Return of the War God

Chapter 5710: Have to pay it back



Inside and outside the ancient garden where the atmosphere had become a bit fiery, with the sudden arrival of the Zhuge people, it became deadly and frozen again in an instant!

Almost everyone's pupils are shrinking violently!

Especially the dozens of masters on the opposite side, all of them rounded their eyes, staring at Zhuge Rentu, and looking at the empty cup in front of them, almost unable to believe their eyes.

Xiao Suifeng, Chi Xuefeng, Han Yixiang, Clinique and other newcomers all changed their expressions at this moment.

Su Banqing's beautiful eyes also seemed to condense slightly.

Only here was Su Banyu, whose face was equally calm, without any change, it seemed that Zhuge Rentu's words did not surprise her.


Almost no one noticed Ye Wuque's expression at this time.

It was equally calm, but there was a hint of interest in a pair of eyes.

His **** are still tapping the tabletop easily and casually, and the whole person looks as if, as if watching a play?

After saying this, Zhuge Rentu, a pair of terrifying eyes looked at the top ten kings like sharp thorns, and the whole person exuded a silent power.

The ten kings such as Liuying King, Heavenly Sword King, Dragon Demon King, and Minluo King were filled with doubts on their faces for the first time at this time, and their brows wrinkled.

"Zuge Rentu, have you doubted our intentions until now?"

"This is the reason why you don't drink tea water?"

"Think we poisoned it?"

The voice of the Dragon Demon became cold, and when he looked at Zhuge Ren Tu, there seemed to be a chill of the evil dragon being offended.

"There is no poison in the Tumi Lingshui at all."

"If you simply doubt our intentions, you can speak out. There is no need to splash dirty water."

King Liu Ying also spoke, her voice still misty, but she also had a touch of indifference.

"The Tumi Lingshui in your hand is still there. There are so many people inside and outside the entire Mitu Ancient Garden. If the Tumi Lingshui itself is really problematic, you can verify it on the spot!"

"Besides, you have drunk the Tulong Lingshui. If there is a real problem, can you not detect it?"

The sonorous voice of the Heavenly Sword King was like a collision of swords.

The ten kings seemed to be angry.

Zhuge Ren Tu had no expression on his face, still looking at the Tumi Lingshui in his hand.

And Xiao Suifeng, Chi Xuefeng, Han Yi, and others have already run their cultivation bases at this time, carefully checking their own internal conditions.

Not only them, but all the Hou-level masters had their own cultivation bases at this moment, and the entire ancient garden was suddenly flooded by many fluctuations, almost to break apart.

"no problem?"

"I want to be okay?"

"I didn't feel anything wrong?"

"If it is really poisonous, how can you hide it from me?"

Not long after, the masters of the rank of Hou couldn't help but open their mouths. Their frowning brows were already stretched out, and they obviously checked the conditions inside their bodies carefully, and they didn't notice any problems.

Obviously, Tu Liao Ling Shui does not seem to be poisonous.

As for the newcomer, Xiao Suifeng and others had already explored it several times at this time, and they did not find any problems.

"Zhuge Rentu, why are you so sure? Is there evidence?"

Chi Xuefeng couldn't help but speak.

At this moment, Zhuge Rentu gently put down the cup, but his calm eyes looked at Su Banyu and slowly spoke.

"Fairy Su, what do you think?"

Su Banyu only took a sip, why did she only take a sip?

"I also said that Zhuge Rentu said that there is absolutely a problem with this Tumi Lingshui, so I took a sip, but I haven't found anything wrong for the time being."

Su Banyu's tone was plain but confident.

But what she said made everyone a little confused!

Countless eyes looked at Zhuge Rentu first, and then at Su Banyu, without knowing what to say for a while.

Co-authoring, you two feel that something is wrong, and then you say that Tu Liao Ling Shui is poisonous?

But there is no evidence?

What's this?

"Zhuge Rentu, you have to speak responsibly!"

"I suspect you are doing something!"

"You are so brave! To instigate discord?"

"Ten thrones are highly powerful, do you need to engage in these three abuse methods? If the ten kings really want to do something to us, poisoning is simply unnecessary!"

At this moment, finally some of the Marquis-level masters couldn't hold back, and they screamed out, pointing their fingers at Zhuge Ren Tu.

He thinks that Zhuge people are uneasy and kind, and deliberately engage in trouble.

Zhuge Rentu still sat blankly, staring at the Tumi Lingshui like this, as if you could do anything to me!


A clap of the table suddenly sounded!

But finally, a master of the rank of Marquis could finally stand up, his eyes like a knife, glaring at Zhuge Rentu, and shouted loudly.

"Zuge people slaughter!"

"You can't show evidence, you must give an account of this matter!"

"Otherwise, you won't be able to eat today..."


But before this master-level master could finish speaking, a lazy yawning sound suddenly sounded, so clear in the deadly ancient garden!

Everyone was stunned!

Subconsciously looked over.


Then, they heard a burst of sounds like frying beans one after another, and it came from... Ye Wuque!

Ye Wuque didn't know when he had stood up, and after yawning, he stretched out a big lazy waist.

With a comfortable expression on his face, there was a sense of boredom that seemed boring.

"It's so boring!"

"The next drug is only. I thought I could see a wonderful scene, but it turned out to be broken."

"That's it?"

Ye Wuque's disappointed voice sounded again, but what he said made everyone's expressions change again!

"Ye Wuque! What do you mean?"

"You mean poisoning?"

"What evidence do you have?"

"Is it really poisonous in this Tumi Lingshui?"

Youhou-level masters can't help it!

"Of course there is no poison in the Tumi Lingshui."

"After all, it was the ten kings who made the shot, so how many methods can they use to poison?"

Ye Wuque, who slowly shook his head, uttered such a sentence, but it seemed as if thunder was exploded!

"They put the poison in this sea of ​​thousands of miles of flowers, or to be precise, wrapped in this pleasant fragrance of flowers."

"Just smell the fragrance of flowers."

"Simply drink the tea water."

"No problem."

"But if the two are in one place, then a strange...toxin will be formed!"

"am I right…"

Ye Wuque looked at the ten aloof kings.

And the ten kings who had always looked cold before now became expressionless, only the look of Ye Wuque was reflected in the eyes, and there was a touch of invisible... surprise!

"This one who watched the show for a long time outside?"

However, Ye Wuque turned his gaze abruptly, looked at the space outside the ancient garden, and opened his mouth like a smile.

Between heaven and earth, all geniuses are a little confused!

But the next moment!


A laugh with three points of appreciation, three points of surprise, and three points of satisfaction suddenly sounded!

"I'll just say that there are still a few good guys in this batch of newcomers, but you still have to spend a lot of time on this acting?"

"Why bother?"

"Isn't it simpler?"

This was the voice of a young man, with a hint of helplessness, and as this sentence fell, I saw a tall figure suddenly appeared in the center of the sea of ​​flowers.

He seems to be standing there all the time, but no one has ever seen it.

But when countless people around him saw the young man's face clearly, their expressions suddenly changed, and there was a shock in their eyes!

It seemed that the identity of this person was recognized in an instant.

At this moment, the man walked slowly towards the ancient garden, as if wandering in a sea of ​​flowers, standing still about ten meters away from Ye Wuque.

Smiling eyes fell on Ye Wuque's body at this moment, and the voice of a graceful smile slowly sounded again.

"Ye Wuque, you owe me several bills, you have to pay it back!"

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is..."

"Ji Meng."

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