Return of the War God

Chapter 5701: cruel


The thick cyan long hair is burning like a blazing flame, floating in the void, Zhuge Rentu, carrying his hands on his back, comes in the void one step at a time.

He was wearing an ancient armor, his complexion was calm, and he was still far away, but at this moment, everyone present had an indescribable sense of absurdity.

It was as if he was close at hand with himself, and one more glance would make it even more incredible to discover that he seemed to have entered his mind, everywhere, even his soul could not avoid it.

"That's Zhuge Ren Tu?"

A genius spoke with a trace of vibrato.

"This temperament alone is unique, not to mention his unfathomable strength! He really is the first of this group of newcomers!"

"It's hard to imagine that a newcomer in a mere paltry can take the ten tricks of King Min Luo without defeat, and still have enough energy?"

"It is said that this Zhuge Ren Tu lighted a beacon in the Supreme Pass, and it seems that he has also obtained the highest ‘Heaven Level’!"

The whispers between heaven and earth all revolved around Zhuge Rentu at the moment, he was like the most brilliant protagonist, attracting everyone's attention.

Zhuge Rentu seemed to be slow, but the speed was very fast, and in the next moment he came to the entrance of the sea of ​​flowers.

He stopped, looked at Su Banyu, and nodded slightly: "Fairy Su."

Su Banyu, who was indifferent as a goddess, was also a little bit indifferent, but did not speak.

After that, Tu Dangren, the Zhuge native, approached the entrance of the sea of ​​flowers without letting him go. Wherever he passed, all the sights between heaven and earth still followed, with deep amazement and shock.

It was half rain and half clear, and I also entered the ancient garden. Each was shocked, and it also gathered a lot of sights.

They entered the ancient garden, and sat on the left under the reception of the maid.

It can be easily seen that Zhuge Rentu's position is in the center, which seems to prove his weight in the hearts of the ten kings.

It has to be said that the arrival of Zhuge Ren Tu and Half Rain and Half Sunny seems to have set off a huge climax, making the atmosphere of the Mitu Ancient Garden more and more boiling.

But this time, not only this group of newcomers were invited by the Ten Kings, but also the rest of the strong.

"Tianweihou is here!"

"Be fierce!"


As the vibrating sounds sounded one after another, several brilliant figures appeared everywhere between the sky and the earth.

Hou-level master!

This is the existence that is second to the king level in the cycle of a hundred wars, and it is equally powerful, surpassing the imagination of ordinary creatures.

Even among the 1,080 Marquis-level masters, many of the top ranked players were temporarily defeated in the battle with the king-level, and some were eliminated from the king-level. Their strength is also unfathomable, almost enough to match the king-level!

"Everyone, please take your seat on the right."

The maid opened her mouth respectfully with a smile, and led a senior master to sit down.

And there are more Hou-level masters coming in an endless stream, all exuding a powerful and terrifying aura.

After the Hou-level master took his seat, most of his eyes were on the opposite side, and the meaning in his eyes flickered.

There is indifference, scrutiny, sneer, curiosity, doubt, disdain...

All kinds of things are different.

Especially in the half-rain and half-clear, Xiao Suifeng, Chi Xuefeng and others have made brilliant achievements. There are definitely a lot of concentrated eyes!

After all, these newcomers are all stepping stones to their brilliant record...Hou-level!

Therefore, the hearts of the Hou-level masters present are naturally very...unhappy!

Among them, the one with the most condensed eyesight is undoubtedly Zhuge Ren Tu.

All the marquis-level masters looked at Zhuge Rentu, sneer, disdain, little doubt, more jealous and scrutinizing, even a touch of disbelief.

As time passed slowly, more and more Hou-level masters came, and soon there were dozens of them!

"Wow! The place left by the ancient garden for the masters of the rank of Hou is almost full!"

"It is said that any Hou-level master can come, and all of them are eligible to be seated."

