Return of the War God

Chapter 5737: : A big thing...

How to quickly get acquainted with a stranger, establish a certain friendship, and even become a good friend?

Eight words...

Solve the difficulties and do what they like.

The King Xuantian at this moment, from meeting Ye Wuque to the present, has fully and perfectly interpreted these eight characters.

First come up and give trust.

Then directly point through everything that happened in the Supreme Great Realm in the past few days. It was King Liu Ying and others who deliberately killed Ye Wuque behind their backs and gave him hatred.

He promised that Ye Wuque would help him find Liu Yingwang and the three others.

It also clarified the poison of being offended in the Mitu Ancient Garden.

Finally, take out the medicine!

This series of combined punches fully demonstrated the energy, means, and sincerity shown by King Xuan Tian.

Even if it was Ye Wuque here, he couldn't help but give a thumbs up to King Xuantian at this moment!


This King Xuan Tian is well versed in the way of making friends, and this raising of his hand fully demonstrated his sincerity.

I'm afraid no one can refuse.

Even if they were replaced by others, 80 to 90% of them would be extremely excited, and they would be grateful for King Xuan Tian.

Such a person, such a means!

Who does not like?

Facing the sincere smile of King Xuantian, Ye Wuque picked up the small jade bottle that was close at hand, and smiled lightly: "Thank you, King Xuantian for opening my eyes."

"It's just that the antidote is useless to me."

"Thanks to King Xuantian for his kindness."

After that, Ye Wuque pushed the little jade bottle to the front of King Xuantian again.

Upon seeing this, King Xuan Tian's eyes flashed, as if he understood something, a look of surprise flashed under his eyes, but after a flash, he immediately put the small jade bottle away, and took a deep look at Ye Wuque.

"The God of War really opened my eyes!"


King Xuan Tian said with a smile.

"As for the three kings, I also thank King Xuantian for his kindness, but for me, it's just three clowns..."

Ye Wuque spoke again, causing King Xuan Tian's eyes to flash.

But at this moment, Ye Wuque turned his words and looked at King Xuan Tian and said, "However, in any case, I have seen all of King Xuan Tian's sincerity, and it is my heart."

"I can come, it also proves my attitude."

"So, it's better to open the skylight and talk brightly!"

"What is the purpose of King Xuantian invited me to come?"

After Ye Wuque smiled and said these words, he raised the cup again and drank the intoxicating man in it.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Unexpectedly, the God of War is so quick to talk! It seems that I was superfluous."

"But this makes me admire you more!"

"Simple and straightforward, no bells and whistles, good!"

"If this is the case, I will no longer hide it. In fact, I invite you to come, the God of War, hoping that after the eighth opening of the Supreme God Treasure in three months, we can... form an alliance!"

"Explore the Supreme God Treasure together!"

"As for the reason, the God of War must know. After all, the entire Supreme Realm is spreading the ‘Novice Protection Period’ matter, and this matter will not be false.”

"The God of War, your strength is unpredictable, your luck is strong, and the meaning of your possession is beyond doubt!"

Having said this, King Xuantian approached slightly and said in a low voice: "Actually, I found an ancient weapon in the Supreme God's Treasure that is particularly suitable for me, but I have never been able to get it, so I want to use your power from the God of War. ."

"Of course, we are equal ally. If you help me, then I will definitely help you!"

"As long as the God of War, you find anything useful in the Supreme God Treasure, my people and I will spare no effort to help you!"

"If we cooperate, it must be even more powerful."

"Similarly, if there is anything you don't worry about, King of War, we can swear oaths to each other to restrain each other."

"And once the God of War you and I become an ally, then your business is my business. If anyone dares to trouble you, then he will have trouble with my Xuantian King!"

After saying this, King Xuantian sat up straight again, staring at Ye Wuque with sincerity on his face, and at the same time he poured another glass of wine for Ye Wuque.

Ye Wuque rubbed the wine glass, his expression calm.

The request of King Xuantian for this purpose was naturally in Ye Wuque's expectation.

It can be said that it is not only King Xuan Tian, ​​but now all geniuses in the entire Supreme Great Realm, regardless of their lineage, regard all newcomers as sweet and delicious!

It's just that everyone has a different attitude.

Some people, like King Xuantian, want to cooperate and win-win with each other.

Some people are threatening under the guise of a win-win situation, such as the eleven kings of the ancient garden of Mitu.

Others, I'm afraid they have other more despicable ideas.

After all, the luck of the "novice protection period" is really too bad!

No one wants to miss it.

