Return of the War God

Chapter 5705: : Absolutely

Ye Wuque really didn't know who Wu Xiaofan was.

So why did he raise his hand indirectly, which is equivalent to saving Wu Xiaofan?

That is naturally to disgust that scheme!

Zhi Zun Guan he was blocked, starting from Yunyi, and then to blood torture, at best, he was just a dog-legged man who was ordered to do things. Ji Meng was the real master behind the scenes. He controlled all of this and made these plans.

It is the so-called wrongdoer and debtor!

The interest Ye Wuwei wants to collect, and the master behind the scenes makes him even more reluctant to let it go.

Let's have an appetizer first and let Ji Meng taste it.

With a hand out, Ye Wuque took the remaining head of the blood tormentor in his hand, the **** of fate was not completely broken, and the blood tormentor was still alive at this moment!

"Ye Wuque!"

"Master Ji Meng will never let you go!"

"You wait! No one can save you even if you go to heaven and earth! You don't even know what kind of existence you provoke!"

The blood tormentor had already bleeds from his seven orifices at this moment, and he looked extremely ferocious, but he still laughed wildly, with endless curses in his tone, staring at him!

"You will definitely die! You will never..."

"Anyway, you have no chance to see it."

Ye Wuque's indifferent voice sounded, and then his right hand vigorously!

There was finally a touch of uncontrollable fear in the blood surging eyes of the blood tormentor at this moment!

There are indeed people in this world who can go to death calmly, but it is clear that people who are tortured by blood are not among them.


It's a pity that Ye Wuque directly squeezed the blood tormenter's destiny at this moment and sent him to the west.

But the **** head of the blood tormentor was retained, and it was not destroyed. With the right hand thrown, the head suddenly flew out, and it just fell to the entrance of the dim and broken mountain branch in front of the ancient formation. , Quietly in that place, never staring at it.

Then, Ye Wuque's eyes flashed, and he looked in the direction of the earth-shaking fluctuation before.

In that direction, Ji Meng placed the banned ancient formation and besieged Wu Xiaofan, but because of his appearance, the banned ancient formation was broken open. Wu Xiaofan escaped and wanted to kill Ji Meng.

Now, he wants to go directly.

Both Ji Meng and Wu Xiaofan are called... Kings!

Ye Wuque wanted to know what level the "king" in the reincarnation of a hundred battles had reached!

And as Ye Wuque drifted away, this deadly world seemed to finally get a breath, and countless genius creatures in all directions seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and then there was an instantaneous uproar!

"Oh my God! It's unbelievable! This rookie Ye Wuque is so vigorous!"

"It's not the Raptors but Jiang! It's not the Raptors but Jiang!"

"The blood tormentor, in front of Ye Wuque, was completely abused. He was killed directly, leaving only one head!"

"The highest evaluation of'Tian Zun' in the Supreme Pass, even the crown of the beacon has been obtained. What can't this explain?"

"Have you forgotten? Everyone who gets the best appraisal of ‘Tian-level’, at least has become a king, and even has...the emperor's posture!"

With the fall of the word "Dizi", countless talented creatures in this world once again showed infinite shock and admiration, as if the meaning of these two words was enough to shake time and space.

"But having said that, Ye Wuque and Ji Meng are now feuding dead!"

"Unexpectedly, Ji Meng was going to besiege Wu Xiaofan! What a big game!"

"Now because Ye Wuquegong is at a loss! Not only that, but Ji Meng also lost the temporary ownership of the twenty-sixth Supreme Pass, and the loss is huge, and I am afraid I will have no place to cry if I change it!"

"This is definitely going to be endless, can Ji Meng let Ye Wuque go?"

"The Supreme Great Realm, which has been quiet for several months, seems to be lively again!"

At this moment, Ye Wuque traversed the void, extremely fast, like a bolt of lightning.

Wherever he passed, there seemed to be ancient and beautiful scenery everywhere, and he even saw the entrances of many secret realms or ruins, shining brightly and throbbing!

In addition, the world and the wild, the magnificent landscape is even more dizzying.

But when Ye Wuque looked at Nine Heavens, his eyes shook slightly.

He saw Nine Heavens Que!

Above the sky, there seems to be a huge streamer shining from time to time, as if a vast expanse of mirror spread in the void, reflecting everything.

He was on this side, and on the other side of the mirror, farther and farther, there seemed to be another vast area.

The nine heavens faintly appeared, overlapped, and looked extremely complicated and mysterious.

"This supreme realm seems to be more mysterious and unpredictable than imagined. It's unheard of just because of this peculiar way of overlapping areas..."

Ye Wuque was also an eye-opener.

At the same time, he once again looked at the Haotian mirror in his hand, but his eyes showed a touch of remembrance and emotion.

The name Haotian Mirror reminded Ye Wuque of the past.

once Upon a time.

While still under the starry sky, Ye Wuque entered the tomb of the **** Tongtian, where he not only met Xiao Shao, but also fought side by side with the Tianjiao under the starry sky at the time, fighting against the ominous.

For example, Lonely Demise is one of the best.

And his own big dragon halberd was obtained from the tomb of the **** Tongtian. Similarly, Lone Kongmai also got an ancient soldier at the time, which was also a mirror, and the name was also called the Haotian Mirror.

The two mirrors are naturally different and have nothing to do with each other, but they have the same name by coincidence.

This touched Ye Wuque's memories.

"Haotian Mirror, Haotian really sounds nice..."

"A word'Hao' is the essence of Tao, after all, a verb plus an adjective, um...absolutely!"

Shaking his head slightly, Ye Wuque looked at the Haotian Mirror in his hand carefully.

This mirror is extraordinary, showing a simple posture. There are four edges and corners around the mirror surface. It looks like a stone mirror at first glance, but the mirror surface is a faint golden color, sparkling, and revealing ancient mystery.

After some investigation, Ye Wuque discovered that the Haotian Mirror possessed many extremely useful powers such as "imprisonment", "strangulation", and "psychedelic".

"It's a rare ancient soldier..."

Ye Wuque couldn't help but praised, and then temporarily put away the Haotian mirror.


After a while, Ye Wuque's eyes moved, and he felt the tyrannical and hot fluctuations that filled the space between the heavens and the earth. This was the aftermath of a battle with extraordinary intensity.

There is also the aura of the broken ancient formation, which is still daunting.

This seems to be a natural canyon, but at this moment it is already scorched and riddled with holes, as if it had suffered a meteor fire.

But when Ye Wuque glanced over, his brows were slightly raised!

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