"Much more than expected!"

"Couldn't it be more? After all, these newcomers are stepping on the Hou-level masters to become famous, who is not curious?"

"Wait! That's..."

"Ye Wuque?"

Suddenly, there was another commotion among the crowd, and there was a void in the distance, and a figure came slowly with his hands on his back, step by step.

A black martial arts gown hunting in the wind, tall and slender, with a fair and handsome face, who is not Ye Wuque?

The appearance of Ye Wuque also attracted a lot of attention, but the attention paid to Ye Wuque was far less than that of the newcomer before.

"He is Ye Wuque?"

"Yes, that's him. He killed the generals and the blood tortured people, so that King Jimeng lost the temporary ownership of the Supreme Pass, and he can be regarded as a ruthless person! I heard that he also received the highest evaluation of the Supreme Pass. ."

"It doesn't look great!"

"Compared with the previous ones, what Ye Wuque can get is the evaluation of the Supreme Pass. In terms of record, the difference is too far!"

"That is, he killed only one general, which is incomparable with the Hou level. Maybe his ability stops here!"

"Don't you think that his walking posture is very similar to Zhuge Rentu? He is not imitating Zhuge Rentu, is he?"

"Shut up, you! Even if Ye Wuqu is inferior to other newcomers, there is no difference between pinching you to death and pinching an ant!"

"So what? The mouth grows on Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu loves to force him, Ye Wuque didn't say anything, it's your shit? What's more, he is indeed inferior to the other newcomers!"

Discussions from all directions continued to sound, but it had no influence on Ye Wuque. His eyes fell on this sea of ​​flowers and the ancient garden of Mintu, and a faint light flashed through his eyes.

"It is indeed a good place..."

Slowly approaching the sea of ​​thousands of miles of flowers, Ye Wuque also smelled the fragrance of various flowers on the tip of his nose, but when he entered the ancient garden, his brows were slightly raised.

"This spirit wave..."

Faintly, Ye Wuque felt that there seemed to be a touch of ancient and mysterious vast and mysterious fluctuations in the entire Mitu Ancient Garden!

Even if it is the power of his soul, he can only perceive it faintly.

And at the moment!

With the arrival of Ye Wuque, the atmosphere in the entire ancient garden became a little subtle.

Almost no one of the dozens of Hou-level masters sitting on the right hand looked at Ye Wuque at all.

Don't talk about it, I didn't even look at it.

It seems that Ye Wuque here is absolutely not qualified to let them face it even once.

But the strange thing is!

The group of newcomers on the left hand side almost all looked at Ye Wuque, even Zhuge Rentu here, they all glanced over.

Before, at the gate of life, before entering the cycle of a hundred battles, the scene of Ye Wuque's strong shot on the high platform seemed to have left an impression on them and did not forget it.

"Master Ye, you are the last to arrive, please take your seat on the left."

At this moment, the maid respectfully treated Ye Wuque and led him to the seat on the left.

There, the rest of the reserved seats were already full, and there was just one empty, which belonged to Ye Wuqian's seat.

However, this seat is on the edge, which is the outermost and corner position.

From this alone, one could tell Ye Wuque's position in the hearts of the ten kings.

But for this, Ye Wuque didn't change his expression, and just sat down casually.

And this scene fell in the eyes of dozens of masters on the opposite side, and many of them sneered with disdain.

Looking around for a week, Ye Wuque did not find the traces of Haotian, Guihai Shentong, Chen Luoxia and others.

Maybe they have...

Ye Wuque understood that this might be the cruelty of reincarnation.

And after Ye Wuque arrived, there were still a lot of masters of the rank rushing over, and the position on the right was about to be unable to sit down.

Finally, until a certain moment...


Ten vast and majestic waves suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, and ten tall and splendid figures appeared in different directions above the sky, like ten days in the sky, slowly descending!

The ten kings who co-hosted the "On the Dao Conference"... here it is!

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