Return of the War God

Chapter 5706: :God!

"Anyone is gone?"

"Not only that, not even a corpse is left?"

Such a fierce battlefield, terrible aftermath of the battle, but nothing is left?

You know, from Wu Xiaofan breaking out of the formation, counterattack Ji Meng to Ye Wuque rushed here, only half an hour before and after.

For the battle between two "king" class, just half an hour is definitely not enough, not to mention that one party still has a lot of preparations.

Ye Wuque fell to the center of the battered battlefield and began to check.

"The battle is fierce, enough to divide birth and death, but their battle seems..."

As Ye Wuque's eyes flashed slightly.

"Suddenly over?"

"It seems that there is some external force involved?"

Slowly stood up, Ye Wuque's eyes were deep.

Although this trip was equivalent to running away in vain, a faint light flashed in his eyes at this moment.

Even if it was only a residual aftermath, he had already told Ye Wuque some answer...

That is the strength possessed by the "king" in the reincarnation of a hundred wars, and it does not seem to disappoint him!


At this time, the sound of breaking the sky sounded from all directions between the heaven and the earth, and it was the many genius creatures near here in the Supreme Great Realm who also sensed the fluctuations here, and immediately rushed over to investigate.

When these geniuses saw Ye Wuque standing on the scorched earth with blemishes, their eyes condensed!

Obviously, Ye Wuque's reputation had already begun to spread, and many talented creatures had already recognized him.

"Ye Wuque!"

"His speed is so fast!"

"Just now the town killed the blood tormentor, now I'm looking for it directly? Good fellow! Is this going to face King Jimeng?"

"Wait, the situation here..."

Many sharp-eyed geniuses have already noticed something wrong here.

But at this moment, Ye Wuque's body slowly lifted into the sky, looking at the many geniuses around him, and said lightly: "Kings like Ji Meng and Wu Xiaofan, how?"

As soon as these words came out, many geniuses were slightly taken aback, but they immediately realized that Ye Wuque in front of him was a newcomer who had just entered the Supreme Realm.

But despite being a rookie, Ye Wuque had already used his iron-blooded means and powerful record to prove himself to the entire supreme realm.

Therefore, immediately there was a genius cautiously said: "Master Ye, you have just entered the Supreme Realm, and naturally you don't understand everything in it."

"The Supreme Realm, together with the past, present, and future, overlap on three sides, causing the timeline to temporarily lose its meaning here, but they are entangled together again, very strange and weird."

"It's like every day is a new day, but if you feel it carefully, every day is like a day that is repeated!"

"And the label that distinguishes which vein each creature entering the Supreme Realm belongs to is determined by the'Supreme Rule'."

"But no matter which vein, only strength is the kingly way!"

"And the creatures in the entire Supreme Great Realm, if divided in terms of strength, are divided into four major levels!"

"From strong to weak..."

"Emperor, King, Hou, General!"

"Actually, whoever is qualified to enter the cycle of a hundred battles and successfully come to the supreme realm, who is not a genius?"

"However, there are stronger mid players in the strong, and there is still a mountain high. There will always be someone who will be stronger and even more terrifying!"

"And the'General' level is a watershed between ordinary creatures and true masters!"

"Anyone who can be rated as a'general' is already unpredictable in strength, and has gone a long way on the road of divine jealousy!"

It seems to be able to popularize science for Ye Wuque. In the eyes of many geniuses, it is a very meaningful thing. At this moment, someone rushed to speak again.

"Master Ye, in fact, the blood tormentor who was killed by you not long ago is a'general' master."

"But the gap between the four major ranks of'Emperor Generals' is too much! Even at the same level, there is a gap, unless it reaches the'king level', it may be smaller."

"The blood tormentor is considered a master in the'general level'. He is even one of the generals under the command of the'King of Jimeng', but Master Ye should have thought about it. The blood tormentor is only the weakest warlord. one."

"It's just that the blood tormentor has a certain degree of understanding and research about the prohibition of the ancient formation, so that he will be attracted by the king of Ji Meng and be paid under his command."

"And there are five generals of King Jimeng! Except for the blood tormenters, the other four generals are all...Hou-level!"

"Hou Rank, that is another large level of existence beyond the general rank, enough to be qualified to be called a great master!"

"It is said that everyone who can become a Hou-level can easily crush a dozen generals to death!"

"And the top ten of the Hou-level ranks are even comparable to the king-level, because many of the Hou-level were eliminated by the king!"

Ye Wuque's face was calm, listening quietly, but at this moment he said: "eliminated? Is the number of four major levels constant?"

"Yes Master Ye!"

"General rank, there are 10,800 in total."

"Hou Grade, a total of one thousand and eighty."

"King level, a total of 108 people."

"As for the Emperor... I don't know!"

"That is to say, once someone wants to become a general, then one must be overturned, and only under the notarization of the supreme rule can it be replaced."

"If it is not notarized, it will not be counted."

"But the level can only be increased by one level. There is no challenge of leapfrogging. It is not allowed by the supreme rule to directly rise from an ordinary creature to the king level."

"And the number of Wang, Hou, and Jiang's three levels is also evenly distributed among the three channels."

"In other words, each vein has three thousand six hundred general-level seats, three hundred and sixty marquee-level seats, and thirty-six king-level seats."

"Only'Emperor', there is no specific seat."

Ye Wuque thoughtfully.

Emperors and princes!

The four major levels are clearly and clearly divided, which makes people clear at a glance.

"Are there any local creatures in the Supreme Realm?"

Ye Wuque spoke again.


Someone nodded immediately and rushed to answer.

"The native creatures also have tyrannical powers that cannot be ignored in the Supreme Realm, and there are also masters within them!"

"Even the supreme rule allows local creatures who meet the conditions to also be eligible to compete for the four major ranks! They are divided into different veins."

"Everyone knows that, for example, in the'king-level' seat, the kings of local creatures have three veins."

"Then the emperors and princes are the standard for the division of strength in the entire supreme realm?"

Ye Wuque spoke again.

As soon as he said this, he immediately discovered that many genius creatures had a slight change in their complexions, and even a deep sense of fear appeared in their eyes, as if they had thought of something.

A genius immediately shook his head and tremblingly said, "Master Hui Ye, in addition to the emperors and generals, there is also the most terrifying organization that can even be called the public enemy of all geniuses!"

"They call themselves "Gods"!"

"And they are indeed high above gods! Because every member within them has officially broken through to...the first level of **** refining!"

"And the meaning or goal of their existence is to intercept and kill all the'Emperor Generals' in the Supreme Realm!"

As soon as he said this, the originally noisy world instantly quieted down!

Many geniuses were slightly pale, with uncontrollable fear and trembling on their faces.

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