Return of the War God

Chapter 5709: why



Wang Liuying nodded, and the ethereal voice continued.

"I just said that in the reincarnation of a hundred battles, there are many rules and laws in the supreme realm, and there are also supreme rules."

"However, the current known rules are all groped out bit by bit by many people."

"The Supreme Rule, never actively reveals any specific rules, but never organizes any creatures to explore."

"All, no one would have thought that there would be such a rule as the'newcomer protection period'."

"And the three-month protection period for the newcomer does not protect the newcomer's life, nor strength, but... luck!"

When the word "Qiyun" fell from the mouth of King Liuying, everyone inside and outside the ancient garden condensed slightly!


Zhuge Rentu repeated these two words with a hint of doubt.

"Yes, it is air luck, but this air luck is not the same as luck. As mentioned above, it does not allow you to be like a **** in battle. It is embodied in one aspect, that is, every one in the supreme realm. ...A place of opportunity!"

"The more dangerous the place of opportunity, the more intense the popularity of this kind of luck!"

As soon as this remark came out, almost everyone was stunned.

They did not expect the so-called "novice protection period" to be such an explanation.

"You mean, if all newcomers enter the place of any chance fortune in the Supreme Realm, they will be favored by Qi Luck?"

Zhuge Rentu seems to have to confirm it again.

"Yes, this can be regarded as a kind of protection given to newcomers by the Supreme Rule, and it can also be regarded as a kind of welfare. However, although it sounds good, it has a deadly contradiction."

King Liu Ying spoke again, but it made all the newcomers present instantly understand.

"The newcomers who have just entered are thinking about how to hide themselves and how to survive safely, and how can they think about finding death and exploring various places of good fortune?"

"This is totally a kind of reverse thinking."

"What's more, according to what you said, this'novice protection period' is dedicated to dangerous places of opportunity."

"The newcomer is even more unlikely to go."

Su Banyu spoke slowly, and she drank a sip of Tumi Lingshui. At this moment, she didn't seem to see any changes.

"All, for a long time, no one has discovered this rule, and the Supreme Rule will not take the initiative to inform it."

"If it weren't for the chance meeting, I'm afraid this rule will continue to be buried in this supreme realm, and it will not be discovered."

There seemed to be a trace of emotion in Liu Yingwang's tone.

"From the other direction, this may also be some kind of cultivation! If there are newcomers who can bravely break into the land of good fortune in these three months, and can come out alive, they will definitely be reborn and get unimaginable benefits."

"This is a test of courage and faith, and a newcomer who can truly do it may be worthy of the title of outstanding talent."

Zhuge Rentu's expression became awe-inspiring, and a pair of eyes seemed to burn with a dazzling light.

The atmosphere in the entire ancient garden also became awe-inspiring.

"So, this is what you mean by'making a good bond'?"

Xiao Suifeng spoke.

It seems that this is the first time he speaks, the voice under the mask has a strange sonorousness, and the gaze under the mask is looking at the Heavenly Sword King.


Facing Xiao Suifeng's gaze, the Heavenly Sword King nodded and smiled and said directly: "The more dangerous the place, the stronger your'Qi Luck'!"

"And in the entire Supreme Great Realm, the most dangerous, but the most fortunate place is naturally... the Supreme God's Treasure!"

When everyone heard the words "Supreme God Zang", except for the newcomer, everyone else showed great desire and enthusiasm, and even some kind of greed.

"There is no creature that has entered the Supreme Realm, and does not want to enter the Supreme Divine Treasure!"

"There is an arc of time that is even more incredible than the Supreme God Zang, and it can be truly combined with the past and the future."

"In addition, there are many unimaginable time and space treasures hidden, once you get one of them, you will get unimaginable good fortune!"

"You must have heard that there is a legend in history that the creatures who have entered the cycle of a hundred wars and become gods step by step?"

"I can tell you with certainty that the chance for that creature to become a **** in one step comes from a certain time and space treasure in the Supreme God's Treasure!"

The voice of the Heavenly Sword King became decisive.

The eyes of all the newcomers began to flicker slightly!

Become a **** in one step!

What is this concept?

It is from the first level of God Refining directly to the ninth level of God Refining, and even more than that.

Who is not eye-catching?

Not crazy about it?

Otherwise, this matter will not become an enduring legend, which will be passed on forever and be talked about by generations of creatures.

"So, in the final analysis, do you need to use our'Qi Luck' to explore the Supreme God's Treasure?"

This time it was Su Banqing who spoke.


"That's it."

Liu Yingwang nodded.

"To be precise, it should be a win-win situation."

"Your luck, and our strength, are accumulated together. It is completely blessed and even more powerful. This is a situation that has never been seen in the Supreme Realm!"

"There are dangers in the Supreme God's Treasury, but it is the so-called wealth and danger, and all the creatures who have entered it, whether it is a general, a Hou, or a king like us! They can only look at luck, and if you are careless, they will fall. in."

"Do you know? Anyone who can become a'king level' will rarely fall into ordinary battles. Eighty percent of them will die in the Supreme God's Treasure!"

"But now, with your joining, everything will be different!"

"I want to change to anyone, there is no reason, and I shouldn't be tempted."

"What do you say?"

I have to say that the words of the Dragon Demon who spoke again are reasonable and well-founded. They are to the point, not talking about all the newcomers, just the dozens of masters on the opposite side, and even all the geniuses onlookers outside the ancient garden, all breathing as if they were breathing. Hurry up!

The atmosphere inside and outside the entire ancient garden seemed to become a bit fiery!

"Sounds really good."

Zhuge Rentu gave an affirmative statement. When the ten kings heard the words, a sincere smile appeared on their faces.

But here, Zhuge Rentu, at this moment, slowly picked up the Tumi Lingshui that was close at hand, raised it to the front, staring at the azure blue brilliance at close range, and illuminating Zhuge Rentu's face.

"However, I have a question..."

Holding the Tumi Lingshui, even shaking it lightly, Zhuge Rentu's voice resounded again, but at this moment, there was an indescribable calm in his tone.

"Since you are so sincere and sincere and say you want a win-win situation, why are you here in Lingshui..."


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