Return of the War God

Chapter 5749: :good fortune!

This feeling made Ye Wuque even more incredible and curious.

But now that he has reached this point, he will naturally find out and figure it out.

The dark hall in front of you stood quietly there.

And here, it should be the deepest part of the end of this dragon tomb, and you can only see it after walking to the end of the square.

This is Ye Wuque, who is always guarded by the power of true dragon bones. If he were replaced by ordinary creatures, he would never reach the end of the square.

The black dragon that left this large tomb is not a fuel-efficient lamp, it must be an unimaginable murderer!

This tomb should have been its resting place after death, and the palace in front of it was the last place.

Will the black dragon allow later creatures to break into its tomb, break into the hall of its scene, and **** it away? Make it restless after death?

Unless it is the blood of the dragon!

Therefore, many terrifying dragon methods have already been deployed on this entire square.

Similar to all kinds of prohibitions, but also a terrifying remnant soul was planted!

Not surprisingly, it should be Dragon Soul!

Fierce and unparalleled, countless will not kill!

The terrifying power of its surging surging made Ye Wuque feel a kind of scalp numbness.

Obviously, the black dragon is scheming. Although it has left behind the 108 statues, creatures outside the bloodline of the dragon can't understand it.

However, there was an invincible Tianjiao who possessed shocking aptitude and terrifying insight, and his abrupt comprehension succeeded and broke its layout.

Therefore, in the square, a second back move was left.

It can be certain that the Tianjiao who can successfully comprehend the magical powers of the dragon will not miss the last hall, and will definitely be tempted to walk to the other side of the square.

At that time, it was tantamount to looking for death by oneself!

There is no way to leave here again.


At this time, in all directions, the square has already rolled up an endless storm of terror, and there is also a dragon's voice in it, full of earth-shaking resentment!

You can even see the dragon soul in it, roaring and roaring, destroying the world and destroying the earth.

It stands to reason that everything within the scope of the storm will be strangled into nothingness, even dust.


Yingying shining all over the ten directions, Ye Wuque, standing in the radiance, and the white lizard who have been following closely behind him, at this moment, are unscathed in this terrifying storm.

They seem to be standing in another world, unaffected by the terror storm!

True keel, surrender everything.

This scene was shocked by the big white lizard, and the eyes that looked at Ye Wuque's back were filled with indescribable awe and enthusiasm.

Taking another step, Ye Wuque walked towards the deepest dark hall.

Along the way, Ye Wuque also noticed the various restrictions placed in all directions, exuding horrible fluctuations.

Outside the pitch-black hall, Ye Wuque stopped.

The main hall is close at hand!

The gate of the temple was closed tightly, and it was covered with all kinds of restrictions. The danger was even more terrible than the entrance of the tomb.

What is desperate enough is that it can be easily seen that the gate of the main hall has been completely... sealed!

Because of emotion and reason, it couldn't be opened at all, and the black dragon didn't leave any passages to enter it.

All the ancient prohibitions have all been combined with the pitch black hall, exuding terrifying power.

"In other words, once an external force wants to forcefully open this door, even if it succeeds, it will detonate the entire dragon tomb at the moment of success!"

"Even if the entire dragon tomb will instantly turn into nothingness, and the place of its own resting place will be annihilated, this black dragon will never allow anyone to enter this hall..."

Ye Wuque's eyes burned.

And the big white lizard is already trembling!

"Be careful... be careful..."

It uttered a trembling whisper, reminding Ye Wuque that the dragon blood in his body was about to explode!

Ye Wuque's complexion was calm, and the burning meaning in his eyes had calmed down at this moment.


The real keel in the forehead was energized again at this moment, and saw the white brilliance as if boiling, turning into visible ripples to the naked eye and rushing directly to the closed palace door.

Yingying brilliance illuminates this place instantly.

I saw where the glory passed, those ancient restrictions were as if the son had met his father, there was no response, and there was a dead silence.

Collapsed in place.

All the ancient restrictions on the entire pitch-black hall, under the power of the true dragon bones, seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

The so-called self-destruction prohibition has no effect!


In the next instant, the gate of the palace, which was completely sealed, opened in place under the power of the true keel!

In an instant, the dust was aroused, sweeping away the void.

When the two hall doors were completely opened, the situation in the hall was finally revealed, and a soft light faintly radiated from them.

Ye Wuque didn't hesitate. Under the protection of the true dragon bone, he walked in directly, and the white lizard hurriedly followed.

The moment they stepped into the hall!

When Ye Wuque saw everything in the hall clearly, a shock flashed in his eyes!

The whole hall is empty and high, almost empty!

Only in the center, two huge figures stood tall!

Each is extremely tall!

Those are two... skeletons!

It stands tall, utterly empty, and motionless, as if frozen in the years.

The skeleton on the left, hovering in the void, with giant claws gripping the ground, even if there is no flesh and blood, only the skeleton is left, it still exudes an unparalleled thick, rugged, and incomparable breath of power like a prison!

"The skeleton of the black dragon?"

Ye Wuque realized it immediately.

The huge skeleton in front of me is the owner of this dragon tomb. It has fallen, but this skeleton is left behind.


At this moment, the true dragon bones between Ye Wuque's forehead throbbed for no reason, and unexpectedly took the initiative to fly out, flying towards the head of the black dragon skeleton!

And the big white lizard was also very excited at this time, and the blood of the dragon clan was boiling all over!

As if subconsciously, it also flew towards the black dragon skeleton.

But at the moment!

Ye Wuque's sight was no longer focused on the black dragon skeleton, but fell on the right side of the black dragon skeleton, the same upright skeleton!

The pupils shrank slightly!

There was a deep shock in Ye Wuque's eyes.

The skeleton of this right arm is a...great ape!

The great ape stepped on the ground and roared up to the sky.

Even if only the skeleton is left, there is no flesh and blood, but it still exudes the meaning of fighting the heavens and the earth, endless and unyielding madness.

Two skeletons, one on the left and the other on the right.

Presenting a fighting posture!

That kind of brutality and madness is beyond doubt.

Even if they die, the black dragon and the great ape will fight endlessly!


At this moment, Ye Wuque's whole body trembled suddenly, and behind him, a giant ape phantom roaring up to the sky was born, breaking the dead silence here.

Ye Wuque's eyes were like a knife, and it was hot inside!

His eyes fell on the head of the giant ape skeleton, where there seemed to be some mysterious brilliance shining!

It seems to reflect and resonate with myself.


Everything is understood!

With the help of real keel bones in this dragon tomb, the chance to react with oneself on a whim is not the black dragon skeleton, but the giant ape skeleton!


It’s not yourself that resonates with the giant ape’s skeleton, but what you control...three-headed six-armed supernatural power!

"In the head of this great ape, it seems, seems...hidden is one of the key fortunes that can make the three-headed and six-armed magical powers go further!"

In the dark, Ye Wuque had already felt at this moment, and his body was boiling, and his heart instantly became hot.

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