Return of the War God

Chapter 5740: :Hiding the evil heart

He also clearly remembered that at that time he destroyed the branch of the banned ancient formation set up by King Ji Meng, and after solving the blood torment, he was ready to catch up with King Ji Meng directly, and wanted to weigh this supreme realm. The strength of the king in the domain.

Later, he did find the place where the two sides fought. It was a Grand Canyon, but when he arrived, there was no one there!

Whether it was King Ji Meng or Wu Xiaofan at the time, after his careful inspection of the battlefield, he found that it seemed to have disappeared inexplicably!

At that time, Ye Wuque still felt strange, why did so many big living people disappear suddenly inexplicably?

Now it seems that it is in line with Wu Xiaofan's statement at the moment.

"You mean, you and King Jimeng were caught by this mysterious rainbow...inside the Supreme God?"

Ye Wuque hit the nail on the head.

Wu Xiaofan took a deep breath and nodded: "Yes, we were involved in the Supreme God's Treasure. At that time, neither I nor King Ji Meng seemed to be imprisoned by some mysterious and terrifying ancient power, and could not move. , Can only be dragged deep, for a full half a day."

"After that, there was an amazing...discovery within it!"

"That's why I asked Lao Yin to invite you up specially."

"I owe your life!"

"There is nothing to repay, only with the amazing discovery and notification of this supreme **** hidden, to repay your life-saving..."

"Tianwu Keqing!"

At this moment, a sudden big drink sounded from outside, as if thunder was exploding!

Huh huh!

Several figures rushed in like lightning.

It can be clearly seen that Dahehou and Qianbing who were originally guarding the door were pushed in with helpless and aggrieved faces!

Eight figures with a powerful aura walked into the room, especially two of them, even the aura was above Dahehou.

This is the breath of... the king!

After the eight people entered the room, the whole room seemed to set off a wild storm, shaking everywhere.

The man headed by him has a vigorous temperament, one is middle-aged, and the other seems to be a man in his thirties.

As for the other five people, they are menopausal juniors, who seem to be under twenty years old.

After the eight people came in, their gazes fell on Ye Wuque, who stood holding his hand, especially the five juniors, their gazes were icy, suspicious, and vigilant.

The dresses of the eight people are not much different.

The body of the animal clothes is covered with a white dragon tattoo.

As for Wu Xiaofan, after seeing the appearance of these eight people, a smile that seemed helpless suddenly appeared on his face.

"Brother Bai Ze."

Wu Xiaofan spoke first and looked at the man in his thirties among the first two kings.

This man exudes the breath of a king, and his eyes are sharp, with the breath of a superior.

"Brother Tianwu!"

"Did you really bring this guy of unknown origin into the White Dragon clan?"

"Do you really want to believe in such a guy who doesn't know the roots? Tell him the news about the Supreme God?"

The man called "Brother Bai Ze" had a cold tone. For Wu Xiaofan, both sides seemed to be very familiar with each other.

The middle-aged man next to him kept his eyes fixed on Ye Wuque, with a cold look.

"Brother Bai Ze, I've said it countless times!"

"Your Excellency the God of War is my savior. Without him, I would have died long ago, and there would be no chance to see you again!"

"Saving grace must be reported!"

"This is the only way I can figure it out!"

Wu Xiaofan's voice also became firm.

"This is the same thing again! You are easy to be emotional!"

"That **** King Jimeng is like this, what's the result? You turn against each other, and he will besiege you in turn!"

"You haven't learned your lesson easily? You still believe in someone who doesn't know the foundation?"

Bai Zeman hates iron for not making steel, and he is also quite helpless.

"Furthermore, according to what you said, this guy is not saving you at all. It just helped a little bit and escaped. It is completely dependent on your own ability. What does it have to do with him?"

"As the so-called sake celebrity face wealth is touching, the secret hidden by the Supreme God, that is the crazily good luck for countless creatures in the entire Supreme Realm!"

"If this person has a bad heart, it will cause a catastrophe!"

"Besides, this person doesn't seem to be anything special, nothing special at all, but just a cat and a dog."

Bai Ze said louder and louder, and the whole room was shaking.

They looked at Ye Wuque's eyes more and more cold and suspicious, and that feeling seemed to have been bitten by a snake once and feared the ropes for ten years.

And from this Bai Ze's words, it seems to reveal a lot of amazing information!

King Ji Meng, who had been killed by Ye Wuque, had actually saved Wu Xiaofan's life? ?

But the two have turned against each other again?

Then there was the siege of King Jimeng? ?

"Brother Bai Ze!"

"Your Excellency the God of War is not a cat or a dog, he is now the most popular king in the entire supreme realm!"

"The strength is unpredictable!"

"His record is brilliant, you can't believe it!"

"Moreover, he is still my savior!"

Wu Xiaofan spoke directly, refuting that Bai Ze, with a low tone in his tone.

Bai Ze frowned suddenly!

Needless to say his relationship with Wu Xiaofan.

My life was saved by Wu Xiaofan at the time, and the two hit it off, and they became friends and comrades-in-arms who lived and died together.

But it is precisely because of this that he understands Wu Xiaofan incomparably.

He knows that Wu Xiaofan is too attached to friendship!

It’s too easy to trust others. As a good brother, he should guard Wu Xiaofan even more.

"Brother Tianwu!"

"I know that he is your savior, but there are many ways to repay your kindness. You just substitute this person into the Bailong clan, don't you think it is too dangerous?"

"And again, this guy looks...weak and pitiful!"

"You said he has a brilliant record? And he is a newcomer king who has just risen!"

"Hey! Do you believe it?"

"How can this be??"

"There are too many people who don't deserve to be named!"

"The more God this guy is said, the more problems there will be!"

"No one knows if he is concealing evil intentions, and what plots he has!"

Bai Ze seemed to be a sturdy man too, and at this moment he couldn't dispute it.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense!


This Bai Ze is the young patriarch of the Bailong clan who was once rescued by Wu Xiaofan.

He was full of doubts about Ye Wuque!

Together with the other members of the Bailong tribe, they all stared at Ye Wuque closely at this moment, their eyes full of unkindness and doubt.

The five juniors turned their eyes even more, revealing a touch of disdain.

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