Return of the War God

Chapter 5697: Wang's standard of strength


Call yourself a god?

The first level of God Refining?

When Ye Wuque heard these words, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Ever since he learned about the "Ninth Stage of God Refining" from Palace Master Guangwei, he has understood the horror of the "First Stage of God Refining"!

After the God of Invincibility, the Invincible Tianjiao who has embarked on the path of God's jealousy, no matter how terrifying the combat power, he can only approach the first level of God Refining infinitely, but he can't really reach it.

Any one of the first level of refining gods can easily kill any talented person on the path of **** jealousy, except for the unparalleled anti-natural creatures, no one is spared.

"You mean, an organization like'God' specializes in intercepting and killing all'Emperor Generals' in the Supreme Realm?"

Ye Wuque asked repeatedly.

Many geniuses around him nodded slowly again, their faces still pale, as if they recalled the horror of the God Organization.

"If this is the case, the power of the God organization can sweep the entire supreme realm. The so-called'Emperor Generals' should have no meaning, but it seems that this is not the case?"

"It seems that the Supreme Realm still belongs to the'Emperor General'?"

Ye Wuque was keenly aware of this.

The existence of the first stage of God Refining in the Reincarnation of the Hundreds of Battles does not surprise Ye Wuque, but if the first stage of God Refining specifically intercepts all Tianjiao, how can the geniuses who have entered it play?

So there must be a hidden secret in it.

"Master Ye is aware of the details!"

A genius immediately agreed, and they seemed to have temporarily suppressed the fear in their hearts, and answered Ye Wuque's question again.

"Just as Master Ye said, the'God' organization is extremely special. In other words, the existence of these terrifying first-order gods has a powerful...restrictiveness!"

"The'God' organization is strongly restricted by the'Supreme Rule'!"

"They do specifically intercept us, but they can't intercept us at any time, but only under special circumstances."

"Besides, they will all be in a special area, confined in it, unable to get out."

Such an explanation caused Ye Wuque’s brows to be slightly raised. It sounds like this God organization is...

The genius who opened his mouth paused slightly. He raised his head and looked carefully at Nine Heavens. Then he continued with a trace of tremor: "The'Organization of God' is subject to the'Supreme Rule', but the'Supreme Rule' seems to also default. They exist."

As soon as this remark came out, it also coincided with Ye Wuque's guess.

"Who are the members of these'God Organizations'?"

Ye Wuque continued to inquire.

"Good luck, but crazy... loser!"

Someone immediately gave such a strange answer.

"It is said that among them, there are losers who have fought with'Emperor' and'King'."

"There are also evils among local creatures!"

"More weird creatures in the ancient mysterious ruins!"

"There are so many weird things that are beyond description."

"And the reason why they can successfully break through to the'first stage of God Refining' does not seem to rely on their own strength, but to obtain and successfully integrate the'God Substance', and since then break the shackles and bypass the'God Ji' , Successfully broke through to the first level of God Refining!"

"But I am afraid that ninety-nine percent of them will fail to merge. Under extreme pain, life is better than death, and eventually they will be wiped out!"

"Even if those who can survive and successfully merge, they all rely on strong enough luck, and at the same time they have tasted unimaginable pain, which can be called a life of nine deaths!"

"It can be easily perceived that all the members of the'God Organization' have great hostility and killing intent towards us!"

"Between the two parties, it's totally... endlessly dying!"

"If it hadn't been restricted by the'Supreme Rule,' these gods organization guys would have no hesitation in slaughtering all the geniuses in the Supreme Realm."

Ye Wuque listened quietly, his eyes flickering.

Fusion of "sacred fetishes"?

Smooth breakthrough?

Subject to the ‘rules of supreme’?

And is there still a group of losers and evil?

So this "first stage of God Refining" sounds like...very problematic!

"Although the Supreme Rule is incomplete and cold, the purpose of its existence should be to cultivate talents who enter the different timelines."

"The significance of the existence of God's organization, even if one comes out randomly, I'm afraid it can sweep and kill ninety-nine percent of the geniuses in the reincarnation."

"If such an organization is allowed to exist, it will not cultivate talents, but a naked and unilateral massacre."

"So if you reverse it, every member of this so-called ‘God Organization’ is probably just... a tool person?"

"And it's all subject to unimaginable constraints!"

"Then they must have a great problem with the'first level of refining gods'!"

At this moment, Ye Wuque suddenly remembered the "anti-natural beings" mentioned by the palace lord of Guangwei. Seventy to eighty thousand years ago, those anti-natural beings were weak over the strong, with half-step legendary cultivation base, against the sky. The town killed a first-order **** refinement!

It now seems that this first-order **** refinement that was killed was a member of the "God Organization" at that time?

Thoughts surged in Ye Wuque's heart, digesting everything he had just learned.

"All in all, Lord Ye, the God Organization is indeed a sharp sword that hangs on the heads of all the talents of the reincarnation with hundreds of battles, and it can also be called one of the biggest threats!"

"But they will never come out at will, the Supreme Rule does not allow it!"

Have a genius to make a conclusive opening.

"last question…"

Ye Wuque looked at these geniuses who spoke one after another again, his eyes calm.

"What kind of strength does the'king level' possess?"

As soon as this sentence was uttered, many geniuses changed their expressions slightly, and the appearance of king-level words made their faces subconsciously showing awe.

If someone else asks like this, I am afraid that the genius present will be too lazy to answer, and look at it with overpowering eyes.

A mere newcomer, as soon as he came up, he asked about the strength of the king class?

This is no longer too far-reaching, but seeking a dead end!

But the people who are asking questions are all the raptors who have achieved the highest "tian level" achievement in the Supreme Pass!

A genius immediately took a deep breath and said, "Master Ye, the king-level exists above all else. It is not something we can guess about its strength! Every king possesses unparalleled terrifying power, but among the 108 kings, the same is true. Strong and weak!"

"As for how strong they are..."

"I can only say that, under the public, I have heard some high-ranking kings reveal more than once..."

"They may have reached the limit and come to the end in the'Road of Divine Ji'! Because they can already'see'..."

"God jealous!"

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