Return of the War God

Chapter 5711: Slaughter a king


This mysterious man who was hiding in the side, watching the show all the way, was indeed the King of Jimeng!

"King Ji Meng!"

"King Ji Meng is here too? Still hiding in the dark?"

"This, what happened to this?"

"Ten kings are really poisoned?? King Jimeng is also behind the scenes?"

After a short silence, the countless geniuses around finally issued exclaims one after another, with endless shock and inconceivability!

Zhuge Rentu's guess is not wrong.

Ye Wuque's inference is extremely correct.

The ten kings really used the three indiscriminate methods and poisoned them!

"how so??"


"Damn it! Why do you do this??"

"You are the supreme kings, why do you want to do such a thing?"

The dozens of marquise-level masters were frightened and angry at this moment, all staring at the ten kings, their faces full of fright and incomprehension.

However at the moment.

The ten kings were still aloof, their expressions became cold and indifferent, but they didn't even look at the dozens of marquis-level masters.

Only the Heavenly Sword King suddenly glanced at dozens of Marquis-level masters at this time, and said indifferently, "Poisoned you? Want to hide, you don't have the qualifications."

As soon as these words came out, all the Hou-level masters were stunned!

What's the meaning?

Is there no poison in their tea water that reacts with the fragrance of flowers?

The ten kings just poisoned these newcomers? ?

For a while, the atmosphere inside and outside the entire ancient garden became strange and stagnant again.

"You are the king of Jimeng?"

But at this moment, Ye Wuque sounded with a hint of interest. He looked at King Ji Meng who was standing ten feet away, and his expression seemed to be...not surprised but delighted?

King Ji Meng looked like he was about 30 years old, he was tall, standing there, standing with his hands behind his hands, he had a sense of standing on the ground, exuding an indescribable aura.

However, at this moment, King Ji Meng looked at Ye Wuque's eyes with a scalp-numbing smile.

The grievances between King Ji Meng and Ye Wuque had spread throughout the entire Supreme Realm after these few days.

Almost all creatures know it!

King Ji Meng accidentally engaged Ye Wuque!

In the end, Ye Wuque lost his wife and broke down.

The subordinate war will be killed, Wu Xiaofan besieged and killed failed, and even the temporary ownership of the twenty-sixth Supreme Pass is directly lost.

It can be said to have suffered a big loss!

That is simply an endless hatred. Right now, it is clear that King Ji Meng has come to avenge himself.

"Knowing who I am, you can still laugh at it?"

"Very well, Ye Wuque, you are better than I expected."

King Ji Meng grinned and smiled.

Ye Wuque also smiled.

There was an undisguised excitement in his eyes looking at King Ji Meng.

That kind of look stunned the countless geniuses around!

Because that is the look that appears when the hunter is happy when he sees the prey.

Ye Wuque actually regarded King Ji Meng as...prey? ?


Many geniuses took a cold breath in an instant, and could hardly believe their eyes, but they realized it instantly.

"Difficult, is it possible that today Ye Wuque intends to...challenge a king?"

A genius trembles and speaks.

"It's hard to imagine!"

"Although Ye Wuque is indeed powerful and extraordinary, he is three hous in seconds, but the gap between the king-level and the hou-level is unmeasurable! What's more, even the king of Ji Meng is very famous even among the kings in the past. !"

"Ye Wuque loses more and wins less!"

"King Ji Meng will never let him go!"

Between the heaven and the earth, almost all eyes were condensed inside and outside the ancient garden at this moment, Ye Wuque and King Ji Meng who seemed to be facing each other far away.


At this moment, a huge roar exploded!

It was in the ancient garden that Scarlet Front was shooting the case, and the blood-colored armor on his body was shining with compelling brilliance at this time!

Boundless evil spirits rose from all over him, and Chixuefeng glared at the ten kings, like ignited kerosene!

"What kind of **** newcomer protection period is just nonsense!"

"Poison us?"

"Then I won't die today!"

"The king above?"

"Today I will knock you off the dust!"

The Red Blood Front's voice exploded like thunder in the ancient garden, and immediately shocked all the geniuses between heaven and earth!


Not only Chi Xuefeng, Han Yixiang, Xiao Suifeng, Clinique, etc., almost all stood up, each of them exuded a earth-shaking aura, their eyes like a knife, and their eyes fired!

A group of newcomers turned out to be the king!

What kind of courage and courage is this?

The atmosphere between the whole world and the earth instantly became tense, and the mountains and rain were about to come and wind all over the building.

Only Zhuge Rentu was still sitting quietly, but his eyes were also filled with terrible light.

The ten kings were also sitting on their thrones. At this moment, they saw the bursting newcomers, and their eyes were cold and shiny.

The plan was broken.

But the ten kings seemed to have no explanation.

Because they are too lazy to explain.

But at this moment, King Liuying's voice with a hint of ethereal meaning suddenly sounded again.

"Zhuge Tu..."

However, King Liu Ying only thought about Zhuge Rentu, and continued to speak softly: "Once you have done some things, you can't look back."

"Because that requires the cost of life."

"Zhuge Rentu, you are different from other people. You have the appearance of a king. I believe it will not be long before you will be on the same level as us."

"And you are not poisoned."

"So, as long as you want, you can officially join us now, on an equal footing with us."

"Friends or enemies are all within your thoughts."

After saying this, before Zhuge Rentu answered, King Liuying looked at Ye Wuque again, stared at Ye Wuque's back, and said, "And you...Brother Ye."

"You also have this qualification."

"I hope you don't make mistakes."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the world was shocked again!

No one would have thought that at this time, King Liuying would invite Zhuge Rentu and Ye Wuque to join them in such a fair manner?

So how do Ye Wuque and Zhuge Rentu choose?

The ten kings did not move, as if they were waiting for Zhuge Rentu and Ye Wuque to make a choice.

And this moment.

I saw Zhuge Ren Tu slowly standing up, and those terrifying eyes looked at the ten kings. They were indifferent, but under the indifference, there was as if countless active volcanoes erupted fiercely!

He looked like a knife, looking directly at King Minluo!

"King Minluo, can you dare to fight?"

A whisper, representing Zhuge Rentu's attitude.

Several kings showed a cold smile.

King Minluo smiled at this moment, and then stepped out, looking down at Zhuge Rentu condescendingly, and slowly shook his head.

"act recklessly."

And Ye Wuque is here...

He didn't turn his head back.

I ignored the words of Liu Ying Wang.

Upon seeing this, King Liu Ying muttered to himself softly, as if with a touch of disappointment.

"Do not live by committing sins by yourself."

"Then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Zhuge Rentu stepped forward, extremely powerful, and took the initiative to kill King Minluo.

The remaining Han Yixiang, Chi Xuefeng, Xiao Suifeng, and Clinique, including Su Banyu and Su Banqing, all exploded at this moment, rushing straight to the remaining nine kings!


Terrible fluctuations broke out in the entire Mitu Ancient Garden in an instant, and began to tremble violently!

As for King Ji Meng, who stood holding his hand, looking at Ye Wuque at this time, the smile on his face suddenly turned into a touch of joke, and he spoke directly, spitting out two words!

"The wind is coming!"


In an instant, the celestial phenomenon suddenly changed, and an incredible evolution occurred, and the world suddenly dimmed.

Ye Wuque stood up long, not looking at the changes between heaven and earth at all, but a pair of King Ji Meng who was still staring at him, and the excitement in it almost overflowed!

Now that you have entered the Supreme Realm, you must have a good start!

Just like...

Slaughter a king first!

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