Return of the War God

Chapter 5747: : Ah, this...


The evil and crazy dragon roar constantly bursts open, flooding the sky and the earth, making the scalp numb, unimaginable.

"Bone Dragon?"

Ye Wuque also had a faint strange color in his eyes at this moment.

As far as you can see, a skull dragon stands between the dark world. There is no flesh and blood on their bodies, only skeletons!

Bai Sensen's skeleton, with a blazing green flame on it.

In the area of ​​the eye sockets, two groups of flames were beating even more, as if their pupils, which exuded a cold and crazy color of killing.

The big white lizard flew across the void, looking at these bone dragons, roaring constantly, revealing deep fear.

Only Ye Wuque here, his complexion is calm, and he can't change the chaos.

"Dragons were once buried here? Their bones were transformed into these deadly bone dragons?"

Ye Wuque thoughtfully.

But after reading the bodies of these bone dragons, Ye Wuque immediately understood, and glanced at the big white lizard above the void.

"Like this big lizard, it is not a pure dragon, but only has a trace of dragon blood, so it looks strange and strange, only the dragon head is so similar."

Between heaven and earth, countless bone dragons seemed to perceive the existence of the large white lizard and Ye Wuque, and at this moment, they roared one by one!

The terrible green light soared into the sky, converging into a terrible light, which seemed to completely illuminate this place.

The pitch-black world is like a green hell.

But immediately, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly moved slightly, and he looked forward, finally revealing a faint vibration in his eyes!

Because of the bleak green flames soaring into the sky, the infinite depths were also illuminated, and Ye Wuque could clearly see that somewhere behind this skull dragon, there was a huge, pitch-black...big tomb!

The pitch-black tomb looms between the sky and the earth, like a huge mouth in the abyss, exuding waves full of death.

And what really shocked Ye Wuque was that he could even see a... dragon engraved on the surface of the pitch-black tomb!

Teeth and claws!

Roaring Void!

The whole body is black and gray, and the body is winding there like steel bars, and a pair of dark pupils seem to reflect infinite horrible light!

Obviously it is just a portrayal, but it seems that it will come alive at any time and rise to the sky.

At this moment, the real keel movement in Ye Wuque's soul space finally became a bit more violent!

"This should be a real pure-blood dragon!"

"It is completely different from these bone dragons, so it can cause the real dragon bones to change. In other words, this may be a...dragon tomb!"

Ye Wuque inferred.

He also understood, no wonder there are so many bone dragons here!

These bone dragons should be the guards of this dragon tomb. They exist to protect this dragon tomb.

The big white lizard roared into the void, and at this moment it seemed to have sensed the dragon tomb and let out a loud roar of excitement and desire.

"This big lizard is here for the dragon tomb. I'm afraid it should also be the place where it was born."

"In other words, it should have been a member of these bone dragons, but because of some years ago, for some reason, it broke away from here, and entered the supreme realm under the Karma Association, and encountered the White Dragon tribe. It was regarded as the ancestor spirit by the Bailong clan."

"Now because of my arrival, I feel the breath of the golden emperor dragon, and this has yielded to me and led me here. It seems that it wants to enter the dragon tomb...evolve..."

Ye Wuque had already guessed the ins and outs at this time, and finally understood the purpose of this big white lizard.

In the divine soul space, the real keel bones constantly surging, seeming to also point to the dragon tomb.

At this moment, the big white lizard looked at Ye Wuque and let out a low growl full of piety and expectation.

It was begging Ye Wuque, begging that Ye Wuque could take a shot and smooth these bone dragons, it simply couldn't do it with its own power.

Need Ye Wuque's help.

Ye Wuque did not comment, and once again looked at the bone dragons between heaven and earth, each skull dragon exuded a terrifying aura.

"Here, what place is it? It seems that there is more than this dragon tomb."

I looked farther away, but it was pitch black, I couldn't see anything clearly, and there seemed to be terrifying power flowing!

In addition, there seems to be a breath of time and space, which is daunting.

Ye Wuque withdrew his gaze, his thoughts moved, and his whole person suddenly walked out of the ancient teleportation formation, and fell straight to the center of the earth below.

