Return of the War God

Chapter 5702: A **** head


The arrival of the ten kings immediately caused the atmosphere between heaven and earth to become deadly silent, and countless lights all looked at the ten brilliant figures that slowly fell above the sky, and deep awe appeared in their eyes.

At the end of the ancient garden, ten flush seats had already been placed there, and ten kings slowly sat down, shining brightly, unpredictable.

With a flash of light, the ten kings finally revealed their true colors.

Eight men and two women.

They are all powerful and unpredictable, like superb characters slandered by the heavenly gods!

Whether it was a rookie or a master of the rank of Hou, at this moment, except for a few people, their complexion changed.

"Hehe, it would be best if you can come here by invitation."

At this moment, the one in the middle of the ten kings spoke slowly, with a hint of smile and domineering in his tone.

"Dragon Demon!"

A genius immediately laughed and said the identity of the king.

The Dragon Demon King is tall, majestic and sturdy. Sitting there, it seems that he really looks like a dragon, giving people a sense of oppression like suffocation.

Many of the Marquis-level masters on the scene looked at the Dragon Demon King with deep fear and terror.

"Not bad."

The second indifferent voice followed, coming from the other king on the right side of the Dragon Demon King.

When this person opened his mouth, it seemed as if countless swords collided, clanging and shaking, making people dizzy.

And he was sitting cross-legged, but his back was straight, like a long sword soaring into the sky!

The sharpness is sharp and unshakable.

"Sky Sword King!"

"Just sitting there, the sword intent soaring to the sky makes your scalp numb, it's terrible!"

Thousands of miles spent overseas, a genius seems to be shivering.

But Ye Wuque, who had been looking calm and sitting casually, finally raised his brows slightly after hearing the title "Heavenly Sword King", raised his eyes and looked over, then his brows wrinkled slightly.

Heavenly Sword King?

This king took this name, he didn't like it very much.

"The wave behind the Yangtze River pushes the wave forward. The newcomers who have entered the cycle of a hundred battles are beyond imagination. It is worth convening a forum on Taoism."

Finally, a misty woman's voice sounded, but it was one of the only women from the ten kings.

It was a beautiful figure sitting cross-legged, a goose-yellow martial arts skirt, shining a little bit of light, but the whole person exuded an extremely ethereal and profound aura, like a fairy with her feet on the clouds, high above.

Flowing Sakura!

This is a well-known existence even among the one hundred and eight kings of the Three Meridians.

Not only because she is a woman, her mysterious means and strengths, but also because her true face has not been seen until now.

Because King Liu Ying has always been wearing a veil to cover his face, only a pair of beautiful eyes that are like dreams are revealed.

With the opening of King Liu Ying, her sight fell on Su Banyu, Su Banqing, and Clinique on the left hand side below, and it seemed to disappear in a flash.

"Hahahaha! Of course it's worth it!"

"Just a Zhuge slaughter is worth it!"

A sound of laughter rang out and shook the world. It also came from one of the ten kings. This king was tall and covered in feathers. He also had a faint meditation meaning. He was aloof from the dust. Even if he was laughing, he still gave people a kind of meditation. The meaning of vastness.

Zhuge Rentu, who was sitting cross-legged below, looked calm at this moment, but his eyes also looked at the king who opened his mouth.

The eyes of the two people seemed to meet in the void, as if thunder and lightning crossed the sky.

"King Min Luo!"

"Tsk tusk, King Minluo, who made Zhuge people famous in one fell swoop, couldn't help but speak."


It was King Minluo who opened this mouth.

"The discussions with King Min Luo have benefited me a lot."

Zhuge Rentu finally spoke, his tone indifferent, giving people a sense of calm and long-distance.

"Hahaha! Easy to talk, easy to talk!"

King Minluo laughed again, as if not at all annoyed that Zhuge Rentu became famous on his own, but looked at Zhuge Rentu with a faint strange color.

The ten kings also greeted the masters of the post-ranking ranks. Some of the powerful ranks, even the ten kings, had a hint of politeness.

Such as Tianweihou.

Such as Bi Haihou and so on.

Each of the ten kings seemed to be good at dancing with long sleeves. As the host, they chatted with the newcomers with a touch of kindness.

For a while, the atmosphere seemed to be alive.

Almost all the newcomers were called out by the ten kings and took the initiative to chat.


Except for Ye Wuque.

Among the ten kings, none of them took the initiative to greet Ye Wuque.

Sitting on the outermost edge, Ye Wuque, who was in the corner position, was completely unattended, and there was almost no line of sight.

But by the way!

But Ye Wuque's position was most clearly seen by countless geniuses outside, seeing it clearly, so a lot of comments have already been heard.

"Tsk tusk, this Ye Wuque looks a bit pitiful!"

"Yes, I didn't expect that no king would take the initiative to greet him."

"Strength determines status!"

"Ye Wuque is not strong enough, and his record is not brilliant enough. Even if he gets the ‘Tian-level’ Supreme Pass evaluation, it’s just potential. The most indispensable thing in the cycle of a hundred battles is the potential genius!"

"Haha! Listening to what you guys say, this Ye Wuque made it clear that he just invited over to make up the count?"

"Indeed, really, eh, it seems that it really made up the number!"

"I am embarrassed for him!"

In the position, Ye Wuque sat quietly, he got himself a glass of wine, poured himself and drank it, his complexion was calm.

But Ye Wuque's eyes kept falling on the ten kings, as if feeling their breath, the interest in his eyes seemed to grow stronger.


"Hahahahaha! Come late! Come late!"

A full of breath, but with a ferocious smile, suddenly resounded from far and near.

I saw a blood-colored figure coming as fast as a demon god, and fell into the sea of ​​flowers for thousands of miles.

The moment before was still very lively between the world, this moment suddenly became silent!

At this moment, a genius of the people looked at the tall blood-colored figure standing in the sea of ​​thousands of miles of flowers, his face turned pale, and his eyes showed a look of horror that could not be hidden.

"Blood, **** clothes!"

"It's really bloody!"

"Among the 108,000 masters of the rank of martial arts, there is enough to be in the top 30!"

"Slightly better than Tianweihou and Bihaihou!"

Someone uttered the identity of the person, and the tone was very trembling.

Bloody Hou!

As the name suggests, wearing a blood coat, the whole person looks very evil, and his eyes are flooded with blood, which seems to make the scalp numb all the time.

The breath is terrifying, straight into the sky!

"What is Xueyihou carrying?"

"So, is that a head?"

Suddenly, someone discovered that Xueyihou was carrying a **** head in his hands. The blood on it hadn't dried up yet, as if it had just been taken off.

At this moment, Xueyihou walked towards the ancient garden without anyone else. When he was still some distance away from the entrance of the ancient garden, his right hand suddenly threw it out, and the **** head suddenly flew out, slamming into the center of the ancient garden. After rolling for a few laps, he stopped, facing up, revealing an angry, staring face!

The ten kings looked calm.

The eyes of dozens of Hou-level masters moved slightly.

But those newcomers who were sitting still frowned slightly at this moment!

Because the owner of this head is indeed the third overall...Long Ba!

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