Return of the War God

Chapter 5746: : Roaring heaven!


The space tunnel shone, and the power of space seemed to be a surging river starting to hit the void, tearing everything apart.

The broken little world quickly became blurred, as if frozen, and gradually faded away.

Ye Wuque stood in the space tunnel and kept walking forward. After a few dozen breaths, with a broken roar, the broken little world behind him completely disappeared.

Time and space have merged into a turbulent flow, disrupting everything.

Ye Wuque felt the world spin, as if he didn't know the time and space to which he would be teleported.

In this way, after drifting for about a quarter of an hour, Ye Wuque felt that everything around him seemed to stabilize again.

The aura of the ancient teleportation circle appeared again and was sensed by Ye Wuque.

Everything seems to be back on track!

Ye Wuque returned to the ancient teleportation circle once again.

"The breath of a big lizard..."

Next moment!

Ye Wuque sensed the road sign ahead, and the ancestor spirit of the White Dragon tribe had been calling anxiously to show Ye Wuque the way.

The sense of direction that was originally chaotic suddenly became clear.

The existence of the big lizard is like a target, giving the ancient teleportation circle a direction.

Ye Wuque stopped staying no longer, and continued to move forward with the power of the teleportation array.

The surrounding space-time turbulence is still appearing constantly, and Ye Wuque can see the teleportation circle swaying constantly, seeming to split again at any time.

However, it seems that the teleportation circle has stabilized a lot, although it kept shaking, it did not split again after all.

Until a certain moment...


The roar of the big lizard came from ahead!

With excitement and joy.

After Ye Wuque looked over, he found that the white lizard seemed to have changed at the moment.

The splendid brilliance enveloped it, and that brilliance exudes a strong atmosphere of ancient and nobleness!

"Dragon blood is boiling?"

Ye Wuque sensed this immediately.

At the same time, the true dragon bones in the Soul Space also changed once again!

"Is it almost there?"

A faint light flashed in Ye Wuque's eyes.

The true dragon bone has been changing, giving Ye Wuque some inexplicable instinct, wanting to come over and find out.

At this moment, as he got closer to the destination, the change brought by the real keel made Ye Wuque feel more intense!

It is strange.

This instinctive strong feeling seems to be not only related to the real keel, it seems that there are other...

The big white lizard was already inexplicably excited, and kept calling Ye Wuque.

In the passage of the ancient teleportation array, Ye Wuque was already getting closer and closer.

Seeing Ye Wuque approaching, the white lizard continued to move forward, and the brilliance from its whole body became more and more blazing!

That trace of dragon blood is constantly manifesting.

A faint ancient dragon power has already radiated out at this time, covering the entire passage of the ancient teleportation array, and it seems to be able to overwhelm all beings!

If it is replaced by any other creature here, I am afraid it will be unbearable at all!

The mighty dragon!

Is it something ordinary creatures can carry?

I am afraid that the body will be directly crushed!

But Ye Wuque had no influence at all.

He controls the full version of the True Dragon Emperor Art, and he has absorbed the Golden Emperor Dragon, and coupled with the true dragon bones in the Soul Space, to a certain extent, it is like the arrival of the supreme dragon!

As the big white lizard continued to advance, the ancient teleportation array began to fluctuate violently!

It seems that there is some kind of guidance in the dark, that is, the guidance of the dragon blood in the white lizard!

Suddenly, Ye Wuque clearly saw that a wall appeared in front of the ancient teleportation circle!

The ancient mottled, lying there, anyone who looks at it seems to be able to see in a daze.

But faintly, Ye Wuque seemed to see that this wall should only be partially revealed, so that people could see it.

The brilliance of the white lizard's body has been burned to the extreme at this time, and that trace of dragon blood is infinitely boiling!

Whoops... Whoops!

With a loud roar, the big white lizard roared up to the sky, and its voice was no longer just a strange roar, but really turned into a dragon chant.

In the next instant, it slammed into the wall directly!


At the moment of the collision, the wall suddenly rippled and spread the void, and then the roar of the large white lizard shook the world even more!

An incredible scene appeared, and a certain ancient radiance was vaguely reflected from within that wall.

It seemed that he felt the power of the big white lizard, resonated with it, and began to manifest its might.

Ye Wuque's eyes narrowed slightly!

"This is... the breath of the ancient dragon bloodline?"

He also sensed this breath and immediately distinguished it.

I saw a crack appeared in that wall at this moment, as if it was abruptly opened by some ancient force!

The big white lizard was so excited that he rushed to the crack and flew into it. At the same time, the ancient teleportation circle that enveloped Ye Wuque also immediately followed, and rushed into the crack with Ye Wuque.

An ancient, dead, vast, and mysterious aura hits your face instantly!

Ye Wuque felt as if he had traveled through time and space once again.

But the next moment, the world is dark, and what comes oncoming is an extremely rich...death!

The deathly icy cold, like the destruction of all things, all life here will die, there is no hope.

"It's like a restricted zone of life!"

Ye Wuque concentrated all his attention, concentrating on guard.

Through the ancient teleportation array, he saw that the heavens and the earth were all dim and pitch black, as if they were teleporting an icy infinite hell.

Only the white lizard in front of it soared, emitting a brilliant brilliance, illuminating the way forward.

"What the **** is this place?"

As it deepened, Ye Wuque could more clearly perceive the dead and cold breath, the feeling that all life seemed to belong to this place was constantly purged and boiled.

Suddenly, the large white lizard in front let out a vigilant roar, and its speed became slow, as if it had sensed some danger!

Through the ancient teleportation array, Ye Wuque came to the side of the big white lizard and looked forward coldly.

Between the originally pitch-black world, there was a roar at this moment, and then the fragmented sound continued to tremble!

The silence was broken, and the dust was flying.

Next moment!


A series of deadly horrible dragons resounded, and a series of huge phantoms seemed to be slowly standing up!

It's like roaring the sky!

The large white lizard had already issued a low roar at this moment, even with strong vigilance and fear.

In the ancient transmission channel, Ye Wuque looked forward at this moment.


I saw a strange flame suddenly lit up between the dark sky and the earth, showing a terrible green color, and it burst into flames instantly, illuminating the ten directions.

Ye Wuque narrowed his eyes slightly.

The masses of tragic green flames are huge, each of them is a million feet in size, and what is wrapped in them is unexpectedly strange and unpredictable, exuding an aura of extreme evil and destruction...

Bone Dragon!

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