Return of the War God

Chapter 5748: : People are more popular than people!

Inside the open gate, it was pitch black.

When Ye Wuque stepped in, he immediately felt a sense of coldness rushing toward his face!

It's like stepping into hell.

At the same time, an ancient and heavy horror dragon shrouded in mighty power, almost overwhelming everything.

"Heavy, rugged, and mighty as hell!"

"Such coercion is completely different from the general dragon clan..."

During Ye Wuque's walking, he could feel the horror of the remaining ancient Longwei, almost beyond imagination, and at the same time, he was aware of the specialness of this Longwei.

"Among the pure-blood dragons, there are also many different veins, and each vein is different. The ones buried in this dragon tomb should be of the dark type."

"If it weren't for this true keel, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to walk in at all."

At this moment, the radiance of Ye Wuque's forehead kept shining, and Ye Wuque was enveloped in it. This enabled him to walk freely in this terrifying dragon, without any hindrance at all.

After a slight pause, Ye Wuque had already seen clearly that as he progressed, the ground in all directions was not only covered with dust, but also covered with white bones, scattered all around, countless, making the scalp numb.

"The number of creatures buried here is beyond imagination!"

"If there is no real keel, this dragon tomb, with my current strength, would be too reluctant to come in, I would have to pay a huge price..."

Feeling the blessing power emanating from the real keel between his forehead, Ye Wuque also sighed with emotion.

The existence of true dragon bones and the mysterious effect possessed by this dragon tomb is simply a cheating device for all disadvantages!

Even the door of the tomb can be opened at will, what else can't be done?

But Ye Wuque was not surprised, after all, this true dragon bone came from the Golden Emperor Dragon, and what meaning the Golden Emperor Dragon represents for the entire dragon family, needless to say.


A low growl full of pain and panic came from behind, it was from the big white lizard.

It followed Ye Wuque into the dragon tomb, because it had a dragon bloodline and it was already boiling, so it could enter it, and it could resist the ancient dragon power remaining here, but as it got deeper and deeper, it finally couldn't hold it anymore. NS.

It uttered a painful growl, and it seemed that it was almost impossible to move at the moment.

After all, this is the tomb of a pure-blood dragon, for it, this is a kind of essential coercion on the bloodline!

Ye Wuque turned his head and glanced at the big white lizard, his eyes moved slightly, and the radiance of his forehead suddenly brightened.

Just like ripples, the shining light spreads out into the void, and the big white lizard is also wrapped in it at this moment.

In an instant, the big white lizard suddenly emerged from the water like a drowning creature, panting violently!

It was originally a certain kind of spirit body, but now, the ancient dragon can still suppress it, but fortunately, the power of the real dragon bone saved it.

"Thank you... Your honor..."

The big white lizard made a vague sound again, and it couldn't help but kowtow to Ye Wuque again.

The whole body was shining brightly, making the white lizard feel as if his life had been sublimated in some way!

Ye Wuque continued to move forward, and the big white lizard hurriedly followed.


Along the way, Ye Wuque felt that there seemed to be a lot of weird resentful spirit powers in all directions, and he uttered terrible roars, constantly rushing towards them, to kill them.

However, under the protection of the shining radiance of the true keel, Ye Wuque and the large white lizard were unharmed, and those resentful spirits had no chance to approach them and evaporate directly on the spot.

Finally, at the end of Ye Wuque's gaze, a huge square slowly appeared at this moment.

Everywhere on the square, there were many statues.

Even if Ye Wuque saw these statues at the moment, a shock flashed in his eyes.

These statues are all dragons!

Each statue is about ten thousand meters in size, and stands there, all in the shape of a black dragon.

Its appearance is exactly the same as the depiction on the wall of the previous tomb.

It's just that the shape of the black dragon on each statue is different!

"A total of 108 statues..."

Ye Wuque's spirit power spread out, covering every black dragon statue at this moment, feeling the cold luster emanating from it.

at the same time!

He had already noticed that there were countless floating corpses under almost every black dragon statue!

The bones were piled up, and it was shocking.

It's weird. There are no bones in the rest of the vacant place in the square. Only the 108 statues are densely covered.


Suddenly, Ye Wuque's mind moved, and he looked at the 108 statues again, and an unexpected light gradually poured out of his eyes.

"I see…"

His eyesight is extremely amazing, and he is also equipped with the full version of the True Dragon Emperor Art. At this time, he feels carefully and observes.

I immediately discovered the difficulty of these one hundred and eight statues!

Inside, there is a magical power hidden in it!

Dragon supernatural powers!

In other words, it was a dragon supernatural power left behind by the black dragon. It was born in a pure-blooded dragon family, and the dragon family inheritance on it was naturally unquestionable, powerful and unpredictable.

Leave these one hundred and eight statues behind and hide that magical power in them. If anyone can comprehend it from them, he can obtain this magical power.

For the world's creatures, a powerful supernatural power of the pure-blood dragon is simply a world-shaking great fortune!

Enough to drive countless creatures crazy.

Therefore, anyone who enters this dragon tomb, can walk here, and finds these one hundred and eight statues, will definitely find this opportunity, how can you miss it?

"There is no free lunch..."

Ye Wuque glanced across the 108 black dragon statues, his eyes flickered, revealing an inexplicable smile.

The power of the true dragon bones is everywhere, and with the power of Ye Wuque's soul, he can easily see that the one hundred and eight black dragon statues are weird!

The pure-blooded black dragon did leave this dragon clan's magical opportunity hidden in the statue, but besides that, it also deliberately planted various traps.

In other words, only creatures with the blood of the dragon can safely comprehend magical powers from the statue.

The rest of the creatures will only fall deep into it, engage in their own madness, and finally die in madness!

The bones all over the floor are the best evidence.

"However, even if these creatures know that there is something wrong with the statue, I am afraid they will still choose to comprehend without hesitation..."

"After all, not many creatures can refuse a great supernatural power left by the pure blood dragon clan..."

After sighing again, Ye Wuque stopped staying, and under the protection of the true dragon bones, he swaggered through the square like this, no longer looking at the 108 statues.

The dragon supernatural power left by the black dragon?

For Ye Wuque, who had a true dragon bone and obtained the full version of True Dragon Emperor Art, this magical power was of no use to him at all.

The true dragon emperor art is far from being fully understood. Will he go to understand the magical powers of a black dragon?

Is the black dragon supernatural power better than the true dragon emperor spell?

It's simply abandoning everything!

Click, click!

Ye Wuque kept stepping on some scattered skeletons, and continued forward without turning his head.

this moment.

The bones all over the ground are in sharp contrast with Ye Wuque!

The black dragon supernatural power that attracted countless creatures, buried countless creatures, and made countless creatures crazy, but didn't even have the qualification to let Ye Wuque take a look at it, and didn't have any interest at all.

I have to say that people are better than people, really annoying!

At this moment, after passing through the square, Ye Wuque looked straight ahead, the dark hall that was slowly towering!

The real dragon bones in Ye Wuque's forehead throbbed when he saw that hall!


The source of the abnormal movement of the true keel is within this pitch-black hall.

In addition, Ye Wuque at this moment suddenly felt a whim.

"In this pitch-black hall, there really seems to be a good chance for me...?"

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered.

There was something strange in his heart, because he was vaguely certain that this opportunity seemed to have nothing to do with the dragon clan or the dragon tomb itself.

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