with a calm complexion, standing with his hands behind him, still standing quietly, seemingly not surprised at all.

Just when everyone felt weird and confused...

"Quickly, look at the direction of Supreme Pass!! That's...what?"

Suddenly, someone spoke out of shock, with a trembling like a ghost!

In an instant, countless people all looked in the direction of the Supreme Pass. In the next instant, everyone's eyes were round and wide, and there was a deep shock and incredibleness within it! !


Coming from the direction of the Supreme Pass, the entire sky was completely submerged by a blazing golden flame, overwhelming the sky, and the waves were magnificent!

At the same time, within the blazing golden flames, there was an extremely bright...golden crown! !

"That's... the beacon crown!!"

"The crown of flames!!"

Someone's voice is hoarse!

Almost all geniuses looked at the beacon crown subconsciously at this moment, and then at Ye Wuque, as if thunder exploded in their minds!

Instantly understand the cause and effect!

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