Return of the War God

Chapter 5699: He is not worthy


Beneath the mountain, the young man who sent the invitation letter stood there respectfully, bowed slightly, with a respectful face, without a trace of impatience, and seemed to be waiting patiently.

The ancient sandalwood sent out by the invitation letter has a strange meaning that is indescribable.

Ye Wuque's complexion was calm, his eyes fell on the invitation letter, under the power of the soul, there was no danger in it.

Without any hesitation, Ye Wuque directly stretched out his hand and squeezed the invitation letter, and suddenly a faint sense of tranquility rippled through the palm of his hand, making his mind calm.

"Strange jade quality..."

With this invitation letter alone, Ye Wuque could tell the difference.

After opening it directly, a faint golden light spread out, and a brilliant line of writing appeared on it.

"Ten kings unite."

"Hold a forum on Taoism."

"Three days later, Mi Tu Ancient Garden."

"Sincerely invite you..."

"Ye Wuque."

A few simple words, but beautiful and colorful, with an ethereal meaning, seems to be the hand of a woman.

Between the lines, ancient sandalwood lingers around the tip of the nose.

Reflecting the invitation letter, Ye Wuque looked directly at the bowing young man under the mountain, and said lightly: "I accept the invitation letter. I will go to the forum three days later."

As soon as he said this, the bowed young man suddenly showed a faint surprise smile on his face, and he immediately clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Lord Ye!"

"Go back and return to life immediately!"

"Three days later, Mitu Ancient Garden, waiting for Master Ye to drive!"

"By the way, Master Ye, there should be a group of newcomers who have been invited into the Supreme Realm with you."

"At that time, you can also get together, the scene will be very exciting."

After saying these words again, the young man bowed respectfully, then turned and left.

Above the mountain.

Ye Wuque sat cross-legged, looking at the invitation letter in his hand again, a faint light flashed in his deep eyes.

"Are the ten kings in the supreme realm?"

Ye Wuque already knew the general level of the king-level strength, but for details, whether every king could see the jealousy, he still didn't know.

To be honest, he was looking for a chance to see, the arrival of this invitation letter, for him, was undoubtedly regarded as sleepy and brought a pillow.

Therefore, he naturally accepted it.

"It seems that in the past few days, the rest of the ranks have already made their mark. Interesting..."

A smile flashed in Ye Wuque's eyes again.

He knows that the five of the first picks are all strong enough!

And this is exactly what he hopes to see!

As for whether this sudden "On Dao Meeting" is a Hongmen Banquet, will there be any tricks?

He doesn't care at all.

Instead, there is an expectation!

"A strong enough master...the more the better..."

Turning his hand to put away the invitation letter, Ye Wuque closed his eyes again and continued to polish his cultivation.

Three days later, there will be a discussion meeting in the ancient garden of Mi Tu, ten kings will come, and the new fierce newcomers who have shocked the supreme realm will appear in the past few days!

This news has completely circulated in the Supreme Realm, and many geniuses have heard the wind and are coming towards the ancient garden of Mi Tu.

"Ten Kings United Forum! How long has it been so lively?"

"Indeed! Do you know? This time, the'Sky Sword King' will come out!"

"What? Heavenly Sword King?"

"Yes! But not only the Heavenly Sword King, but also the powerhouses among the kings such as the Dragon Demon King and the White Cloud King, all came out with a single brain!"

"Hey! What a big scene! In weekdays, these kings are all gods and dragons but never see the end!"

"That's right, you must not miss all this time! There are not only the kings, but also the masters of the rank, and it is estimated that there will be a lot of them!"

"In addition, there are also a group of newcomers who have just come in. It is said that they are all divided into the current line!"

"Among them, there are quite a few fierce newcomers, more than one!"

"I know, for example, that Zhuge Rentu! Someone has already called him the'quasi-king'! After all, he can take the ten tricks of King Min Luo undefeated, and there is room for energy, it is simply unimaginable!"

"There are also those twins who are partly rainy and partly sunny. Tsk tsk, not only the country is beautiful, but the strength is extraordinary!"

"Xiao Suifeng, Chi Xuefeng, etc., all have a record of fighting Master Rank masters!"

"Don't forget there is another person!"

"Are you talking about Ye Wuque?"


"Hey, that Ye Wuque was indeed the first to become famous, and even got the highest rating of the Supreme Pass, which shocked the rules of Supreme, but his strength... is still to be discussed!"

"What's the meaning?"

"Ye Wuque may be his aptitude suddenly, but his current record is only to kill a blood tormentor. The blood tormentor is a'general', and the gap with the Hou rank is too big! Ye Wuque can Easily kills and punishes people, but it does not mean that he can deal with the masters of the rank of marquis, and the rest of the famous newcomers, each has a brilliant record of killing the rank of marquis!"

"It's true that facts are better than eloquence. The current Ye Wuque cannot be compared with Banyu Banqing, Chi Xuefeng, Xiao Suifeng and others. Needless to say, Zhuge was slaughtered. He is not worthy, even more comparable. No qualifications!"

"What you said is not unreasonable."

These discussions have sounded almost everywhere in the past few days, and countless talented creatures have gathered happily one by one, making this place become lively and extraordinary.

In three days, it was fleeting in the blink of an eye.

When the morning sun brings new warmth to the world, the fresh air rises, the muddy air sinks, and a ray of sunlight descends from the sky, illuminating the top of the mountain.

The tall and slender figure, who was sitting quietly, slowly opened his eyes at this moment, and there was a deep calm inside.

"Is it time..."

With a whisper, Ye Wuque slowly stood up.

Feeling the power flowing in his body, Ye Wuque's eyes showed a faint smile.

"The ancient aura in the reincarnation of a hundred wars is really strong enough."

After these few days of polishing and repairing, Ye Wuque's vitality has become more refined.

You know, he is now standing in front of the Saint King’s gate, and the cultivation base in his body has reached the current end. Under this circumstance, Yuan Li can still be tempered, even if it is only a trace of refinement, it is already a huge gain. NS.

These few days of sitting there was no waste at all.

On the contrary, it made Ye Wuque feel the pleasure of training after a long absence, and the feeling that the vitality in his body became pure a little bit, which is worthy of aftertaste.

"Mitu Ancient Garden..."

Standing on the top of the mountain, Ye Wuque looked ten directions in the distance, and quickly seemed to determine a direction, his figure flashed, and he walked away from the sky.

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