Return of the War God

Chapter 5698: Tianjiao is brilliant, who will fight for the top


When these words fell, the eyes of countless geniuses between heaven and earth showed deep yearning and awe!

Therefore, no one noticed that a faint light flashed in Ye Wuque's eyes at this moment.

"Can you "see" God's jealousy..."

This made Ye Wuque's heart beat slightly faster, not because of fear and trembling, but because of...excitement!

Uncontrollable excitement!

"It coincides with the remaining fluctuations here."

"It's part of the king who can see the'God Ji'."

"Or do you mean that all the 108 kings of the Three Channels can see the'Divine Ji'?"

But for Ye Wuque now, it doesn't matter which kind it is!

He has determined a little...

That is, within the reincarnation of a hundred battles, there are indeed strong enough opponents in sufficient numbers.

that's enough!

"Master Ye, there is a situation you need to know about. There are at least eighty or ninety-nine Chengdu of the three-maid kings and princes, and even generals. They have all gone to the same place..."

"The Supreme God Treasure!"

The genius who opened his mouth revealed another news.

"The Supreme God Treasure?"

Ye Wuque raised his brows slightly.

"This is the most prestigious in the cycle of a hundred battles, and it is also one of the ancient treasures with the most good fortune!"

Speaking of the Supreme God Zang, the eyes of many geniuses lit up, and their eyes were full of longing.

"The Supreme God Zang will be born every once in a while. It is mysterious and dangerous. It is said that if you enter it, you can even pass through to the future, and you will encounter many incredible things! Compared to the three veins of the Supreme Realm. One needs to be mysterious."

"All, every creature will not miss it."

"The Supreme God Treasure has been opened seven times, and all the princes and generals who can enter have entered. It has been a full several months to win good luck."

"Therefore, now the Supreme Great Realm is extremely quiet, and the number of kings, princes, and generals left is very small, and the level of excitement does not exist."

Ye Wuque nodded slowly, and hid the Supreme God in his heart.

Obviously, they did not come by coincidence, and they did not keep up with the opening of the seventh supreme gods.

At this moment, the light in Ye Wuque's eyes returned to calm, and he once again looked at the genius creatures in all directions with a calm tone.

"Thanks a lot."

At the same time, Ye Wuque waved his right hand in the void.

Huh huh!

Suddenly, five small jade bottles flew out of his hands and flew towards the five geniuses.

These five geniuses were the ones who answered Ye Wuque's many questions one after another, and they were rewarded at this moment.

The five geniuses subconsciously took the Xiaoyu Ping, with a hint of doubt.

But at this moment Ye Wuque had already turned and left.

"This is…"

One of the geniuses opened the small jade bottle, and when he got closer, his eyes lit up!

"Healing pill! The best healing pill!"

At this moment, the eyes of the other four people all lit up, and their faces showed a hint of excitement and surprise.

This caused many geniuses around to suddenly feel regretful, knowing that they had just spoken first.

The next few days.

Ye Wuque didn't do anything.

He felt the speciality of the ancient aura in the cycle of Hundred Wars, revealing a faintly mysterious aura. After absorbing and polishing the cultivation base, he actually made his own cultivation level become more refined.

In these few days, the entire Supreme Realm did not return to calm, on the contrary, it became even more boisterous!

Because the appearance of Ye Wuque seems to represent just the beginning...

A name called "Zuge People Tu" has been thoroughly spread throughout the entire supreme realm.

Even, directly overwhelming "Ye Wuque", became the most eye-catching existence!

Zhuge People Tu!

The newcomer who has just entered the supreme realm, after passing the supreme pass, under the karmic reunion, unexpectedly encounters a king who travels in the past line of the reincarnation of a hundred wars...

King Minluo!

At the moment, Zhuge Rentu even asked to have a few tricks with King Minluo, which shocked all the geniuses present at the time.

It also directly angered the generals under King Min Luo.

But King Minluo actually agreed!

But there is a premise...

If the Zhuge slaughter loses, then he must make a vow of heaven to become the warlord of King Minluo.

Zhuge Rentu agreed directly without hesitation.

Just after all geniuses believed that Zhuge Rentu would definitely lose, the scene that completely shook the supreme realm was staged!

Zhuge Rentu fights against King Minluo...ten moves undefeated!

It even drew with King Minluo!

Even if it's just ten tricks, that's a great master of the king!

Moreover, it is said that all the geniuses present can tell that the Zhuge Rentu at the time obviously had spare energy and did not make an all-out effort.

Of course, the same is true for King Min Luo.

In the end, King Min Luo laughed and left, and Zhuge Ren Tu became famous.

Some people have already called Zhuge people Tu as...the quasi-king!

Believing that Zhuge Rentu already possessed the strength of a king-level master, it set off a storm in the entire supreme realm.

In addition to Zhuge Ren Tu, but within half a day, at the other entrances of the Supreme Realm, more than one newcomer powerhouse appeared.

Su Banyu!

A stunning woman, also a newcomer, after entering the supreme realm, she met three masters of the rank of marquis, and they faced each other one after another, winning all three battles, and her reputation spread far and wide.

Xiao Suifeng!

A masked swordsman, hunting in white, swept invincible with a long sword in his hand. He was invisible, but with the long sword in his hand, he chopped off the head of a marquis-level master.

Red blood front!

Dressed in a perfectly wrapped blood-colored battle armor, cold and iron-blooded, invincible in all directions, the town killed a marquis-level master.

A newcomer and strong man appeared as if he was born out of nowhere, and made a brilliant record.

And when another stunning beauty turned out to be born, she once again astounded the entire supreme realm.

A woman who looks exactly like Su Banyu...Su Banqing!

Divine Soul cultivation base is unpredictable, and he used incredible means to directly turn a master of the rank into a puppet and become a subordinate, making countless geniuses extremely jealous.

But soon news came out...

Su Banyu and Su Banqing are twin sisters, and they don't seem to be able to deal with each other.

Such lace news also made the Supreme Realm even more lively.

It can be said that Tianjiao is dazzling, who will compete with you!

Of course, if there are fierce newcomers coming out, naturally more newcomers will end sadly.

In addition to the above-mentioned newcomers, many newcomers have fallen in blood and died at the entrance of the Supreme Realm, without even leaving their names.

Unfortunately, no one remembers or cares about it.

This is the cruelty of reincarnation.

Just after the fifth day when the supreme realm began to lively...

A piece of news came out, once again completely shaking the entire supreme realm!

The ten kings in the supreme realm have reached an agreement!

Jointly organized the "On the Dao Conference", inviting all the geniuses in the entire realm, especially the group of newcomers who have just entered the supreme realm, to send out all invitations.


At this moment, within a rolling mountain range, in front of a mountain peak, a stream of light fell from the sky and turned into a young man.

The young man looked at the mountain peak in front of him, his gaze fell on the tall and slender figure sitting on the mountain peak, with a touch of respect in his eyes.

"On the order of the'Ten Kings', I came here to send Master Ye an invitation letter to the'On the Dao Conference'."

"The ten kings are full of sincerity, and set up a dojo in the'Mitu Ancient Garden' in the center of the Supreme Realm, inviting all powerful geniuses!"

"Master Ye is among the top ten invited..."


During the words, a radiant light shone out and flew to the top of the mountain.

There, Ye Wuque, who was sitting quietly cross-legged, slightly opened his eyes at this moment, and there was a deep inside.

In the void of his expression, an exquisite invitation letter throbs, emitting a strange ancient sandalwood incense.

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