Seeing the refilling of the wine in the cup, Ye Wuque drank it again. After putting down the wine glass, he suddenly stood up, looked at King Xuan Tian and smiled lightly: "I have seen King Xuan Tian's sincerity."

"As for what you said..."

"I need time to think about it."

King Xuan Tian stood up with a smile at the same moment.

"No problem at all!"

"You are free, King of God of War, and I will be in this Spring God Pavilion for the rest of the time, looking forward to good news."

Ye Wuque nodded slowly, and then drifted away.

King Xuantian smiled and watched.

After Ye Wuque left the Spring God Pavilion, a group of figures appeared behind King Xuan Tian like a ghost.

"My lord, this God of War refused?"

A king spoke.

"No refusal, he said it takes time to think about it."

King Xuan Tian answered lightly.

Many kings frowned slightly.

"My lord, are you too polite to this God of War? Is he worth it? And his attitude seems..."

Another king spoke, seemingly dissatisfied with Ye Wuque.

"You made a mistake!"

King Xuan Tian said like this.

"Attitude is divided!"

"There is nothing wrong with my attitude, because this God of War...worthy of this attitude!"

"Until I saw it with my own eyes, I was not sure that this God of War King is simply a miracle!"

"The newcomer who has just entered the supreme realm for a few days has actually reached the level of the'myth of destiny'! Unbelievable, unbelievable..."

As soon as these words came out, the pupils of many kings behind him suddenly shrank sharply!


"Is he really a destiny myth?"

"The rumors are really true?"

The expression in King Xuan Tian's eyes became deep at this moment, and then he slowly said: "This King of War God is mysterious and unpredictable, and his strength is even more unpredictable."

"For such a person, we have something to ask, why shouldn't we have a good relationship with them?"

"Even if he retreats ten thousand steps, he rejected us, and he still doesn't want to turn his face with such an existence!"

"Because you don't even know what terrible meaning a ‘fate myth’ exists!"

"What's even more frightening is that even the Ancient Qi Poison'Locking the Immortal Soul' he is not afraid, so he doesn't need the antidote I gave him at all."

"In a word, the attitude towards such a person...even if you can't become a partner or ally, you must not easily engage with them."

"The initiative is in his hands, and we have to ask for it."

"Since he wants to think about it, then give him time to think about it. We will just wait here."

"Remember, those who make big things must endure loneliness."

After saying this, King Xuan Tian looked at the direction Ye Wuque was leaving, and stopped speaking, but his eyes grew deeper and he didn't know what he was thinking.

However, King Xuantian could see that the King of God of War seemed to leave suddenly when something happened...

A void outside the Spring God Pavilion.

Ye Wuque's figure appeared, and he held his hand, and suddenly spoke lightly: "You followed me all the way, and even the Spring God Pavilion sneaked in. You have a lot of skills and a lot of courage."

As soon as these words came out, I saw a void that was hundreds of meters away from Ye Wuque squirming suddenly, and then a figure appeared!

"The'Hidden God Hou' under King Tianwu has seen Lord Mars King!"

"By the order of King Tianwu, I am here to meet you, and at the same time send King Tianwu's gratitude!"

A respectful man's voice sounded, and at the same time, he held his fist and gave a deep salute to Ye Wuque.

"King Tianwu?"

Ye Wuque said softly.

He had never heard of this name.

"You don't know anything about the Lord of War God, the King Tianwu of my family is the same as you, but you are in the same line, and your real name is...Wu Xiaofan!"

"It is because you broke the plan of King Jimeng before that, this made my lord be out of the siege!"

"So, you have a life-saving grace to my lord!"

Wu Xiaofan?

Ye Wuque nodded slightly.

"Are you looking for something to do with me?"

"In reply to your lord's words, I was ordered to come here, one hundred thousand in a hurry, just trying to find you, your lord, before that king Xuan Tian, ​​but I didn't expect it to be a step too late."

"My lord specially ordered that anything that King Xuantian told you about the Supreme God's Treasure is...unbelievable!"

"After all, King Xuan Tian is in the future... the purpose is not pure!"

"At the same time, there is still a little hope, Lord War God, that you know that the'Novice Protection Period' spread throughout the entire Supreme Realm is actually the first thing my lord has discovered!"

"At the same time, he has also discovered more secrets about the Supreme God Store. I hope you can invite you to tell them in person, and at the same time thank you for your life-saving grace in person!"

After speaking the last sentence, Yin Shenhou clasped his fists and bowed deeply, maintaining his posture, seemingly a little nervous.

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered slightly.

After a few breaths, he returned to peace, said.

"lead the way."

Yinshenhou was overjoyed!


"My lord, please come with me!"

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