Return of the War God

Chapter 5739: :Rainbow

Ye Wuque's gaze had already been looked over, and he could see through the entire tree hole of the ancient tree. There were already various dense ancient restrictions.


Huh huh!

In the next instant, I saw the surrounding trees flashing, and suddenly there were more than a dozen sturdy figures exuding a strong breath!

A dozen strands of cold and vigilant fluctuations instantly enveloped Yin Shenhou and Ye Wuque.

Ye Wuque was not surprised by the dozen or so figures that suddenly appeared, because he had already sensed it.

These dozens of people were all wearing animal clothing, carrying ancient spears in their hands, and exuding a desolate breath of iron and blood.

They are all painted with exactly the same tattoos...

A simple and desolate white dragon!

The teeth and claws are lifelike, especially the eyes, the cold light flashes, as if they can come to life at any time.

Obviously, these dozens of people are the guards of the Bailong clan who are responsible for guarding here.

"it's me."

Yin Shenhou stood up at this moment and spoke like this.

These Bailong clan guards were seeing the Yin Shenhou clearly, and their expressions finally calmed down, and even smiled.

"Hidden God!"

"Yin Shen Hou is back!"

"It's so fast!"

But when the gazes of the dozens of Bailong clan guards once again looked at Ye Wuque, who was standing with their hands behind them, their eyes showed an undisguised coldness.

It seemed to vaguely revealed a look that was not welcoming to Ye Wuque's arrival.

Just looking at Yin Shenhou's face, this didn't say much.

"We went in first."

Yin Shenhou took the lead and walked towards the tree hole, and then made an inviting gesture to Ye Wuque, and then stepped into the tree hole first.

Ye Wuque, with a calm complexion, followed immediately and immediately stepped into the tree hole.


There was a flower in front of me, and a soft foot underneath, as if stepping into the clouds, but it was almost fleeting.

Then Hou Ye Wuqian found that he had come to a small world that seemed to be smoky, peaceful and peaceful.

Between heaven and earth, birds and flowers fragrant.

Looking around, one after another old stockades are located everywhere, with great momentum and ancient mystery, revealing a sense of mottled time.

There is also a huge altar in the distance, on which the flames are burning, as if it will not die all day long.

There are many creatures inhabiting it, and it seems like a paradise.

"My lord, this is the Bailong clan, and the people who live here are all members of the Bailong clan."

"My adult is in front, please come with me!"

Yin Shen Hou is already leading the way respectfully.

His speed was very fast. Under the awkward turns, he brought Ye Wuque to a simple and elegant village, and he knew his status was good at first glance.

At the entrance of the stockade, two figures stood impressively.

"Lao Yin, you are back!"

"So fast!"

When the two saw Yin Shenhou, their eyes lit up.

"My lord, these two people are my companions, as well as the generals under the command of my lord..."

"This is Dahehou."

"This is a Thousand Soldier General."

Yin Shenhou immediately introduced Ye Wuque.

This Hou Yi general was also a general under the command of Tianwu King Wu Xiaofan, just like the hidden **** Hou.

"This... is the Lord of War God!"

As soon as these words came out, Da Hehou and Qian Bing will suddenly change their expressions. The eyes looking at Ye Wuque were full of gratitude, and at the same time a deep look of awe came out.

"See Lord Ares King!"

"My host has been waiting in there for a long time, and he also invites adults to enter..."

Da Hehou took the initiative to open the door and made an inviting gesture towards Ye Wuque.

Ye Wuque walked in.

Suddenly a strong smell of herbal medicine rushed to the face, and the whole room was filled with a strange sense of heat, and at the same time, there was a hint of blood.

As far as he could see, Ye Wuque immediately saw a tall figure sitting on the bed.

This is a man who looks about 30 years old. He looks good and handsome, but at the moment his eyes are slightly closed, his face is pale, and there is a strange breath faintly from all over his body. It is inexplicable.


As if perceiving someone entering the room, the man's closed eyes opened suddenly, and the whole room seemed to light up in an instant.

A mighty and mighty aura immediately resisted from this person!

But immediately, a smile of joy and gratitude appeared on this person's face.

"Your Excellency is the God of War?"

"Are you King Tianwu?"

Ye Wuque looked at this person.

The person immediately got off the bed, stood up straight, and the joy and smile on his face became more intense.

This person is naturally the Tianwu King Wu Xiaofan!

Wu Xiaofan's voice was hoarse, as if he was not healed from a serious injury, but it did not affect his expression in the least.

I saw Wu Xiaofan strode towards Ye Wuque, and then held his fist at Ye Wuque...

A deep bow!

"Thank you for your life-saving grace a few days ago!"

"Please be worshipped by Wu certain!"

Wu Xiaofan's grateful voice sounded, but his worship did not really go on, because Ye Wuque had already supported his arms with one hand.

"King Tianwu is polite."

"I made my move at the outset only for a simple disgusting scheme to Mengwang. Other than that, I had no other intentions."

Ye Wuque spoke lightly.

"You have no other intentions, but you really saved my life!"

"returning a Favour many times more!"

"I Wu Xiaofan owes your life!"

Wu Xiaofan raised his head and spoke so solemnly, but he did not insist on bowing down, but stood up straight.

"Your injury is not minor."

Ye Wuque glanced at Wu Xiaofan, and he had already discovered the injuries in Wu Xiaofan's body.

"It seems that the battle a few days ago was indeed dangerous for you."

Wu Xiaofan slowly shook his head and said, "No, the injury on my body was not left to me by the plan, he hasn't had this ability yet."

"It comes from... the power of the Supreme God Zang!"

As soon as he said this, Ye Wuque's eyes flashed slightly.

"If I remember correctly, you shouldn't have entered the Supreme God's Treasure opened for the seventh time, right?"

When Ye Wuque had just entered the Supreme Realm, the seventh Supreme Divine Treasure had not yet ended, the gate of the Supreme Divine Treasure was closed, and the outside could not enter at all.

Neither King Ji Meng nor Wu Xiaofan entered.

Hearing this, Wu Xiaofan's eyes suddenly showed a strange color, as if he had recalled something incredible.

He seemed to have organized the language, and then he said to Ye Wuque: "As your Excellency said, the seventh time the Supreme Divine Treasure opened, I did not go in."

"But, on the day when King Jimeng was about to besiege me, I would have fallen into the urn. If it weren't for your Excellency, I would have already died."

"Later, I broke out, full of murderous intentions, and invited the king of Ji Meng to fight for life, and fight with him. King Ji Meng was also angrily and desperately shot."

"But just when our extreme duel, when the world exploded, an accident happened!"

There was a touch of shock and incredible in Wu Xiaofan's eyes!

"I saw a weird...rainbow!"

"Seven colors!"

"Refracted from one place inexplicably, and instantly enveloped Ye Wuque, and also enveloped King Ji Meng!"

"Then King Ji Meng and I were inexplicably swept away by this seven-color rainbow!"

"The only thing I could tell at the time was the direction in which the seven-color rainbow rolled, which seemed to be the direction where the Supreme God Treasure was!"

Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly.

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