The big white lizard seems to be stunned!

It didn't expect Ye Wuque to rush directly to the bone dragon's side here, this behavior is like looking for death!


Sure enough, the bone dragon roared in the next instant, one by one, like a madman, attacking Ye Wuque's seal.

The hideous and terrifying mouth opened, and it directly bite towards Ye Wuque. The terrible green flame covered the sky and the sun, as if it could burn everything and ingest the soul.

This is the horror of the bone dragon!

They can bite the soul and directly swallow the souls of creatures, which is terrifying.

"The strength of the eyebrow skull dragon is enough to be invincible than the gods. When so many are added together, it is densely packed, even if I deal with it, it will take a lot of hands and feet, and it seems to be immortal?"

Standing in the encircling circle of the bone dragon, Ye Wuque remained motionless and didn't panic at all.

Immediately, there was a faint radiance from his forehead, softly scattered, reflecting the void.


An indescribable majestic, ancient, noble, and mysterious dragon chant emanated from Ye Wuque's body in an instant!

Long Yin turned into easily visible rippling sound waves, and after sweeping away, it spread towards the limit in all directions.

The incredible scene appeared!

The crazy bone dragons that were still flaring their teeth and dancing claws moments before, after hearing the dragon's roar, one by one was struck by lightning.

As if he had been in the hold technique, he stopped all his attacks and stared blankly at the incomparable Ye Wuque.


Plop, plop!

A skull dragon just knelt down and lowered their hideous and terrifying heads, as if saluting Ye Wuque.

The big white lizard had already fallen from the void at this moment, and also saluted Ye Wuque, his body trembling, full of infinite awe!

It is as if the common people are worshipping the emperor above the top!

That comes from the memory in the essence of life, from the instinct in the blood!

This is the breath of... true dragon!

At this moment, the world is everywhere.

The bone dragon knelt on the ground.

Only Ye Wuque was independent.

The shining light from his forehead seemed to be a piece of white and flawless bone... a true keel!

Ye Wuque directly photographed the true keel, urging a trace of the ancient aura of the true keel, and directly frightened everything.

"Get out of the way."

Ye Wuque, standing with his hand in his hand, spoke lightly.


In an instant, countless bone dragons centered on Ye Wuque, moving quickly to the left and right, giving way to a road leading directly to the tomb of the dark dragon.

Ye Wuque walked directly to the Dragon Tomb.

Behind him is a trembling white lizard full of endless piety and awe.

Those bone dragons seemed to watch their emperor go away, still bowing there.

After a few breaths.

Ye Wuque stopped, and the dark dragon tomb was close at hand!

The real keel in the forehead seems to be beating!

"The dragons seem to like to build a tomb for themselves..."

Ye Wuque remembered that his true dragon bone was obtained from a golden curtain belonging to the golden dragon Aokun in the road of no return!

Now there is another dragon tomb in front of him.

"This should be one of the blood dragons."

Ye Wuque looked at the pitch-black dragon clan portrait of the tooth dancing claws, thoughtfully.

The entire Longmei presents a square appearance, with countless ancient brilliance shining on it, exuding an aura of infinite horror.

And it seems to be a whole body, all sealed.

Even if it was Ye Wuque here, after a while of observation at this moment, he felt a touch of thorny and danger.

As for the big white lizard, I was already scared to kneel!

A solemn and solemn meaning flashed in Ye Wuque's eyes... This pitch-black dragon tomb light is the entrance. It is definitely not simple. It seems that it cannot be opened at all. It is caged by countless terrifying forces...


The true keel that emerged from Ye Wuque's forehead suddenly throbbed and shone with a shining light, falling on the dragon tomb.


In the next instant, with a roar, the closed door of this sealed pitch-black dragon tomb opened slowly!

What guarding the prohibition, the ancient power, made Ye Wuque feel the thorny and dangerous moment before, as if it was a display at this moment, all of which had no effect.

Ye Wuque: ⊙_⊙;



Ah, this...

Immediately, under the infinite fanatical and adoring eyes of the big white lizard, Ye Wuque swaggered into the dragon tomb, leisurely as if strolling in his back garden.

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