Return of the War God

Chapter 5738: : Bailong

Yin Shenhou's speed is extremely fast, he is fast shuttled in the void, not only that, his figure has become erratic, and even gradually becomes a little illusory, as if it has become a twisted light and shadow.

In the process of advancing, as the speed of Yin Shenhou became faster and faster, the aura all over his body had almost disappeared completely, and finally there was no aura.

It's as if there is no such creature as him between heaven and earth!

After traveling for a while, Yin Shenhou subconsciously turned his head and looked behind him, but he clearly saw Ye Wuque hanging behind him, always standing at a distance of three to five feet, holding his hands without hurries.

Suddenly, a touch of awe and admiration flashed through the depths of Yin Shenhou's eyes!

"Your ability to hide your breath can be regarded as outstanding, even if you are the strongest among the kings, you can't find it."

"Cooperating with the speed of people, in terms of the ability to hide and escape, you can be regarded as second to none in the entire supreme realm."

As the wind whistled, Ye Wuque's faint voice sounded, echoing clearly in Yin Shenhou's ears, with a hint of undisguised appreciation.

Yin Shenhou's expression is still respectful, but at this moment it is showing a touch of pride.

"It is really an honor to be praised by Lord War God!"

"As the adults said, I have created this hidden ability because of my innate abilities and karmic abilities, but only this one can be considered to be a good one. When it comes to frontal fighting, I am too bad. many."

Yin Shenhou is very humble and dare not have any arrogance.

"One trick to eat fresh all over the sky."

"It's not a success to be able to maximize one's strengths."

"With your full effort to hide, even King Xuan Tian couldn't detect it for a while, that's enough to explain a lot of things."

Ye Wuque said like this.

The color of awe on Yin Shenhou's face is even stronger: "This is the'sneak' in the highest state of my hard work, but it can only be maintained for a quarter of an hour, and after a quarter of an hour, it can no longer be maintained."

"It is good luck to be able to hide King Xuantian's momentary perception, and it will be exposed after a little longer."

"Not to mention the invincible perception of you, my lord, even in my'sneaking' state, I still can't hide it from you, lord."

Yin Shenhou felt extremely emotional at this moment, full of awe and shock!

He was actually very proud of his "sneak" state!

Even King Xuan Tian didn't notice it for a while!

How powerful is this?

However, his greatest ability, which he has always been proud of, did his best, but it had no effect in front of Ye Wuque, and was directly perceived and seen through.

At this moment of rushing, Yin Shen Hou actually used his ability to the utmost again, but Ye Wuque still followed behind him at will, steadily.

Only then did Yin Shen Hou deeply understand the horror and incredibleness of this God of War!

Fear and awe from the heart!

The attitude is more respectful and careful.

Gradually, under the leadership of Yin Shenhou, Ye Wuque found that he was heading towards the deeper area of ​​the Supreme Great Realm.

It began to become dark in all directions, and there were many primitive landscapes between heaven and earth. The vast land, mountains and rivers, and dense jungles seemed to have entered an ancient prehistoric world.

Ye Wuque even felt a sense of desolation in time and space, like bones weathered in the yellow sand, like a mayfly floating in a puddle, making Ye Wuque's mind twitchy.

At the same time, Ye Wuque vaguely perceives the breath of many lives, which seems to spread in all directions as it gets deeper and deeper.

"Such life fluctuations and ancient breath..."

"Could it be the aboriginal creatures living in the supreme realm?"

Ye Wuque opened his mouth.

The awe-inspiring color in the eyes of the Yin Shenhou became stronger, and he immediately reverently said: "Your wise eyes are like torches! Now we are entering the sphere of influence of the native creatures in the Supreme Great Realm."

After getting the affirmative answer, a faint hint of interest flashed in Ye Wuque's eyes.

Indigenous creatures of the Supreme Great Realm!

Ye Wuque already knew that the aboriginal creatures in this supreme great realm were not a simple ethnic group, they also possessed powerful power.

Even among the kings, princes, and generals, there are also aboriginal creatures, far more than one.

It proves that even the Supreme Rule recognizes the existence of native creatures and recognizes their power.

And these aboriginal creatures all exist in the form of ethnic groups and tribes, multiplying and living in the supreme realm, and they are definitely not alone.

"I don't know if there is that ‘Void Soul Clan’ among the aboriginal creatures in this supreme realm..."

Ye Wuque hadn't forgotten that the strange shadow of the Void Soul Race he encountered in the small realm of Starfall before, after swallowing it, the power of the soul gained diligence.

If you can see it again...

"Could it be that King Tianwu was born from an aboriginal creature?"

Ye Wuqian opens.

Yin Shen Hou immediately shook his head respectfully and said: "When I go back to the adults, it is not the case. My adults are also the supreme realm that entered from the outside world. However, due to fate, my adults once saved an aboriginal creature, and later learned about this. This aboriginal creature is the young patriarch of the'Bailong clan.' After coming and going, the two forged a deep friendship, which also made our adults and the entire Bailong clan make friends and become the guest of the Bailong clan."

"The White Dragon Clan is also powerful, and there is more than one king among them. Therefore, the relationship between the White Dragon Clan and my adults can be regarded as a life and death together."

"The Bailong Clan is located in the deeper part of the Supreme Realm. On weekdays, it is inaccessible and few people set foot."

"In fact, many of the ethnic groups of indigenous creatures are in the depths. It is clearly in the same world as the Supreme Realm, but it seems to be two completely different worlds, which is quite special."

Yin Shenhou's explanation caused Ye Wuque's eyes to move slightly.

"Then King Tianwu won't enter the White Dragon Clan for no reason, right?"

"My lord Mingjian! Because my lord... was injured!"

Yin Shenhou finally told the story.

"Now for my adults, the Bailong clan is the safest place, so the big people will choose to enter the Bailong clan."

Ye Wuque's eyes were deep and thoughtful.

At this moment, they have entered a primitive jungle, and the world has become a lot darker.

After about a quarter of an hour, the two came to a huge towering ancient tree.

This ancient tree is tens of thousands of feet high, rooted in the earth, and I don't know how many miles in the vertical and horizontal directions, but a huge tree hole has been cut out in the trunk.

The inside of the tree hole was dark and lacquered, and it seemed that the real scene could not be seen, only a faint old brilliance was continuously refracted from it.


"My lord, behind this tree hole is the territory of the White Dragon tribe."

Yin Shen Hou spoke respectfully.

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