Return of the War God

Chapter 5708: breakthrough


In an instant, Ye Wuque's behavior immediately attracted the attention of all the other newcomers!

Including Zhuge Rentu, they also watched.

To know!

Although the rest of the newcomers are moved, although the ten kings seem to be full of sincerity, they are so-called innocent and dedicated.

They still have to carefully check if there is any problem with this Tulai Lingshui.

As a result, they were still checking here, and Ye Wuque just took a mouthful of stuffiness here!

All newcomers are also quite unexpected.

The gaze that looked at Ye Wuque was also constantly flickering.

Head iron?

Still confident?

But then someone drank the Tulong Lingshui again, and it was Clinique.


At this moment, a blue radiance had enveloped Ye Wuque, making his state look the same as ten kings, as if he had been shrouded by a blue princess.

Chi Xuefeng, Han Yixiang, Xiao Suifeng, and others, their eyes flickered, and after carefully identifying Tumi Lingshui, they finally chose to drink it all in one fell swoop.

In the end, almost all the newcomers drank it.

Except for two people...

Zhuge People Tu!

Su Banqing!

The Tumi Lingshui in front of the two of them didn't move, and their expressions were calm, and they didn't have any special expressions.


The entire ancient garden has been submerged by the brilliant blue brilliance at this moment, one after another, like a blue sea.

After a full quarter of an hour, the strong blue brilliance slowly faded away!


"Ha ha ha ha!"

"It's a lot of water!"

Those dozens of marquee-level masters were the first to wake up one by one, and almost everyone's face was filled with joy and excitement.

Obviously, they got a lot of benefits.

Then there were ten kings, one by one, as if entrenched as true dragons. After the blue light dissipated, they opened their eyes again, and the whole ancient garden seemed to be filled with cold electricity.

Outside of the ancient garden, countless geniuses felt tight at the moment, as if a lot of terrifying coercion was coming, but it flashed away.

In such a moment of effort, many of them were already trembling in cold sweat!

The ten kings aloft...


This is a kind of intuition, like a kind of coercion of life level.

The ten kings who opened their eyes all smiled faintly at this time, and their eyes were faintly bright.

And at this moment!

Ye Wuque also opened his eyes here.

The dazzling eyes are deep, but there is a faint light in the bottom of the eyes!

"Good stuff..."

"It did me..."

Nobody knows.

In such a short quarter of an hour, Ye Wuque's spirit power, which was stagnant at the initial peak of the black hole realm, finally broke the shackles with the help of the mysterious power of the Tazin Lingshui, and went one step further, officially breaking through...the middle stage of the black hole realm!

In the soul space, the black hole primordial spirit is still spinning at extreme speed, and the dark and cold brilliance flowing on it is constantly rushing like ink!

The size of the black hole primordial spirit has expanded again!

It has swelled by almost 30%!

And from it, it constantly exudes a strong spirit of power.

The eternal, silent, and mysterious aura filled Ye Wuque's entire soul space like a wave.

In the depths of Ye Wuque's gaze, a dark radiance shone at this moment!

The middle stage of the black hole realm!

After breaking through to this stage, Ye Wuque immediately felt the change in his power of divine soul.

There is no significant increase in quantity, but what has changed is...quality!

As the black hole primordial spirit expands again, the power of the soul seems to have been tempered in some way.

It was originally pitch black like ink, cold and terrifying.

And now, within the power of Rumo's dark soul, a strange luster faintly appeared.

It seemed to be a further change than "pitch black", as if a "crystal light" was shining out.

Specifically, it's just like a "black crystal" in general, but it's not solidified, and it's very strange.

In addition, the whole black hole primordial spirit is no longer the ultimate, but as if it is turning from yin to yang, unexpectedly a kind of unprecedented meaning is born.

There is only a faint hint of this scorching heat. If it is looming, even Ye Wuque himself can only perceive a little bit, but it has really appeared!

"Broken into the middle stage of the black hole realm, the black hole primordial spirit seems to have begun to undergo a certain...transformation..."

Ye Wuque muttered to himself.

He had obtained ancient slate records about the Black Hole Realm. He knew the mystery of the Black Hole Realm, and the more he went back, the more incredible it would be.

Immediately, Ye Wuque felt it carefully again, and then only felt a little surprised.

"The second kind of divine and soul vision is still in development?

Even though he had anticipated this, Ye Wuque still felt a little weird at this moment.

The power of the soul in the middle stage of the black hole realm, it seems that it is not enough to carry the second kind of soul vision?

So once awakened, to what extent will its power reach?

Absolutely far beyond "absolute zero", I am afraid it will reach an unimaginable point!

This made Ye Wuque look forward to it even more.

At this moment, Ye Wuque was the first to recover, and the rest of the newcomers had gradually recovered one by one.

Clinique, Chi Xuefeng, Xiao Suifeng, Han Yixiang, Su Banyu, etc. all had a touch of undisguised joy on their faces at this moment.

Obviously, the magical effect of Tumi Lingshui is even better than imagined!

"Hahahaha! It seems that all of you have benefited a lot. Like us, we have all benefited greatly!"

The dragon demon's laughter sounded again.

The ten kings looked at all the newcomers, all smiles.

But immediately, the Dragon Demon King’s conversation turned, and he looked at Zhuge Rentu and Su Banyu, and continued with a faint smile: "There are only two who have not drunk the tea water. Of course, this is the freedom of the two. But as a reminder, it’s best to drink this Tumi Lingshui within half an hour after it is made, otherwise the effect will slowly pass away, and the gain will not be worth the loss."

"Thank you Dragon Demon for your reminder."

Zhuge Ren Tu smiled faintly.

However, Su Banqing did not speak, but suddenly stretched out a slender hand, raised the cup, took a sip, and then there was a blue light flowing all over her body.

Seeing this scene, all the newcomers seemed to move their eyes slightly.

As for the ten kings, there was no superfluous expression, but he still looked at with a faint smile.

In the entire ancient garden, with the emergence of Tumi Lingshui, coupled with the elation of dozens of masters on the opposite side, the atmosphere at the moment seemed to have finally become quite harmonious.

Only Ye Wuque was here, still with a slight inexplicable smile at the corner of his mouth.

"We still see the sincerity of the Ten Kings, this Tumi Lingshui is indeed unattainable!"

"Next, I wonder if I can ask the ten kings to clarify for us what the so-called'novice protection period' means?"

Zhuge Rentu looked at the ten kings and spoke like this again.

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